Naruto is one of the most popular anime series of all time. As one of the Big Three, it’s no surprise that it still remains one of the best even years after its conclusion. Though it’s a beloved shonen classic that most anime fans adore, it’s not free of problems. With such a long runtime and over 700 episodes under its belt, it’s only natural that the series won’t always please fans.

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Throughout its run, Naruto has made some pretty shocking and controversial decisions, and not all fans have been on board with their outcome. Many of these shocking twists have divided the fandom, with some angered by the direction the series took and others pleasantly surprised.

10 Its Long Length Gives Fans A Lot Of Content, But Makes It Hard For Newcomers

Kurama from Naruto loose and on a rampage

Like most shonen, Naruto had an incredibly long run, lasting for nearly fifteen years before finally coming to an end in 2017. For many fans, a long series like this is great. It gives viewers tons of content to work with and is perfect for anyone looking for something to binge-watch.

However, long-running shonen series aren't for everyone, and many faithful fans began to grow tired of waiting for the series to be over. As a result, a lot of long-time fans ended up dropping the series, only picking it back up once it came close to a definitive end.

9 Its Huge Cast Of Characters Has Its Drawbacks

The cast of Naruto

Over the years, Naruto has gained an enormous cast of beloved characters that make the series the amazing story it is. Unfortunately, for some fans, there can sometimes be too much of a good thing. Thanks to its bloated cast, the series tends to overlook many fan-favorite characters.

Just about every side character in the series gets sidelined for the main plot, hardly ever seeing any screentime. It's a huge disappointment for fans who prefer the supporting cast, as some characters practically disappear for most of the series.

8 Fans Love Team 7, But They Steal The Spotlight Too Much

Naruto Sasuke Sakura Team 7

It's no surprise that the series mostly focuses on the adventures of Team 7. After all, they're the main trio and the ones everything revolves around. Despite this, many fans get tired of the series putting such a strong emphasis on these three.

They steal the spotlight in just about every situation, even if another character could easily take their place. Fans love Team 7, but many wish they could see other teams utilized more instead. Unfortunately, the series prioritizes main characters the most, leaving everyone else behind.

7 Naruto Is Super Overpowered By The End, And Fans Are Torn On This

Naruto Uzumaki in Nine-Tails Chakra Mode in Naruto.

Naruto Uzumaki comes from the humblest of beginnings at the start of the series. He's shunned, hated, and seen as a joke by his peers. Nevertheless, he doesn't give up, and soon enough, Naruto becomes the most powerful ninja in history. Many fans are all for this decision, seeing the lovable protagonist as more than deserving of such power.

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However, others aren't so sure they feel the same. After a point, Naruto feels almost too overpowered, losing a lot of that original charm he had when he was just a nobody. Though it makes sense for Naruto to gain a great deal of power, some see his abilities as nothing short of excessive.

6 Some Fans Enjoy The Ninja War Arc, But Others Don't

Team 7 fighting together in the fourth great ninja war

The Ninja War Arc is the final arc of Naruto, and everyone joins forces to fight against the big baddies in the Fourth Great Ninja War. It's the big showdown where everything comes together, and for the most part, fans love this epic battle of the ages.

However, not everyone enjoys this finale. Many fans feel this arc drags out far too long, throwing way too many curve balls at the audience. With so many shocking twists and turns all the way to the end, this arc becomes a confusing mess for some and leaves many disappointed.

5 The Bond Between Naruto & Sasuke Is Important, But It Takes Up Too Much Of The Story

Naruto And Sasuke Fighting

There's no denying that Naruto and Sasuke have one of the most important relationships in the entire series. Much of the story centers around their bond, and saving Sasuke becomes one of Naruto's biggest motivations to keep going. Many fans love this dynamic between them.

However, just as many fans feel it takes up too much of the plot. From the end of the original series and onward into Naruto Shippuden, Naruto's desire to bring Sasuke back is one of the main points of the series. It becomes frustrating, and even boring, for some fans, who just wanted to watch Naruto achieve his dream of becoming Hokage.

4 Fans Are Torn On The Endgame Couples

NaruHina and SasuSaku as adults

While it doesn't play a major role, romance has always been a big part of Naruto. Fans all have their favorite ships, and many have debated on who's right for who since the beginning. When the series came to an end, everyone finally got to see which pairings made the cut, and many of the endgame couples were shocking.

Most surprising of all were the main two relationships, with Naruto marrying Hinata and starting a family and Sasuke and Sakura having a daughter. Some fans were overjoyed seeing these couples together at last. However, many others felt it made no sense and couldn't believe their eyes.

3 When The Truth Behind The Uchiha Massacre Came Out, Many Didn't Know How To Feel

Sasuke mourning Itachi's death in Naruto.

Sasuke wasn't the only one shocked when he discovered the truth about what happened to his fallen clan. Fans everywhere reacted with mixed feelings over this bombshell revelation, and it changed everything that everyone ever knew about both Itachi and Konoha. Many fans loved this reveal because it proved that Itachi was never a villain, to begin with.

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However, many others felt it was a bad call that painted Konoha in a very negative light. The truth only fueled Sasuke's hatred and need for vengeance, which frustrated viewers who had hoped he might finally turn things around with his abandoned teammates.

2 Sasuke's Redemption Is A Sigh Of Relief, But It Still Comes With Some Problems

Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura smile at each other - Naruto

Ever since Sasuke left Konoha that fateful night, fans have wanted nothing more than to see him redeem himself and rejoin his comrades. Unfortunately, this is something everyone has to wait a very long time to see. Even after all is said and done with Kaguya Otsutsuki, Sasuke still refuses to back down until Naruto beats some sense into him at last.

It goes without saying that the moment when Team 7 finally reunites for good is nothing but satisfying. However, Sasuke's redemption is a bit problematic, especially considering his horrific crimes. Many feel he's let off too easy, arguing that he should have had a much harsher punishment after everything he put everyone through.

1 Beloved Characters Settle Down & Start Families, Making Way For A Disappointing New Generation

naruto and hinatas family

When the war finally ends and the world enjoys peace, fans get a glimpse into the futures of their favorite ninjas. The genin they love have all grown up and started their own families. It's a sweet ending that's more than deserved after everything the characters have gone through together.

However, this new generation makes way for the infamous sequel series, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, leaving many to wish it hadn't been included in the finale at all. Luckily, with Boruto's story finally making steady improvement, there may still be hope for this continuation yet. But for some fans, the sequel will never be anywhere near as good as the original, and they'd rather do without it.

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