Luffy's path to becoming a Pirate King in One Piece has always been set in stone, though it is filled with roadblocks and dangers. That includes countless enemies and an eternal chase from the Marines. However, Luffy has established some unique connections among them: Smoker and Koby. There may even be specific points in One Piece where both of them could've been referred to as his rivals. But as the Straw Hats' journey nears its end, Luffy has left them in the dust in terms of battle prowess and achievements. This raises the question of what their role actually is now.

Both Koby and Smoker have been present since the early days of One Piece. Koby was Luffy's first companion -- even before the rubber-man met Zoro -- but Koby chose to become a Marine officer rather than a pirate, resulting in him and Luffy separating early on. But just like his old friend, Koby has been getting stronger and is even known as a hero among the locals now. Meanwhile, Smoker has been touted as Luffy's Marine rival. The former Marine captain has been chasing the Straw Hat Pirates since Loguetown and has had numerous other encounters with them. Like Koby, Smoker's strength and influence have been on an upward trend.

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Koby and Smoker Exemplify What It Means to Be Marine Officers

Akainu attacking Koby in One Piece

Koby and Smoker have both demonstrated a sense of morality throughout One Piece that transcends their allegiance to the World Government and the Marine hierarchy. They have been shown willingly disobey orders when it conflicts with their sense of justice and what is best for the people.

In the "Alabasta" Arc, for example, Smoker allied with the Straw Hats to stop Crocodile's plan without any order from the higher-ups -- and despite Crocodile supposedly having immunity from Marine interference. Similarly, Koby is willing to defy his superiors in the name of doing what's right. During the Paramount War, he stood up to Admiral Akainu and refused to follow his orders to kill innocent civilians. He also tried to stop Akainu from killing Luffy, despite the risk to his own life. Koby has even gone as far as surrendering his Marine code, becoming a member of SWORD.

Their actions reflect a deeper understanding of justice that goes beyond mere lawfulness. It is about doing what is right for the people and ensuring that their lives and well-being are not sacrificed for the sake of enforcing the law.

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Luffy and the Straw Hats Are Bound to Conquer the World

The Straw Hat Pirates donning Raid Suits in the One Piece manga.

As Luffy and his crew progress toward their goal of finding the One Piece and becoming Pirate King, they are bound to face stronger foes. Their actions have caused chaos and destruction and they have made enemies of powerful figures, including the World Government and the other Emperors. Despite this, they continue to move forward with unwavering determination and strength -- and they are now closer than ever to achieving their dreams.

The Straw Hats have already found themselves on the entire world's radar. The World Government is constantly tracking their movements, and they are even on the verge of facing numerous battleships on Egghead. Of course, they aren't letting anybody stop them from sailing. It's only a matter of time before they face the Marines head on. After all, the World Government is unlikely to just watch as any pirate crew acquires the One Piece and proclaims their captain as the Pirate King.

There is also the matter of the Celestial Dragons. It's a well-known fact that the Straw Hat Pirates are not fond of the so-called World Nobles. They've even gone as far as beating them up on multiple occasions. With the World Government setting their sights on Sabo -- framing him for Nefertari Cobra's supposed death -- the Straw Hats are bound to face them once more. Luffy isn't just going to watch another one of his brothers meet their demise.

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Koby and Smoker Represent the Future of the Marines

Smoker in One Piece

Once the Straw Hat Pirates have realized all their dreams, it is likely they'll have turned the world upside down. The Marines could be destroyed, or perhaps the entire world will lose confidence with the government since Luffy would be the Pirate King then. Since Luffy only cares about the freedom that accompanies the title, the Marines would need to regain their power and status. Them being the upholders of justice and social order will likely remain, but their key officers are likely going to change. This is where Koby and Smoker will come into play.

As mentioned earlier, both Marine officers prioritize the good of the people over the laws of the land. This philosophy sets them apart from the rest of the Marines, who are often seen as corrupt and oppressive. Throughout their journey, Koby and Smoker have witnessed the flaws and shortcomings of the system they work under. They have seen unjust treatment of innocent people by higher-ups and the immorality of their laws. By working toward re-establishing justice, Koby and Smoker can be the catalyst for positive change within the Marines and the world as a whole. More importantly, they both have the power to make it happen.

Koby has been working closely with Garp, with the latter even proclaiming him as the future of the Marines. Similarly, Smoker has been climbing the Marines' rank with Tashigi. He is the commander of the rowdy G-5 Marine base, but has also been promoted to the position of vice admiral -- the same position as Garp. Both Koby and Smoker are ready to step up and create positive change in One Piece's world when they get the opportunity.