This article contains spoilers for the Wano Country arc and minor spoiler for the Egghead Island arc.

A good power system has become a must in any shonen series. Some fan-favorite power systems include chakra from Naruto, nen from Hunter x Hunter, or quirks from My Hero Academia. While many of these are the result of careful planning to create complex yet tangible battles, there aren't many that are as full of personality and zaniness as the Devil Fruits from One Piece.

Devil Fruits are magical fruits that grant their eater powers — such as the ability to control gravity, revive from the dead, or become mochi — at the cost of being unable to swim. However, not every Devil Fruit is born equal, and some are clearly superior to others when it comes to combat prowess.

Updated on January 30, 2024, by Xandalee Joseph: One Piece's Wano Country Arc has finally ended, and the Egghead Island arc has begun. As Oda's epic tale enters its final saga, new Devil Fruits have been introduced, putting other fruits and their abilities into perspective.

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34 Bonney's Age-Age Fruit Is More Powerful & Important Than Fans Realize At First



Current User

Jewelry Bonney

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Every One Piece Main Character's Age
One Piece features many key characters vying for the titular treasure, and these individuals greatly vary in age.

Though Jewelry Bonney was first introduced during the Sabaody Archipelago arc, fans learned more about her Devil Fruit in the Egghead Island arc. Bonney is more powerful than fans anticipated as her paramecia type Age-Age Fruit allows her to manipulate her age, the age of others, and objects. This ability has been particularly beneficial to Bonney as she is a pirate and a former World Government hostage. Bonney constantly alternates between future and past versions of herself to remain unrecognizable to those who seek to capture her.

As explicated by the Five Elders, Bonney has more freedom with her Devil Fruit than most. Chapter 1103 of the manga reveals that the fruit allows "you to transform into any future, but the more you know of reality, the narrower your future possibilities become." Meaning, a huge part of Bonney's abilities are reliant on her imagination – reality, doubt, and fear hinder her transformations. Still, this can be easily overcome. Bonney has proven that this fruit weakens and confuses her enemies immensely.

33 The Revive-Revive Fruit Gives The User A Second Chance At The Life

Brook uses his new Soul Solid sword in One Piece



Current User


The Grand Line is home to countless Devil Fruits, but few are as strange as the Revive-Revive Fruit. Wielded by Brook of the Straw Hat Pirates, this Paramecia-type Devil Fruit strengthens the soul of its user to the point that they are granted a second chance at life.

Although the Revive-Revive Fruit's powers remained dormant until Brook passed away from disease, it ultimately guided the Humming Swordsman's soul back to his corporeal form. In addition, the Devil Fruit also granted Brook the ability to manipulate his soul in various manners, making it extremely helpful in a variety of situations.

32 The Snake-Snake Fruit, Model: Yamata-no-Orochi Gives Its User Many Lives

During One Piece, Orochi surrounds Komurasaki with his multiple snake heads



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Former User

Kurozumi Orochi

Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruits are among the rarest in One Piece, and they almost always grant unique abilities in addition to the normal effects of their Zoan transformations. Such is the case for the Snake-Snake Fruit, Model: Yamata-no-Orochi, which effectively affords its user eight lives — one for each of its serpentine heads.

The Snake-Snake Fruit, Model: Yamata-no-Orochi was eaten by Kurozmi Orochi, who used the Devil Fruit to escape death numerous times. However, after his last remaining head was severed by Denjiro, the Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit presumably returned to circulation.

31 The Barrier-Barrier Fruit Is Indestructible

Bartolomeo using the Barrier-Barrier Devil Fruit in One Piece.



Current User


Former User

Kurozumi Semimaru

The Barrier-Barrier Fruit gets major points for nearly making its user indestructible. Based on a Japanese children's gesture where one crosses their fingers to create a ward, the Barrier-Barrier fruit grants its user, Bartolomeo, a single, indestructible plane when he makes the motion.

