In order to curb the ever-growing number of pirates, the Marines have been trying harder than ever. Ever since Gol D. Roger started the Great Pirate Era, the Marines have been struggling to keep the pirates in check. There are only a few Marines, who are capable of going up against strong pirates.

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One such Marine is Smoker. Smoker ate the Moku Moku no Mi, which gave him control over smoke. Smoker uses his devil fruit in various ways. He is definitely one of the most promising characters in One Piece and he will no doubt become an important character in the future.


Monkey D. Garp is the legendary Marine, who went up against the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Among the Marines, Garp's feats are unparalleled. Garp could crush mountains with his bare fists. His involvement in the God Valley incident gave him legendary status. Garp's insane haki is no doubt his biggest weapon and Smoker would not be able to survive his Haki based attacks. So, it should be an easy win for Garp.


Vice-Admiral Momonga looking serious

Momonga is a vice-admiral and he's probably one of the more interesting Marines. He is very pragmatic and he takes care not to tarnish the names of the Marines. He has no devil fruit, but he is capable of using Haki. Momonga can also use Rokushiki as we have already in the series. However, Momonga is not even close to Smoker's level as a fighter.


Sengoku ending the Summit War at Marineford in One Piece.

Sengoku is the former Fleet Admiral of the Marines. After the Paramount War, Sengoku left his position as the Fleet Admiral. Sengoku possesses Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu, which is a mythical zoan type.

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Sengoku was able to beat the members of the Blackbeard Pirates quite easily. Also, Sengoku is the only Marine who has all three types of Haki. He can easily get the better of Smoker.


Tsuru joined the Marines at the same time as Garp and Sengoku. She has shown that she is capable of taking on several pirates at once. However, unlike her compatriots, Tsuru has no notable feats to her name. Smoker has grown really strong over the years and he will no doubt triumph over Tsuru.


Akainu is the current Fleet Admiral of the Marines. He is arguably the strongest Marine right now. Akainu possesses the Magu Magu no Mi, which allows him to control magma at will. Akainu is ruthless and he doesn't forgive anyone who interferes with justice as shown at Marineford. There is a vast difference between the power of Akainu and Smoker, and if Smoker has got any sense, he'd best not fight him.


Vergo vs smoker

Vergo was a Navy vice-Admiral. He was actually a member of the Donquixote Pirates. Doflamingo had asked him to infiltrate the Navy in order to provide him with intel.

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Vergo was a haki monster and Doflamingo was confident that he would have beaten Law. When Smoker fought Vergo, Smoker's main aim was to get back Law's heart. Furthermore, Smoker has become more powerful and it is obvious that he's stronger than Vergo.


Marine Admiral Kizaru using his Devil Fruit in One Piece.

Kizaru is one of the three Admirals. He possesses the Pika Pika no Mi, which grants complete control over light. He is undoubtedly the fastest character in the series. Kizaru's attacks are pretty powerful as well. He was able to beat several Supernovas on his own. So far only Rayleigh and Marco have managed to keep him at bay. Smoker would struggle to fight Kizaru, and the winner of the fight is pretty obvious.


Koby, the up-and-coming Marine Captain, during One Piece post-time skip.

Koby joined the Marines after Luffy saved him from Alvida. Then Koby trained under Garp, and rose through the ranks. He is currently a Navy Captain with plenty of room for improvement. There are rumors that Koby is going to fight against Boa Hancock, but it is very obvious that he's not ready for such a challenge. Smoker is above Koby in every aspect.


Fujitora using a transponder snail during the Dressrosa arc in One Piece

Fujitora is one of the newest members of the Marines. He joined the Marines via the World Military Draft. Fujitora is a Navy Admiral and he possesses Zushi Zushi no Mi, which allows Fujitora to control gravity. With his devil fruit, Fujitora can even bring down meteors from the sky. If Fujitora wanted, he could have easily beaten Doflamingo and freed Dressrosa. Doflamingo ruthlessly beat Smoker at Punk Hazard, so it's pretty obvious what would happen if Smoker fought Fujitora. Smoker is not quite on the same level as Fujitora and it will take him a lot of time before he can manage to fight on equal footing with him.


The final character on the list is Helmeppo. Helmeppo was originally an antagonist, but he was sent to the Marines. Like Koby, Helmeppo trained under Monkey D. Garp. Helmeppo's training allowed him to become a proper Marine. He can fight against small fry, but against big names, he will struggle. Also, Helmeppo is a coward and when he knows he can't beat a certain person, he will avoid him.

NEXT: One Piece: 5 Supernovas Stronger Than Urouge (& 5 Who Are Weaker)