Some of the excitement about seeing Captain Marvel, Black Panther and Doctor Strange among Marvel Studios' Phase 3 plans was tempered in some circles by disappointment over the absence of a Black Widow solo film. That feeling was given voice in a #BlackWidowMovie Twitter campaign, which received support from Nathan Edmondson, writer of Marvel's Black Widow comic.

However, Edmondson didn't stop at a mere retweet; instead, he "whipped this up": the first six pages of a hypothetical Black Widow screenplay. It's a sequence that's sure to please fans of the Marvel super-spy (and, judging from Twitter reaction, already has).

He ends it with, "and like, a whole movie of Black Widow stuff and hell-yeah moments and gunplay and [subterfuge] and a romantic arc and etc, etc, etc... someone get on it, already."

Someone very well may, again (David Hayter and Nicole Perlman have already taken stabs it), but it doesn't seem likely to happen before 2019 or so.

(via BuzzFeed)