Unlike other strong Devil Fruits that grant similar qualities of invincibility, the barrier created by the Barrier-Barrier Fruit can take a variety of shapes and sizes. Barto used this power to win a battle royale while standing still and even created a giant wall to bulldoze a large mass of enemies. He's undeniably the most dangerous Monkey D. Luffy fan in the world.

30 The Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Leopard Doesn't Have A Specific Weakness

Rob Lucci vs Monkey D. Luffy in One Piece's Enies Lobby arc



Current User

Rob Lucci

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How to Succeed in Modern Shonen Jump
Shonen Jump has a cutthroat business practice of axing underperforming series early in their run. Luckily, there are strategies for avoiding the axe.

When Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates launch their assault on Enies Lobby, the World Government mobilizes several of its strongest soldiers to foil their plans. Chief among these soldiers is the strongest assassin in CP9 history, Rob Lucci. With his Devil Fruit, the Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Leopard, Lucci can transform into a human-leopard hybrid, increasing his offensive capabilities.

All Zoan-type Devi Fruit significantly enhance the physical abilities of their user. Lucci is no exception. His ruthless personality and exceptional use of the Six Powers rocketed him up the ranks of CP9, but his possession of the Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Leopard is what truly makes him an elite assassin.

29 The Clear-Clear Fruit Is A Highly Coveted Fruit For Many Reasons

Shiryu is about to consume the Clear-Clear Fruit in One Piece post-time skip.



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Former User


Few abilities pose as much of a direct threat as invisibility. Although One Piece's Observation Haki limits its benefit, the Clear-Clear Fruit and its respective powers are still among the series' most desirable commodities. First wielded by Absalom, this Devil Fruit and its powers of invisibility eventually fall into the dastardly hands of the Blackbeard Pirates.

The Clear-Clear Fruit's new user, Shiryu, is an extremely adept swordsman, making him a massive threat now that he is armed with the ability to strike from the shadows. However, only time will tell if its effects are ultimately negated by skilled Haki usage.

28 The Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Brachiosaurus Makes The User A Giant

Sanji Vs A Transformed Queen On Onigashima In one Piece



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Kaido's crew, the Beast Pirates, are almost exclusively composed of Zoan-type Devil Fruit users, including their three strongest soldiers, the All-Stars. Queen, the second-strongest member of Kaido's crew, uses the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Brachiosaurus, allowing him to transform into a half-human, half-dinosaur hybrid at will.

Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruits are even stronger than traditional Zoan-type Devil Fruits. Accordingly, Queen's durability and strength surpass almost every single other member of the Beast Pirates, speaking to his status as one of the strongest pirates in the New World.

27 The Swamp-Swamp Fruit Can Absorb Anything

One Piece: Caribou Kidnapping Mermaids By Trapping Them In His Swamp Powers



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10 One Piece Cover Stories The Anime Should've Covered
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Even the weakest Logia-type Devil Fruits are dangerous against most opponents, so despite the Swamp-Swamp Fruit's relative lack of offensive capabilities, it's still a force to be reckoned with. Its user, Caribou, accumulated a bounty of 210 million Berries before reaching Sabaody Archipelago, due in large part to his reliance on his Devil Fruit.

The Swamp-Swamp Fruit is capable of transforming its user into a half-earth, half-water substance that functions similarly to quicksand. As evidenced by Caribou, opponents without Haki are extremely susceptible to the effects of the Logia-type Devil Fruit.

26 The Smoke-Smoke Fruit Makes The User Untouchable

Smoker in One Piece



Current User


Generally, side characters and Devil Fruits introduced during One Piece's East Blue Saga become fairly irrelevant by the later events of the series. However, Marine Vice Admiral Smoker and his Logia-type Devil Fruit, the Smoke-Smoke Fruit, are still making waves in the New World.

As is the case for all Logia-type Devil Fruit users, Smoker is effectively invulnerable against any opponent without Armament Haki. He almost captures Luffy multiple times thanks to his powers, and if it were not for his sense of personal justice, then Smoker would have almost certainly put an end to at least one Straw Hat Pirates' time as a pirate.

