The following contains spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1047, "The Sky Over the Capital," by Eiichiro Oda, Stephen Paul and Vanessa Satone, available in English from Viz Media.

Chapter 1046 of One Piece saw Luffy once again declaring that he would be King of the Pirates when asked by Kaido who he was. The two continued their brawl as everyone tried to regroup below. The flames had cut off many of the escape routes, trapping a number of groups in different areas of the castle. Thankfully, Raizo and Jimbei worked together and managed to channel a torrent of water through the castle, extinguishing the fire in many of the hallways.

In Chapter 1047, Yamato is cheering Momonosuke on as he struggles to create Flame Clouds to keep Onigashima from falling. However, no matter how much he tries, the clouds won’t form. Disheartened, he thinks back to the last time he saw his mother before traveling to the future. As their castle burned, Toki encouraged her son to go with Kin’emon’s group 20 years into the future. She had faith that Momo could rebuild the strength of their family. Momo cried and protested, but Kin'emon scolded him.

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He told him that shame to a samurai is as heavy a burden as life. Questioning his mother is shameful when she made such a grave decision, and Momo was no longer just a child. Kin’emon begged Momonosuke to give him and the others a chance to fight again, asking him to allow them to die as samurai.

Momo looked on as Kin’emon bowed deeply in respect, he and the other retainers trembling and weeping. He wiped his own tears away, stepping away from his mother. He looked at the group in silence for a moment before turning back toward Toki. With tears and snot running down his face, he told her that he was ready. Now, Momo finds new resolve, thinking that he is failing his mother. He again tries to create enough clouds to stop Onigashima from getting any closer to the Flower Capital. The city is on the horizon and time is quickly running out.

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On the roof of the Skull Dome, Kaido seems impressed with Luffy’s ability to wield lightning. Holding the lightning like a spear, Luffy thrusts it toward Kaido using his Gum-Gum Lightning attack. Kaido jumps out of the way, taking the chance to launch his own assault. While Luffy is in the air, Kaido uses his kanabo like a baseball bat and smacks him with it, sending him flying.

Luffy grabs on to another bolt of lightning, spinning around it and gaining speed. He uses the momentum to slingshot himself back toward Kaido and prepares an attack. Kaido stands firm, commenting that Devil Fruit abilities are not enough to conquer the world. He brings his kanabo down on Luffy’s head. His face collapses in on itself as Kaido continues, saying that Roger was able to rise to power without any Devil Fruit powers at all.

He sends Luffy plummeting to the ground with another swing. Luffy bounces thanks to his rubber body, but Kaido once again attacks, declaring that Haki is the only thing that can overcome challenges. Again, he sends Luffy flying through the air with a Destroyer of Death Thunder Bagua attack. Luffy manages to grab onto him before disappearing above the clouds. Kaido swings at Luffy’s arm, using it to find Luffy's position. Kaido suspects that Luffy is still susceptible to cutting attacks and launches a Dragon Twister-Demolition Gust attack at him. The attack proves effective, slicing Luffy's body.

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Down below, the citizens of the Flower Capital release the sky boats. They smile as the lanterns begin drifting up in the sky, each one carrying a message. They know that when they wake up the following day, they will once again have to return to a life of slavery, but they smile and dance, hoping to survive another year. Meanwhile, Kaido again demands that Luffy let go of him and come out from the clouds. He launches a breath attack, and Luffy becomes blackened and charred as a result.

Inside the Skull Dome, Hyogoro and the other samurai know that Kaido is losing strength because Onigashima is starting to fall. Hyogoro explains what their situation is and asks what they prefer. Either Luffy wins and Onigashima falls with everyone trapped on it, or they survive and Kaido wins. Accepting that victory may mean dying, they smile and hope that Luffy wins for the sake of Wano. If they die as a result, they'll rest knowing that their country and families will no longer suffer. They cheer Luffy on as Kid watches the scene play out in silence. When confronted about how they’ll all die, Hyogoro just smiles and asks, "And what's wrong with that?"

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In the Basement, Hamlet and Usopp are still running for their lives when they become swept up in Raizo’s flood. In the Treasure Repository, Orochi is alive and burning after having been set on fire by Kanjuro’s spirit. Because of the island shaking, the Sea Prism Stone nail sealing his powers falls out, and he is able to once again use his Devil Fruit abilities. Hiyori can only look on in horror as he transforms into his snake form, calling out to Oden that he'll take Hiyori to Hell with him.

Back outside, someone calls out to Momonosuke. Looking up, he and Yamato are shocked by the sight of a giant fist hovering above them. Luffy says that he’s ending the fight once and for all and asks Momo to move the island out of the way. Yamato believes Luffy is getting ready to punch through Onigashima as Momo tries to protest. However, Luffy encourages Momo, saying he believes in him.

The next chapter of One Piece will be available on Sunday, May 8th.