The Straw Hat Grand Fleet was formed towards the end of Dressrosa. The members of the Grand Fleet swore their loyalty to Luffy and vowed to help him in the time of need. The Straw Hat Grand Fleet currently has seven members: Bartolomeo, Cavendish, Orlumbus, Don Sai, Ideo, Hajrudin, and Leo.

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All seven members are rather well-known throughout the One Piece world. However, there has been a lot of theorizing that more characters are gonna join the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Back at Marineford, Mihawk said Luffy's greatest asset is his power to attract people to join him. Mihawk called it "the most terrifying power," and it is pretty obvious that Luffy is going to meet a lot more people and they could end up joining the Grand Fleet. Here are five characters who might join the Grand Fleet and 5 who won't.

Updated by George Voutiritsas on October 19th, 2021: Luffy may not want the Grand Fleet's help, but they will be incredibly useful allies in future battles. The Grand Fleet has already achieved some level of notoriety, and it will gain more once others join it— but no matter how strong the Fleet becomes, there will always be characters who will refuse to join it.  

15 Will Join: Carrot Will Probably Lead The Mink Portion Of The Grand Fleet

carrot winking one piece

Carrot has been with the Straw Hats for a long time now, and a lot of fans adore her because she is one of the series' most wholesome characters. At this point, Carrot is already an honorary member of the Straw Hats, but she will likely return to Zou with the rest of the Mink Tribe after Wano is liberated.

Carrot is a ferocious fighter, especially when she enters her Sulong form. Luffy and his crew helped the Mink Tribe when they fought off Jack, and they still feel indebted to them. The Minks will undoubtedly join the Grand Fleet, and when they do, Carrot will probably be their commander.

14 Won't Join: Buggy Is A Coward Who Hates Luffy

Buggy & Luffy Screaming In Impel Down

Buggy may have been a member of the legendary Roger Pirates, but he is a coward who also happens to be one of the series' most immature characters. He ate the Bara Bara no Mi, and it allows him to split his body into pieces. So far, he cannot use any form of Haki.

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Buggy does not mind taking advantage of Luffy's naïve personality, but he hates him none the less. Buggy has hated him ever since the Straw Hat captain defeated him in Orange Town. If Buggy has no interest in joining forces with Shanks, then there is no way he will join a fleet dedicated to helping Luffy.

13 Will Join: Dragon Will Likely Help His Son

Monkey D. Dragon-The Leader Of The Revolutionary Army

Monkey D. Dragon is considered to be the world's worst criminal because he leads the Revolutionary Army that wishes to overthrow the World Government. He also happens to be Luffy's father. Luffy has never actually met his father, but Dragon rescued him from Smoker in Loguetown.

No one knows if Dragon possesses a Devil Fruit or Haki, but it is clear that he is a strong individual. It looks as though the World Government will try to stop Luffy from reaching the final island, and when that time comes, Dragon will probably take his army to fight alongside Luffy's allies.

12 Won't Join: Rob Lucci Is Too Devoted To The Celestial Dragons

Rob Lucci dark expression and Charlos One Piece

Rob Lucci may not be the series' smartest villain, but he is still a villain who took Luffy to his limit. Lucci possesses the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard, which allows him to become a human-leopard hybrid. Lucci was CP9's top assassin, and after losing to Luffy at Enies Lobby, he got promoted to CP0.

Lucci has no love for Luffy, and he is still attempting to have Nico Robin captured. His loyalty is to the World Government and the World Nobles, which means that there is no chance of him ever joining the Straw Hat Grand Fleet voluntarily.

11 Will Join: Boa Hancock Is In Love With Luffy

Boa Hancock, The Pirate Empress Of Amazon Lily in One Piece.

Boa Hancock is a former Shichibukai and one of the strongest characters in the series. She is the captain of the Kuja Pirates and the ruler of Amazon Lily. Boa Hancock is capable of using all three types of Haki, which makes her part of a very small and elite group of pirates.

She possesses the Mero Mero no Mi, which allows her to use the emotions of perversion. This allows Boa to turn living and non-living things to stone. Boa loves Luffy and now that the Shichibukai no longer exist, there is literally nothing stopping her from joining the Grand Fleet.

10 Won't Join: Dracule Mihawk Doesn't Seem Interested In Joining Other Pirate Crews

One Piece's Mihawk unsheathing a dagger.

Known as the "Strongest Swordsman in the World," Mihawk is one of the top tier characters in the series. He has the all-black blade called Yoru. He used to be rivals with Shanks before Shanks lost his arm. Mihawk's only goal in life is to fight strong people and he is expecting Zoro to provide him a challenge at some point in the future.

Mihawk doesn't seem interested in having a crew and he is probably the only Shichibukai, who was happy that the organization was dissolved. Even though he respects Luffy's determination, he probably won't join the Grand Fleet.

9 Will Join: Marco Will Bring In The Remnants of The Whitebeard Pirates

Marco As A Doctor On Sphinx Island

The Whitebeard Pirates were left utterly humiliated after Marineford when the Blackbeard Pirates led by Marshall D. Teach dethroned them from the status of Yonko. After Whitebeard's death, the Whitebeard Pirates were led by the first division commander, Marco, but they disbanded after losing to Blackbeard in a revenge war.

