The following contains spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1072, "The Weight of Memory," by Eiichiro Oda, Stephen Paul and Vanessa Satone, available in English from Viz Media.

One Piece Chapter 1071 sees the Cipher Pol 0 corner Dr. Vegapunk and his forces into Labophase. However, the government agents face a brief setback as the genius scientist activates his lab's almost impenetrable defense system. During that time, Dr. Vegapunk and the Straw Hat pirates decide on their next course of action. Luffy relays to his crew mates that the scientist will be joining their voyage. Just then, an inexplicable thing happens. The dome opens, allowing Cipher Pol to locate the Thousand Sunny and attack it. Zoro, who was taking a nap on the ship, wakes up and defends it. During the confrontation, Dr. Vegapunk requests to take all his Satellites on board the Thousand Sunny as well -- a request that Luffy mindlessly grants.

While Egghead is busy with the battle between the Straw Hats and the government, other places in New World are also becoming eventful. Kid and his pirate crew have finally arrived at their next destination. Surprisingly, it turns out to be a place directly from the legends: the Giant's very own hometown of Elbaph. Garp, Luffy's grandfather, is also causing a ruckus at the Naval Base G-14. He comes to fetch Helmeppo, telling the young Marine to get on board and join him as he retrieves the captured Koby.

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Bonney trying to kill Vegapunk in One Piece

Chapter 1072 brings the story back to Egghead, where Jewelry Bonney is still trying to murder the genius scientist. The pirate has been attempting to catch the scientist the moment she regains consciousness. Meanwhile, Dr. Vegapunk continues to plead for the pirate to stop attempting to kill him. Bonney eventually manages to catch Vegapunk and turn him into a child. She then proceeds to let the scientist explain why he decided to turn her father, Bartholomew Kuma, into a heartless machine. However, no matter how much Bonney pleads, Vegapunk refuses to tell her the truth. He adamantly explains that it is Kuma's will to not disclose the reason to his child -- something that the young pirate finds hard to believe.

While Vegapunk refuses to disclose anything, Bonney finds a suspicious room. It's a door with a black paw print painted on it. Clearly, it has something to do with Kuma. Bonney immediately opens it and finds a massive floating paw stored in it. Just then, the manga provides a brief flashback to when Kuma still has his humanity. In the next few panels, Vegapunk tells Kuma how his Devil Fruit power can provide a scientific breakthrough. He asks the former Warlord to materialize memory, which the latter initially refuses to do.

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Bonney finding a giant paw in One Piece

Bonney immediately recognizes the floating paw to be her father's memories. However, Vegapunk sternly warns her not to touch it. Vegapunk reminds her what Kuma's power is, especially the fact that it can easily kill a person with a lethal dose of pain. Unfortunately for the scientist, he isn't the only one familiar with Kuma's Devil Fruit ability. Bonney doesn't buy his claim, truly believing that the floating paw is no other than Kuma's memory.

Back in Labophase, Vegapunk's Satellites and the Straw Hats are still problematizing the Cipher Pol's advances. It turns out that Rob Lucci has also joined the fight, and only Zoro and Brook are protecting the Thousand Sunny. In addition, the Seraphims have also reached the Labophase. However, that isn't exactly bad. The Satellites have higher authority over them, allowing them to override CP0's authority -- assuming their commands are able to reach them. In order to do that, Edison and Lilith rush to the front lines. Seeing the situation, Sanji can't hold his tongue. He mourns Zoro's death in advance, prompting Nami to send him as well.

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Zoro fighting Kaku in One Piece

On the Thousand Sunny, Zoro and Brook continue to face off with Kaku, who has already reached the ship. The two swordsmen are shocked to see Kaku's transformation. Like Lucci, it seems that Kaku has also achieved Devil Fruit Awakening. Even so, Zoro is unfazed. The Straw Hat's first mate notes that no matter his opponent's form, cutting him down will turn him into a corpse. While Kaku agrees, the government agent is confident that the pirate won't be able to cut him, especially since he can rotate his neck at an extremely fast rate. Although it proves pesky for Zoro, the Straw Hat easily slams Kaku's head toward the floor, as he has experienced worse in Wano.

While Kaku is fighting with Zoro and Brook, Lucci and Stussy's focus is elsewhere. Lucci commands the Seraphim to destroy the entire laboratory before the esteemed scientist makes his entrance. Nami and the others at the lab also hear this. Nami immediately panics, especially since it can't be guaranteed that Edison and Lilith will make it in time. The Seraphims waste no moment either. They immediately execute their orders and get into destroying the lab. Kaku is pleased to discover their side's advance, as this means that their mission will be accomplished with minimal effort on their part.

However, just as the Cipher Pol agent is rejoicing, he gets attacked. Someone bites him, putting him to sleep. Lucci is surprised by the sudden development, especially since the one who attacked Kaku is no other than Stussy -- and it turns out Stussy isn't just any character. She is actually the very first successful clone created by MADS, and she is based on the ex-Rocks Pirate Miss Buckingham Stussy.