25 The Gas-Gas Fruit Allows The User To Fly

Caesar Clown showing off his evil powers in One Piece's Punk Hazard Arc



Current User

Caesar Clown

Caesar Clown is an expert when it comes to manufacturing chemical weapons of mass destruction, making him the perfect candidate for the Gas-Gas Fruit. Much like the Smoke-Smoke Fruit, the Gas-Gas Fruit allows Caesar Clown to transform into a gas-like form that is also capable of flight.

However, the Gas-Gas Fruit is significantly more versatile than the Smoke-Smoke Fruit. Using its powers, Caesar Clown can control multiple forms of gasses, many of which are extremely poisonous to the vast majority of his opponents.

24 The Hobby-Hobby Fruit Can Ruin Lives

User: Sugar

Sugar, wielder of the Hobby-Hobby Fruit, in One Piece's Dressrosa arc.



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All Conqueror's Haki Users In One Piece, Ranked
Conqueror's Haki will undoubtedly be the deciding factor when it comes to One Piece's ultimate end game, but which user is the strongest of them all?

The Hobby-Hobby Fruit lets its user turn other people and animals into toys with just a touch, which initially sounds fun until realizing that doing so also erases all memory of the victim from others. There's even a scene in One Piece that suggests a loving husband, having been transformed into a toy years ago, had to serve his family while his wife moved on to another man.

Now, imagine this for an entire country, subjugating anyone who opposes the tyrannical ruling force. It doesn't matter how strong a person is. As long as the user can touch them, they're turned into cute toys to be enslaved by the kingdom. As an added bonus, the Hobby-Hobby Fruit also halts the aging process of its user, like Sugar, who will forever look 10 years old despite currently being 22. If Haki didn't almost certainly disrupt the effects of this Devil Fruit, it would easily be the strongest in One Piece.

23 The Sand-Sand Fruit Dries Out Its Opponents



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Virtually every Logia-type Devil Fruit is extremely powerful, due in large part to the fact that they automatically endow their users with invulnerability to non-Haki-based attacks. One of the first examples of this effect is the Sand-Sand Fruit, wielded by the iconic leader of Baroque Works, Crocodile.

Unlike some lesser Logia-type Devil Fruits, the Sand-Sand Fruit also benefits from a distinct advantage on offense. By using its powers, Crocodile can dehydrate anything that he comes into contact with, immediately rendering opponents a literal husk of their former selves.

22 The Stone-Stone Fruit Can Control Stone

Pica towers over Dressrosa in One Piece.



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Pica sadly got little time to shine during the Dressrosa Arc, but he made it hard for fans not to notice him. With the Stone-Stone Fruit, Pica can manipulate and absorb all stone around him, with his initial showing of this being when he literally absorbed all of Dressrosa to create a giant armor for himself.

Even to a giant like Hajrudin, Pica overshadowed everyone and devastate by punching people with their own neighborhoods. Although Zoro made quick work of the character, the Stone-Stone Fruit left its impact on the landscape of Dressrosa.

21 The String-String Fruit I Stronger Than Its Name Suggests

Donquixote Doflamingo wielding the String-String Devil Fruit in One Piece.



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Donquixote Doflamingo

Donquixote Doflamingo, the former King of Dressrosa, is already a terrifying force, thanks to his innate use of Haki and his twisted personality. However, what really solidified him as an underworld terror was his Devil Fruit, the String-String Fruit.

The String-String Fruit seems like a pretty tame Devil Fruit until Doffy starts controlling people like puppets and trapping them in midair. Besides being a quick marionette kit, the String-String Fruit can also splice large buildings at a distance, pierce people like bullets, create a countrywide cage, and even repair the user's own internal organs.

20 The Magnet-Magnet Fruit Can Create Magnetic Fields

Eustass Kid showing off his debauchery and his giant metal arm in One Piece.



Current User

Eustass Kid

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Every Awakened Devil Fruit User In One Piece, Explained
Only a few One Piece characters have awakened their Devil Fruit powers. Users like Luffy and Doflamingo are the strongest pirates in the Grand Line.

