The following contains spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1061, "Future Island Egghead," by Eiichiro Oda, Stephen Paul and Vanessa Satone, available in English from Viz Media.

One Piece officially moves on from the longstanding "Wano Country" arc by bringing the Straw Hats to their next destination in Chapter 1060. While on their way to their next stop, the Straw Hat Pirates discuss the world's current events. Luffy adamantly believes that the news is reporting a false claim with regard to King Cobra's murder, especially since the main culprit is his older brother Sabo. Sabo attempts to clear his name to his colleagues at Kamabakka Queendom through a call. The revolutionaries readily believe him and are glad to know of his safety. However, just as the Flame Emperor is to relay another important piece of information, the Kingdom of Lulusia -- the island where he is currently taking refuge -- is blasted to oblivion.

Meanwhile, the Straw Hat Pirates also arrive at their destination. It's seemingly a strong winter island, prompting the entire crew to bring out their best winter clothing. Luffy then notices a giant blob of water hovering above their course. The weirder thing is that he also perceives a person within the giant warm eddy; a claim that Sanji supports. Zoro then cuts the warm eddy open, saving the trapped younger version of Jewelry Bonney -- another member of the Worst Generation. The chapter ends with Chopper getting blown away by the wind, and Luffy getting caught as well as he tries to save their ship's doctor.

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Giant Shark mouth in One Piece

As Luffy and Chopper are taken by the wind, they notice the blasted Bonney. Luffy quickly extends his arm to rescue the young girl. Bonney initially thinks that she's finally been saved, only to remember a certain monster's existence. She realizes that said monster is still haunting them from below. She tells the Straw Hats to look down, but due to the distance, those remaining on the ship barely hear her. When they do, they see a giant shark's widely agape maw ready to snap at the Thousand Sunny.

The ship barely evades the shark's fangs, but it's still sent a few meters above the water. Zoro quickly unsheathes his swords and notices that the shark is made of metal. Meanwhile, Jimbei sees Luffy and Chopper falling into the sea. He entrusts the ship's helm to Franky, who maneuvers the Thousand Sunny away from the metallic shark. However, the shark continues its pursuit and even shoots the pirate ship with a cannon that emerges from its mouth. The blast from the cannonball capsizes the Thousand Sunny, effectively dropping the Straw Hat Pirates into the sea.

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Mecha punch in One Piece

After entrusting the ship's control to Franky, Jimbei goes into the water to save both Luffy and Chopper, as well as the drowning Jewelry Bonney. Jimbei hears an explosion in the distance but ultimately ignores it, as he is preoccupied with saving his people. However, the sea's current is nasty even for a Fish-Man. When they emerge, they come face to face with the metallic shark, which almost immediately aims its mouth cannon at them. Jimbei tells Luffy and the others to take a deep breath as he dives into the water to dodge the cannonball.

The shark turns around and shifts its attention toward the Thousand Sunny again, but before it can launch another attack, a giant robot with a VEGAFORCE label appears and punches the shark. Meanwhile, the Straw Hat Pirates recover from having their ship capsized.

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Tashigi giving medicine in One Piece

In Naval Branch G-14, Tashigi is making the kids they've rescued from Punk Hazard take their medicine. Though the kids don't like the medicine's taste, Mocha notes shrinking a good measure because of it. Meanwhile, the commander of Naval Base G-14, Vice Admiral Doll, is complaining about Helmeppo's antics. Tashigi sympathizes with Helmeppo, especially since his best friend has been captured by none other than one of the Four Emperors. In addition to that, Tashigi also brings up the fact that Koby is a valued officer.

Helmeppo, alongside Hibari, another member of SWORD, begs the Navy Rear Admiral Prince Grus to help them rescue the captured captain. However, Prince Grus is hesitant given that Koby is taken to Blackbeard's island -- an island with constant shootouts that has earned the name Fullalead. Even so, Helmeppo does not give up. Given that they are close to Egghead, he hopes the Navy can take and utilize the Seraphim's power to aid their cause. However, Prince Grus dismisses his plea, as they haven't been in contact with Drake.

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Jewelry Bonney in One Piece

Back in Egghead, Bonney returns to her original form. She is baffled that Luffy has no idea who she is, especially since she belongs to the same generation as him. She even recalls sharing the same predicament back in Sabaody Archipelago two years ago, prompting Luffy to finally acknowledge her. Bonney makes it clear that they are enemies, but she also does not forget to thank her saviors. The two captains then exchange a few remarks, with Bonney showing interest in Luffy's current status as an Emperor and in his pirate crew.

Jimbei asks Bonney what happened to her crew and ship. Bonney discloses going off on her own, stating that the giant shark has gobbled up her ship. Bonney then proceeds to tell Luffy and Jimbei information about their current location. She tells them that the island is called Egghead, a place people say to be 500 years in the future. It is said to house Dr. Vegapunk's laboratory and his inventions.

Shifting back to the other Straw Hats, the giant robot brings Thousand Sunny and the other Straw Hats ashore. Franky and Usopp marvel at the giant robot's coolness, while Sanji notices someone making an appearance. Franky thanks whoever the figure is, but said figure keeps on rambling about the latest experiment being a failure. The figure turns out to be a young woman, and Franky's gratitude snaps her back to reality. She clarifies that she did not save them and introduces herself as Dr. Vegapunk, One Piece's greatest scientist.