Naruto's combat system is based primarily around the use of supernatural techniques, or ninjutsu, that range from Naruto's trademark Rasengan technique to summoning giant toads to Shikamaru's shadow possession jutsu. The concept of jutsu also includes the use of genjutsu illusions and, more broadly, the use of eye-based techniques as well.

RELATED: 10 Strongest Jutsu Only Seen in Naruto Shippuden Fillers

Most of these jutsu were designed with shonen-style ninja combat in mind, and most of them would wreak havoc in the real world. But other jutsu are either precise enough, gentle enough, or flexible enough to have real-world application if they somehow became real. Many working professionals, in particular, would greatly benefit from learning Naruto-stye jutsu to make their work easier or safer.

10 Creation Rebirth & Cellular Regeneration Could Transform The Medical Industry

Tsunade from Naruto using her healing jutsu.

Most jutsu in Naruto are destructive in nature, and some are even designed with the sole purpose of taking lives. But other jutsu go in the opposite direction, and medicine-oriented characters such as the fifth Hokage Tsunade and her disciple, Sakura Haruno, use jutsu to heal instead.

The cellular regeneration jutsu and the creation rebirth jutsu allow a person to heal their body and even enhance it, and that would have an obvious impact on the medical industry in the real world. Many lives that couldn't be saved otherwise would be protected with this remarkable jutsu.

9 Wood Creation Jutsu Would Ease The Strain On Hardwood Forests

yamato using wood release naruto

The first Hokage, Hashirama Senju, was famed for using his clan's wood-based jutsu, and decades later, Yamato was able to use it, too. Such jutsu is effective for capturing an enemy or blocking enemy attacks, and as Yamato showed, wood release jutsu can create an entire building out of nothing.

Creating so much useful wood from thin air would definitely reduce how much logging is done for construction, and that would have a huge positive impact on the environment and hardwood forests in particular. And this jutsu could also be used to make furniture, not just wooden house frames.

8 Shadow Clones Can Do Dangerous Work

naruto performing the shadow clone jutsu

The rare shadow clone jutsu, invented by Tobirama Senju himself, is usually used to create expendable body doubles for combat or to overwhelm the enemy with sheer numbers. But even if most users can't make a thousand clones like Naruto can, this jutsu is still a game-changer.

RELATED: 10 Best A-Rank Jutsu in Naruto, Ranked

Many risky manual labor jobs would suddenly become a cinch if manual laborers could make shadow clones to dispose of nuclear waste, clean the inside of large machines, clear old minefields, and more.

7 The Transformation Jutsu Is An Instant Disguise

Iruka Performing The Transformation Jutsu in Naruto

The transform jutsu allows anyone to become a shapeshifter, even if the transformation is only skin-deep. In fact, this is one of the most basic and universal jutsu of all, based on how all Academy students were expected to use it. It was rarely used after that in the anime, though.

In real life, the transformation jutsu could be used or abused in many ways. On the more positive side, this jutsu could be useful for witness protection programs, and celebrities could walk around in mainstream society without being mobbed.

6 The Mind Transfer Jutsu Makes Interrogation Easy

Ino uses her Mind Transfer Jutsu, Naruto

This is a tricky genjutsu unique to the Yamanaka ninja clan. The kunoichi Ino Yamanaka and her father, Inoichi, are often seen using it, and the uses for this hiden jutsu are many. The basic version allows this jutsu's user to take control of another person's mind and body, but that is not all.

RELATED: Naruto: 10 Best Jutsu That Counter Each Other

The more advanced version allows the user to perform bonafide mind-reading, and many real-life people would love to do that. Investigators and detectives could use this jutsu to solve criminal cases much more quickly and easily, for example, with no torture or interrogations necessary.

5 The Byakugan Can See All

hinata using byakugan naruto

The realm of dojutsu, or eye jutsu, is closely related to ninjutsu. Even if the Byakugan eyes or the Sharingan don't require a set of hand seals to perform, these count as powerful jutsu that a variety of real-life parties would want access to.

Search and rescue teams could make ample use of the Byakugan eye to find lost hikers or the victims of natural disasters, for example. Such eyes would also be hugely useful for security guards or police officers pursuing or searching for a wanted criminal.

4 Shadow Possession Is A Great Capture Tool

Shikamaru using shadow possession jutsu in Naruto.

The shadow possession jutsu is the hiden jutsu of the Nara ninja family, made famous by the genius tactician Shikamaru Nara. The user can perform a single hand sign, then extend their shadow with chakra to touch the opponent's body and thus restrict their movements.

RELATED: Naruto: 10 Jutsu With the Best Design

This jutsu's user can force the target to physically move in the same way as them, the same way a natural shadow mimics a person's own movements. No doubt real-life police officers, SWAT teams, and other agents would love to use this jutsu to capture dangerous individuals with ease, all without shedding any blood.

3 Deidara's Explosive Clay Makes TNT Obsolete

Deidara Smiling As He Detonates C4 Against Sasuke Uchiha in Naruto: Shippuden

The explosive Akatsuki member named Deidara thinks it's artful to set off his clay models and blow up his enemies, such as when he battled Gaara and then Sasuke Uchiha in Shippuden. The good news is that explosions can be just as beneficial as they are destructive, even in the real world.

If enough real people could use Deidara's jutsu, they could easily clear away the terrain for railroad construction. They could also use this jutsu to precisely destroy abandoned buildings and slip their animated explosive insects into places that regular detonation workers cannot reach.

2 Dust Release Can Dispose Of Any Waste Or Junk

Third Tsuchikage creates a cube between his hands in Naruto

The elderly Tsuchikage wields a fearsome tri-element jutsu known as Dust Release, and in battle, it is truly fearsome. When the jutsu's cube is expanded, it can be sent forth to reduce all physical targets to atoms, breaking them down and practically erasing them from existence.

This can be useful outside of combat, too. If used carefully, Dust Release could be used to eliminate waste of all sorts, not to mention junk items that are too difficult, dangerous, or expensive to dispose of otherwise. This is a universal cleanup tool to any mess.

1 Sai's Ink Animal Jutsu Could Be Helpful

sai ink animals

Aside from the conventional summoning jutsu, Sai the shinobi can summon animals with his ink-based jutsu, and those animals are under his total control, having a telepathic link with him. Sai often summons birds with this jutsu, though he can also release tigers.

In the real world, those ink animals could be used to scout the terrain for military purposes, to perform search and rescue operations, or to survey the terrain for a construction project. Expensive flying drones and helicopters would no longer be required.

NEXT: Naruto: The 10 Most Destructive Jutsu, Ranked