The Paramecia class of Devil Fruits is easily the most varied in terms of strength, and as a result, it includes some of the most uniquely powerful abilities in the series. The Magnet-Magnet Fruit allows its user to control metallic objects and, if awakened, apply magnetic charges to any tangible object/opponent.

Eustass Kid, the current wielder of the Magnet-Magnet Fruit, is as tenacious and durable as any pirate sailing the Grand Line. This makes him the perfect candidate for his Devil Fruit, and together, they are among the most destructive presences in the New World.

19 The Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Okuchi No Makami Transforms The User Into A Wolf

A full body view of Yamato in their Dog-Dog Fruit Model: Okuchi no Makami Hybrid Form.



Current User


The rarest type of Devil Fruit, Mythical Zoan, grants their users abilities that extend far beyond the physical enhancements provided by all Zoan types. In the case of the Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Okuchi no Makami, it provides its user with the ability to utilize ice in a variety of different ways.

Currently, Yamato possesses the Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Okuchi no Makami. During the Raid on Onigashima, she displays many of its powers, even standing against Kaido — an Emperor of the Sea — for an extended moment thanks to its strength.

18 The Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Pteranodon Makes The User Prehistoric

King the Conflagration, first mate of Kaido's Beast Pirates, attacks in One Piece's Wano Country arc



Current User

King the Conflagration

In a similar vein to Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruits, virtually any Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit provides its user with a completely unique set of abilities. King the Conflagration represents the pinnacle of their strength, as he wields what is arguably the most desired Devil Fruit of the entire subclass — the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Pteranodon.

The Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Pteranodon transforms its user into an ancient, winged creature known as a Pteranodon, instantly granting the ability to fly. Since partial transformations are a major part of Zoan usage, King is able to sprout wings at any given moment, making him one of very few airborne characters in One Piece.

17 The Venom-Venom Fruit Can Kill Its Target

Magellan Venom Venom fruit One Piece



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Impel Down houses the most heinous criminals in the history of One Piece, so it only follows suit that the World Government would station one of its strongest fighters there. Magellan, the user of the Venom-Venom Fruit, serves as the prison's warden prior to the series' timeskip. Even after the Straw Hats reunite in the New World, Magellan maintains his status as Impel Down's strongest fighter.

Despite the appearance of its effects, the Venom-Venom Fruit is actually a Paramecia-type, rather than a Logia. The potent poison that it produces paralyzes his foes, threatening the lives of anyone it comes in contact with. While Magellan's status as a Haki user is unknown, his monstrous Devil Fruit powers help him defeat even the most durable criminals.

16 The Press-Press Fruit Gives The User Telepathic Like Powers

Fujitora using his Devil Fruit to manipulate gravity in One Piece



Current User

Admiral Fujitora

Each of the Marine Admirals possesses an incredibly strong Devil Fruit. In Fujitora's case, he is no exception. His Press-Press Devil Fruit allows its user to manipulate gravitational forces, resulting in one of the strongest Paramecia-type fruits in all of One Piece.

While Fujitora is undoubtedly strong in his own right, his Devil Fruit abilities separate him from other Marines. The Press-Press Fruit can manipulate objects as large as battleships, but it can simultaneously apply multiple smaller gravitational fields as well, resulting in a Devil Fruit worthy of the Marines' top brass.

15 The Paw-Paw Fruit Has Several Abilities

Bartholomew Kuma with his paw extended in One Piece.



Current User

Bartholomew Kuma

The Paw-Paw Fruit allows its user to deflect anything at light speed, including punches, air, lasers, people, ghosts, and even the abstract concept of pain. While his status and limits of his power have yet to be revealed, the current user, Bartholomew Kuma, has used the Paw-Paw Fruit to defend himself, weaponize air like bullets, and even transport himself and others at light speeds.

One of the most shocking uses of Kuma's power even includes an instance where he grabbed and compressed a large section of air, creating a powerful bomb to take down Little Oars, Jr. Hopefully, Kuma will have at least one more chance to demonstrate his abilities by the end of One Piece.