The World Government has absolute dominion over the world. Not many people in the world would dare to stand up to their power, but there is one person who has been working ever so hard in order to save the world. The person is none other than Monkey D. Dragon. Dragon is the most wanted man in the world because he is the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

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Dragon started the Revolutionary Army many years ago and he is in open rebellion against the World Government. Dragon's main aim is to free the world from the World Government. The Revolutionary Army has some really powerful members. Undoubtedly, there are many other characters who are yet to be revealed and some might end up joining them in the future. Here are 5 characters who will join and 5 who won't the Revolutionary Army.

10 Will Join: Kuzan

Aokiji stands ready in One Piece.

Kuzan is a former Navy Admiral. Being a former Navy Admiral, there is no doubt that Kuzan is a very powerful character and he is easily among the top tier characters in One Piece. He possesses the Hie Hie no Mi, which allows him to create and control ice. Kuzan left the Marines after he lost the fight versus Akainu at Punk Hazard.

Kuzan ended up joining the Blackbeard Pirates to everyone's shock. It definitely seems fishy that Kuzan joined one of the worst pirate crews just after leaving the Marines. His sense of justice was the best among the Navy Admirals, and he doesn't come off as a bad character.

9 Won't Join: Boa Hancock

Also known as the "Snake Princess," Boa Hancock is the captain of the Kuja Pirates. She rules over Amazon Lily along with her sisters. Boa Hancock is a very powerful pirate and fans don't rate her in terms of power.

Recently, Boa Hancock lost the position of Shichibukai after the World Government decided to dissolve the organization. She is no longer protected and so she's going to set sail once again. With that being said, it is very likely that she will join the Straw Hat Grand Fleet instead of becoming a Revolutionary.

8 Will Join: Crocodile

A close-up of Crocodile from One Piece, who has a groaning expression

Crocodile has not made an appearance after Marineford. He is still somewhere in the New World. The precise location hasn't been revealed, but it will definitely be revealed sometime in the future. Crocodile has some kind of history with Ivankov, who is one of the main members of the Revolutionary Army.

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Crocodile has no affiliations to any organization and he shares the Revolutionary Army's hatred towards the World Government and the Marines. This was evident when Crocodile decided to put aside his hatred for Luffy and save Ace.

7 Won't Join: Monkey D. Garp

Monkey D. Garp gritting his teeth with a city background

Monkey D. Garp is the father of Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army. In one of the recent chapters, an interesting thing about Garp was revealed and it was related to Garp's position. Garp has rejected several promotions and remained in the position of a vice-admiral for almost his entire life.

It was due to his hatred towards the World Nobles. He didn't want to become their pawn, so he chose to remain a vice-admiral all his life. Despite his resentment towards them, Garp never left the Marines. He is loyal to them and he would never join the Revolutionary Army.

6 Will Join: Jewelry Bonney

Jewelry Bonney from One Piece

There are still a lot of things that we don't know about Jewelry Bonney. She is a member of the Worst Generation and the captain of Bonney Pirates. Bonney seems to be pretty important for the World Government.

They are looking for her for some reason. It could be possibly Bonney's devil fruit powers or maybe it could be something related to her past. So, Bonney has been on the run for quite some time now. She could join the Revolutionary Army in order to be safe. No one knows the current base of operation of the Revolutionary Army.

5 Won't Join: Donquixote Doflamingo

doflamingo in one piece

Donquixote Doflamingo is the former ruler of Dressrosa. He is one of the Shichibukai and currently he is in Impel Down. Doflamingo's knowledge is something that the world government fears and so, they continuously try to kill him in Impel Down, but Magellan is protecting him. Doflamingo doesn't have any regard for human life.

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He only cares about himself and his family. It would have been really awesome if Doflamingo could join the Revolutionary Army, but he is not going to put his life on the line to save humanity.

4 Will Join: Vegapunk

Dr. Vegapunk in One Piece.

According to many theories, Vegapunk is actually a member of the Revolutionary Army. The man is a genius, whose talent was recognized by the World Government at an early age. Vegapunk has conducted several experiments and he kept on providing the Marines with the latest technology, that allows them to deal with pirates.

Now coming back to the theories part, there is one big clue that hints towards Vegapunk possibly being a member of the Revolutionary Army and it is related to Kuma. Before being converted into a Pacifista, Kuma's last request was to let him protect the Thousand Sunny from being destroyed, and Vegapunk actually did it (even though he had no reason to do so).

3 Won't Join: Akainu

Akainu (aka Sakazuki) smoking a cigar after being crowned Fleet Admiral of the Marines in One Piece.

Akainu is the current Fleet Admiral of the Marines. He is a believer in "Absolute Justice," and he will do everything in his power to ensure that no evil-doer is left alive and this doesn't only apply to the pirates.

In his interaction with Rob Lucci in Film Gold(non-canon), he was clearly annoyed with CP-0's behaving like pets for Tesoro. Despite all this, he's never joining the Revolutionary Army.

2 Will Join: Vivi

Nefertari Vivi from One Piece

Vivi is the princess of Alabasta. She has never been hesitant to step up and help her country in times of need. When Crocodile was running amok in Alabasta, Vivi teamed up with the Straw Hats to bring him down.

Despite being a key member of the World Government, it is very likely they're going to break off from the World Government and she might require the help of Dragon to keep it safe.

1 Won't Join: Dracule Mihawk

Dracule Mihawk smirking grimly in One Piece

Dracule Mihawk is among the strongest characters in the series. He has a very respectable reputation throughout the world. Mihawk wields the all-black blade Yoru, which is a Saijo O Wazamo sword.

After the abolishment of the Shichibukai system, Mihawk is now been hunted by the Marines. Even though, he would prove to be a valuable ally to Monkey D. Dragon. He prefers to work alone.

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