The Straw Hat Pirates were the main protagonists of the One Piece universe. Over the years, each of them has demonstrated valor and merit in Monkey D. Luffy's quest to become the king of the pirates.

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However, not all members of the Straw Hats have an equal dedication to the cause. Some of them have proven less than reliable through their actions, while others have flagrantly betrayed the trust of their captains and friends. By ranking the Straw Hats based on loyalty, it is easier to gauge who will be dependable in the final saga of One Piece.

10 Usopp Has Frequently Turned His Back On The Crew

Usopp looking angry in One Piece.

Out of all the Straw Hats, Usopp is easily the least loyal. Not only did he nearly abandon the heroes amidst their darkest hour at Dressrosa, but he also fought Luffy directly for the rights to the Going Merry.

It is implied that Usopp thinks he has become more dependable over the years. However, based on his own admission that he'd spill the crew's secrets if interrogated by their enemies, it's likely that the image he's constructed of himself is yet another lie.

9 Sanji Defected From The Crew Twice

Sanji Falling For Viola On Dressrosa

Sanji's obsession with lust has made him an unreliable crewmate. He has attempted to defect from Luffy's group on two separate occasions. The first instance was in Dressrosa, where he immediately fell so deeply in love with Viola that he prepared to spend the rest of his life in the foreign kingdom.

Sanji's second betrayal was more serious. By agreeing to marry Pudding of the Big Mom pirates, he hoped to guarantee the safety of everyone on the Baratie. However, it would entail abandoning the Straw Hats for good. Sanji was so determined to save Zeff that he even beat Luffy to a pulp.

8 Nami Betrayed Luffy To Save Her Village

Nami versus the Arlong Pirates in One Piece.

When Nami was first introduced in One Piece, she had an aura of mystery. Though initially agreeing to help Luffy in his quest, she ended up robbing him blind and delivering his treasure to Arlong.

Luffy had to pursue her across the East Blue in order to win back his belongings and recruit the powerful navigator to his team. Though she has remained mostly loyal ever since, Nami's financial interests remain a crucial component of what motivates her to set sail.

7 Robin's Betrayal Prompted A Dangerous Rescue Mission

Nico Robin crying in Enies Lobby One Piece.

Nico Robin already demonstrated her disloyalty by betraying Baroque Works in order to join Luffy. However, she went against the Straw Hats by resigning herself to the World Government, which forced them to save her.

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Robin's logic was that so long as she turned herself in, Spandam would not use the dreadful and traumatic power of the Buster Call in order to annihilate her friends. Predictably, he was not keen on keeping this promise and summoned CP9 to attack the heroes as soon as they showed up. Should Robin have trusted her friends more, they would have avoided a significant amount of pain.

6 Jimbe's Other Allegiances Made Him Difficult To Count On

Jimbei the whale shark fishman and former sun pirate in One Piece.

As a morally upstanding individual, One Piece fans might assume that Jimbe's loyalty is assured. However, he has so many ulterior motives that he cannot be considered a dependable member of the Straw Hat Pirates.

For example, Jimbe nearly got in a fight with Luffy during Hody Jones' coup over how the conflict should be addressed. Additionally, he kept his allegiance to the Big Mom Pirates for most of the heroes' journey in the New World.

5 Chopper Is Timid, But Helpful

Chopper looking cute in One Piece.

Chopper serves as the ship's amicable doctor. Throughout Luffy's adventures, he has consistently helped his friends through whatever rare maladies have befallen them.

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While Chopper has never flagrantly betrayed his comrades, he lacks profound acts of bravery that might distinguish him as a loyal member of the crew. Since debuting well over a decade and a half ago, his only remarkably helpful feat was luring Big Mom to Udon so that Luffy would be able to make his daring escape. Even then, he was terrified the entire time.

4 Franky Was A Good Friend & Proficient Shipwright

Franky protecting Robin in One Piece.

Franky's loyalty was difficult to procure. As a former enemy of pirates and a proud shipwright of Water Seven, he beat Usopp to unconsciousness and robbed Luffy blind.

However, the events of Enies Lobby made Franky reconsider his perception of the Straw Hat Pirates. Ever since then, he has been an extremely reliable bulwark for their cause. This was proven when he stood down a coalition of marines and Donquixote family thugs during the escalation of the Dressrosa conflict.

3 Brook Is Loyal To Anyone He Befriends

Brook watching over Laboon in One Piece.

Brook's entire character arc hinges around loyalty. He swore a vow to return for Laboon while living and intended to keep it 50 years later. This suggests a strong commitment to his word that cannot be broken by circumstances or even death itself.

During the Whole Cake Island Arc, Brook proved equally reliable. Not only did the skeleton single-handedly storm Big Mom's fortress and copy her poneglyph, but he also did so without leaking any information about his allies or their whereabouts. While Brook may not have the most screen time in One Piece, his dedication to his captain is irrefutable.

2 Zoro Would Give His Life For Luffy

Roronoa Zora in the Nothing Happened Scene in One Piece.

As the first mate of the Straw Hats, it stands to reason that Zoro is also the most dependable. He has fought Luffy's battles without complaint, often even risking death on behalf of his dream.

Zoro's most inspirational act of loyalty was seen at the conclusion of Thriller Bark when standing up against the monstrous Kuma. By volunteering to take Luffy's pain and surviving it, he discouraged the warlord from finishing off the exhausted pirates. Kuma was so moved by Zoro's loyalty that he stood down, much to the derision of the World Government.

1 Luffy Risks His Life Over Minor Favors

Luffy adjusting his straw hat in One Piece.

Luffy is loyal to a fault. He is willing to risk his life for anyone who does him a minor favor, as seen through the events of Wano. When Tama gave him the last of her red bean soup, he vowed to irrevocably change the country in such a way that she could eat as much as she liked.

While Luffy's heroism is inspiring, it also puts many of his friends at risk due to the conflicts that ensue. Nonetheless, his actions have helped to form the Straw Hat Grand Fleet, a massive armada ready to answer his beck and call.

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