WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for "Overture," in Marvel #4, by Alex Ross, Steve Darnall, Kurt Busiek, and Josh Johnson, on sale now.

On most days, Galactus and the Celestials stand as some of Marvel's most powerful beings. Together, these cosmic entities should be able to destroy anyone who comes in their way. However, the Doctor Strange nemesis, Nightmare, just bested these cosmic beings with ease.

At the beginning of Marvel #4, by Alex Ross, Steve Darnall and Kurt Busiek, Nightmare is shown triumphant over several beings of cosmic power. Galactus, Surtur, Ego the Living Planet and three of the Celestials had just attempted to stop Nightmare, who was harvesting the dreams of others in order to increase his power. As he lords over those defeated cosmic titans, Nightmare pokes out one of Ego the Living Planet's eyes. All the while, Nightmare gloats about how powerful he is, boasting that dreams have no limits. With the power of dreams, Nightmare has managed to beat several of Marvel's most powerful beings.

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Of course, none of this would have been possible if Nightmare hadn't captured Doctor Strange. Nightmare used Strange's magic to cast a worldwide spell, which forced the people of Earth into an eternal slumber. During this period of sleep, Nightmare amassed greater power through the planet's dreams.

With everyone in an eternal state of slumber, Nightmare's power is limitless. Dreams are a source of pure imagination, with limitless possibilities. Using the infinite scenarios at his disposal, Nightmare can do anything. Nightmare would be powerful enough if he simply channeled the energy from one person's temporary slumber. Since he's put everyone on Earth in an endless state of rest, however, Nightmare is channeling the power of billions of dreams for an indefinite period of time.

With the recurring dreams of billions at his disposal, there is truly no limit to Nightmare's power. This raw power is illustrated by Nightmare's defeat of the Celestials, Marvel's ancient gods. The Celestials created the Eternals, set the stage for human evolution and have even culled entire planets before. Yet with the limitless power of eternal dreams, Nightmare dispatched the Celestials with ease.Galactus is also immensely powerful, devouring planets to survive and living through the creation of the universe. Surtur nearly ended all of existence with The Twilight Sword, and Ego has nearly destroyed Earth a few times. Still, none of these beings could stand up to Nightmare's power.

At the end of Marvel #4, Nightmare is confronted by more cosmic entities: Eternity, The Living Tribunal, Death, Lord Chaos and Master Order. Despite all of these incredible forces assembling against him, Nightmare seems supremely confident that he will triumph. Just as he defeated the Celestials and Galactus, Nightmare believes he will beat the rest of Marvel's cosmic pantheon.

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Nightmare gloats that he will transform from a mere conqueror into a deity. And at this rate, it's likely that Nightmare will live up to his boasts. With the limitless possibilities of the Earth's eternal dreams at his disposal, enhanced by Strange's power, Nightmare is truly a force to be reckoned with. If Nightmare does win, overcoming forces like Death and all of Eternity, there is nothing that could stop the fiend, since Doctor Strange has been reduced to watching from the sidelines in ghostly chains.

If Strange can find a way to free himself, he might just find a way to dethrone Nightmare before he takes down every cosmic power the Marvel Universe has to offer.

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