WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Old Man Quill #12, by Ethan Sacks, Robert Gill, Andres Mossa and VC's Joe Caramagna, on sale now.

The Old Man Logan universe is a dark, dour alternate future where most of Marvel's heroes have been wiped out. After the Earth's villains took over, the entire universe was left without many of the human heroes who once protected it.

While a new generation of heroes will start protecting the world as the Avengers of the Wastelands, Old Man Quill #12 sees the elder Star-Lord put together a new roster of Guardians of the Galaxy in the wake of the original team's demise.

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Most of the Old Man Quill series has centered on Peter Quill returning to Earth to save it from the Universal Church of Truth. The Church wiped out the rest of his teammates, and Quill only survived by being estranged from the rest of the team. When Galactus comes to Earth to try and finally consume the troublesome world,  Quill, working with the resistance led by Viv Vision, ends up able to load a gun with a sliver of the Time Stone and imbedded it directly into Galactus' brain.

This teleports part of his mind across time and space, lobotomizing the cosmic figure and preventing his attempts to consume the planet. Although they save the world, there are still threats out there that need to be dealt with. Most notably, Doctor Doom escaped the battle and fled, which means that he's still out there and probably plotting his next global conquest. Despite Viv's request for him to stay on the planet to work with her to fix the world, Quill announces his intention to leave the planet and form a new team.

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By the end of the issue, Peter Quill has decided to protect Marvel's cosmos once again. His first target is the Church of Universal Truth, the faith that prayed to Galactus and ended up killing the original Guardians. To that end, he's going to need some new allies, and he calls up a handful of remaining heroes from across the universe to reform a new team of Guardians of the Galaxy. This includes a handful of Marvel's remaining cosmic heroes like Beta Ray Bill, Nova, Moondragon, Nebula and even what appears to be a sapling version of Groot.

All of the heroes agree to come together as a new team, with Bill even being surprised it took this long for Quill to reach out to the rest of the group. This proves that while most of the Marvel Universe was wiped out by the villains taking control of the world, there were cosmic heroes who avoided destruction, likely because they were off-world. While it's unclear if we'll see this team again, it's a strong squad of cosmic heavyweights and fan-favorite characters in any reality. If Quill and the Guardians want a real chance at solving the problems that the Universal Church created, this is the roster of heroes that could do it.

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