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Nekomamushi found Marco in Whitebeard's home village and tried to convince him to join the fight against Kaido. He may have been a bit late, but Marco did show up to help Luffy and his friends, and he brought Izou. Izou is a Wano native and a former Whitebeard Commander, and if he sees Marco join the grand fleet, he and the other Whitebeard remnants might follow suit.

8 Won't Join: Donquixote Doflamingo Is Evil, Humiliated & Imprisoned

doflamingo in one piece

The main antagonist of Dressrosa, Doflamingo is a man with many secrets. Doflamingo has an interesting past, and he is one of the few people who have seen both the best and worst of life. He can also be considered one of the most evil characters in One Piece.

He has no regard for the lives of other people except his family members, and after being defeated by Luffy, he was left humiliated. There is no way he will ever help Luffy to become the Pirate King, and even if he wanted to, he is currently a prisoner in Impel Down.

7 Will Join: Charlotte Katakuri Has An Admiration For Luffy

The Conclusion Of Luffy Vs Katakuri

Katakuri is the strongest Sweet Commander of the Big Mom Pirates. He was involved in a major tussle versus Luffy at Whole Cake Island. Katakuri possesses a special paramecia type devil fruit known as Mochi Mochi no Mi, and he has successfully awakened it.

Katakuri has plenty of incredible feats to his name. He had a record of being undefeated until he faced Luffy. Katakuri's admiration for Luffy grew throughout their fight. Luffy and Katakuri both respect each other and if Big Mom falls during the Wano Arc, it is very likely that Katakuri might ally with Luffy.

6 Won't Join: Enel Has A God Complex

Enel during One Piece's Skypiea arc

Enel is the former God of Skypeia, and he has not appeared since Luffy defeated him. He has the power of the Goro Goro no Mi, which is one of the strongest Logia Devil Fruits because it allows him to create, manipulate, and transform into lightning.

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The reason that he won't join the Grand Fleet is pretty simple and that is because of his God complex. He won't be willing to join Luffy, whom he considers to be inferior. Enel will likely make a return sometime in the future, but it is very unlikely that his demeanor has changed.

5 Will Join: Crocodile Has Already Joined Forces With His Former Enemy

A close-up of Crocodile from One Piece, who has a groaning expression

Crocodile was the first Shichibukai that Luffy faced and to this date, he remains the only character who has defeated Luffy twice. Crocodile has the Suna Suna no Mi, that grants him the power to control sand. Despite their differences, Luffy and Crocodile have already teamed up once at Marineford.

Crocodile even prevented the execution of Ace. He is somewhere in the New World right now and he definitely seems to be a character who still has a part to play in the series. It won't be all that surprising if he joins the Grand Fleet in the future.

4 Won't Join: Aokiji Has Already Allied Himself With Blackbeard

Admiral Aokiji from One Piece

Former Admiral of the Marines, Aokiji is different from most of his former compatriots. He believes in "Lazy Justice," which is unlike most Marines. Aokiji left the Marines after he lost his fight against Akainu.

The biggest surprise is that he joined the Blackbeard Pirates. It was quite shocking considering Blackbeard is a notorious pirate. It just doesn't feel right that Aokiji is working for Blackbeard, even though he might be on some type of undercover mission. Either way, chances are he won't be joining another pirate alliance anytime soon.

3 Will Join: Bon Clay & Luffy Have A Great Relationship

Luffy & Bon Clay Hugging It Out

Bon Clay started off as an enemy of the Straw Hats, but he has gone on to help them quite a few times since then. He helped the Straw Hats to escape from Hina, and he had seemingly sacrificed himself in order for Luffy to escape from Impel Down and save Ace.

Luffy respects Bon Clay and considers him to be a friend, and he will never forget what Clay did for him. Bon Clay is currently the new queen of Newkama Land in Impel Down, and if he and his allies escape, there is a good chance that they will join the Grand Fleet.

2 Won't Join: As A Loyal Marine, Smoker Would Never Join A Pirate Fleet

Marine Vice Admiral Smoker during One Piece's Punk Hazard arc

Endowed with the power of the Moku Moku no Mi, Smoker has risen through the ranks quickly. He has been chasing Luffy for quite some time now and he hasn't been successful at all. However, he doesn't completely detest Luffy as seen many times.

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Smoker knows that Luffy is not the kind of pirate who enjoys pillaging and torture, but he still considers him to be an enemy because he is a Marine who has dedicated his life to getting rid of pirates. This is why he will do everything in his power to stop Luffy rather than help him.

1 Will Join: Momonosuke Will Bring Wano's Samurai Into The Fleet

momonosuke oden, The Rightful Leader Of Wano

Kozuki Momonosuke is Oden's son, which means that he is the rightful ruler of Wano Country. Momonosuke first met Luffy when he was just a child, but thanks to Shinobu's Devil Fruit, he has matured 28 years. He ate an Artificial Devil Fruit which allows him to transform into a dragon like Kaido.

Momonosuke and Luffy have become friends, and when Wano is free from Kaido and Orochi, the Straw Hats will be viewed as heroes. Wano will repay the Straw Hats in the future, and it will be Momonosuke leading the country alongside the rest of the Grand Fleet.

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