One Piece has been through quite a lot in its decades-spanning run. It hasn't exactly amassed its critical and financial success for nothing. With consistent world-building and ever-increasing stakes, the series has managed to keep its fans' attention for a pretty long time. And while every arc has delighted within its own way, one, in particular, can be thanked for helping keep the series fresh.

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That would be Enies Lobby, a pivotal arc that would not only feature some of the series' heaviest drama but would also present foes that would really force the Straw Hats to step up their game and change up their repertoires. Examining the very obstacles that only made the Straw Hats even stronger, this list will be ranking some of the best villains in Enies Lobby.

10 Fukurou

Franky defeating fukurou

The furthest example of a stealthy, secret agent, Fukurou is the green, zipper mouthed CP9 member who's not really ranking high as one of the most memorable villains from the arc. While he certainly has an incredibly eccentric design and being, Fukurou is just all colorful flash between his loud mouth and bulbous form.

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His greatest contributions were revealing the power levels of the other CP9 members (a concept that doesn't really come back in the series) and giving Franky a decent chance to show off his combat ability. While hard to miss, Fukurou didn't really leave a lasting impression.

9 Baskerville

A bit of a cheat for a pick, Baskerville isn't exactly one antagonist but three that just so happen to be really close to one another. The three-headed giant is responsible as the court justice for Enies Lobby, essentially facilitating the hearings and sentencings of the world's criminals.

Bas is the left head who immediately accuses people as being guilty. Kerrville is the right head who instantly thinks everyone is inoccent. And is the middle head who kind of just says whatever but inevitably just leans towards immediate execution. While a campy trio, the wild indecision and volatile aggression of the Baskerville group is incredibly worrying for the justice system of an already creaky government.

8 Wanze

One Piece Wanze

Wanze is just a hard guy to forget overall, as everything about him just sticks to the mind the same way his noodles stick to the wall. He was one of the guards protecting a cart on the Sea Train to Enies Lobby and stood toe-to-toe with Sanji. Surprisingly enough, he got a decent amount of offense in, creating an entire suit of armor made of ramen to counteract a lot of Sanji's movements.

That, however, wouldn't be enough to mitigate the Straw Hat's cook, as Sanji would make this encounter memorable for both Wanze's defeat and the special reconstructive surgery that Sanji gave him with his kicks.

7 Kumadori

Kumadori cp9

While Kumadori wouldn't have a significant impact in the series, he would leave a lasting impression with just his being alone. As another eccentric member of CP9, Kumadori made his mark in the series as the kabuki actor who screamed of a man's passion and manipulated the growth of his hair in combat.

He would be part of a pivotal moment in the series, as he'd push Tony Tony Chopper far enough to finally reveal his Monster Point. After that, despite having been flung off to the distance, Kumadori was essentially responsible for Chopper's uncontrollable rampage within Enies Lobby's main building.

6 Blueno

Blueno ranks high and gets a special place on this list for his legendary encounter with Monkey D. Luffy. As one of the chief members of CP9 staking out Water Seven, Blueno did well in the long con as a lowly bartender gaining the trust of the Galley-La Company. He'd prove to be an essential member of their final raid, as his Door Door fruit would allow him quick and easy entry across the company's walls.

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In his fight with Luffy, Blueno posed a significant threat, using both his powers and his talent with Rokushiki to get some offense against the Straw Hats. However, it would only serve to make him just power gauge, as he quickly became a guinea pig to Luffy's first use of Gear Second in one of the most hyped and memorable beatdowns in the entire series.

5 Kalifa

Kalifa cp9 smiling in One Piece

Perhaps the most essential member for CP9's long investigation of Galley-La, Kalifa was the closest to Iceburg, gaining his trust and intel as his secretary. When she returned to Enies Lobby, she was one of the agents gifted with a Devil Fruit for all of their hard work. This would be in full display in her fights against Sanji and Nami.

Being the gentleman he was, Sanji wouldn't raise a finger against her which only made things easier for Kalifa's attack. This, however, only garners the attention and assistance of the Straw Hat's navigator, beginning the battle between clouds of thunder and clouds of bubbles. While it doesn't look it, Kalifa's Bubble Bubble fruit does pose as one of the more directly dangerous Devil Fruits in the arc, as it allowed her to create plenty of environmental hazards as well as incapacitate her enemies with a cute yet horrifying coat of soap. It was all for the best, as she posed as a tough foe for Nami to test out her new and improved Clima-Tact.

4 Jabra

Jabra cp9 agent smile One Piece

Jabra played the role of the mischievous wolf well and quickly rose as a classic, cartoony villain in the arc. His entire performance both served to entertain as well as fuel his underhanded tactics, as CP9's wolf was prone to more than a few little white lies. He'd use this to gain sympathy from his enemies (the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing).

When his opponents let their guard down, he'd strike with his claws and teeth ready. This, however, didn't pose much of a threat to Sanji, as he'd instantly see through the ruse. The battle itself between them still entertained with its incredible action, classic One Piece banter, and the newfound hype for Sanji's new abilities.

3 Kaku

Kaku One Piece

Kaka really could've been the best friend or loyal, friendly neighbor in any other world. His unimposing, funny face, and can-do attitude practically makes him main character material for any children's series. However, he is a man of duty and, as one of the top members of CP9, hides deadly potential under his hat.

The other one of the agents gifted with a Devil Fruit upon CP9's return, Kaku would gain the terrible power of the giraffe. While funny at its surface, Kaku's adaptability and poise would turn the extending features of this animal into deadly, unpredictable weapons against the likes of Roronoa Zoro. He'd be responsible for one of the best fights in the arc and one of the most memorable and hilarious battles in the series' entirety.

2 Rob Lucci

Rob Lucci and Hatori from One Piece

Rob Lucci is the ominous symbol of all of the World Government's towering power and unforgiving prejudice. Raised as a deadly assassin since a young age, Rob Lucci has very little regard for life, especially the lives of pirates and other criminals. A dedicated secret agent, Lucci refused to talk (at least conventionally) during his infiltration of Galley-La and wouldn't even reveal his full power during the frequent kerfuffles of the company's workers.

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At full power, however, Rob Lucci is the agency's toughest agent, showing an advanced mastery of Rokushiki magnified in incredible force with his leopard model of the Cat Cat fruit. He'd be the first person to really outclass Luffy in both genuine strength and skill and was the ultimate test of the Straw Hat's readiness for the Grand Line as a whole.

1 Spandam

While his overall demeanor and distaste among the One Piece community may not pose him as this way, Spandam is the main antagonist of Enies Lobby. He is the facilitator and instigator of Cp9's operations on Water Seven, and the main captor of Nico Robin. He is a magnificent representation of the overzealous and prejudiced nature of the World Government and how that translates to actual government operations.

This means blatant cowardice, ruthlessness towards pirate kind, and, in a wonderful display of the government's own oversight and negligence, incompetent with the use of one button. He is the center of the arc's conflicts and a representation of what has made the World Government a flawed yet dangerous regime.

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