The world of My Hero Academia is enriched because of its extensive cast of characters, consisting of heroes and villains alike. Everyone has different motivations for their actions. While the heroes have noble ideals and reasons for training their Quirks, the villains' backstories and personalities are also compelling. It's easy to understand why some of them wouldn't want to adhere to the restricting rules and norms of hero society.

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There are tons of anime villains that it would be kind of shameful to share a Zodiac sign with. But My Hero Academia's foes bring a few unique perspectives to the table, whether by how they leverage their Quirks or just what drives them to a life of villainy.

Updated on July 1st, 2022 by Sarah Martin: Since this list was published in 2020, we've added some more information about the Zodiac signs and the My Hero Academia villains associated with them.

12 All For One Is Straightforward & Confident Like An Aries

All for One in My Hero Academia.

All For One is a classic Type-A personality. He's straightforward and confident, much like an Aries. His quirk is dangerously powerful, as it allows him to steal other people's powers. He hoards all of these quirks and can utilize them as he sees fit. His quirk has made him very arrogant and condescending.

All For One thinks a little too highly of himself and of his abilities. However, this has made All For One an excellent overarching villain throughout the series and serves as the ultimate big bad for Deku to eventually defeat.

11 Stain Has Tons Of Conviction Like A Taurus

Like a Taurus, Stain has a strong sense of duty and clings to his conviction. His extremist views are built around the idea that false heroes should be eradicated and that pro-heroes aren't interested in saving people; instead, they're only interested in garnering mass admiration and media praise.

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Taurus' are known for being stubborn and unwavering in their objectives, and Stain definitely fits the bill. Even moments away from passing out because of a ruptured lung, he stood up to attack the false "heroes" in front of him.

10 Destro Wants To Be Freed Of Expectations, Like A Gemini

Destro has powers equivalent to All for One in My Hero Academia.

Destro founded the Meta Liberation Army. He didn't believe that quirks deserved to be regulated and disagreed with the idea of the government controlling how people utilize their natural abilities. Destro would rather not have his talents hampered by societal constraints and expectations.

Nonconformity and resistance to control are classic qualities of Geminis. People of this sign are always curious to discover the truth about the world around them. Like Destro, all Geminis are such smooth-talkers that they can make any ideology sound appealing to the masses and can even gather cult followings.

9 Nomu Don't Rock The Boat When Given Orders, Like Cancers

A lower-tier Nomu from My Hero Academia.

Nomu are bioengineered creatures made by Doctor Garaki. He made them by heavily modifying corpses for use as powerful drones that only serve to obey a master's orders during battle. As seen throughout the series, Nomu are capable of causing mass destruction and they kill indiscriminately.

Cancers are far from mindless zombies, but many people of this sign would rather not rock the boat when given an order, even if they disagree with it. Cancers are respectful of authority and try to avoid conflict at whatever cost.

8 Mr. Compress Is A Natural Entertainer Like A Leo

Mr. Compress from MHA

Mr. Compress always likes to make a show out of compressing people with his Quirk and kidnapping them. He even bowed after kidnapping Bakugo like he was at the end of a play. He's an incredibly charismatic villain with a keen sense of fashion, and his aptitude for entertaining is very similar to the Leo zodiac sign.

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Mr. Compress is always flashy and is a natural entertainer. Even if he doesn't intend to, he ends up stealing the spotlight and commanding every scene for the League of Villains.

7 Dabi Is Strategic, Like A Virgo

Dabi's flames in  My Hero Academia.

Like many Virgos, Dabi is a surprisingly cautious and strategic person. He’s quick to violence and enjoys it, but he also understands when to back off and take his time.

Virgos are somewhat cautious and practical when it comes to decision-making. But, similar to Dabi, they’re also very critical of others and aren’t afraid to tell people what they think about them. Virgos are diligent with everything they do and pay close attention to details. They're also not quick to trust others but are good at hiding their suspicions for the sake of business.

6 Gentle Is Well-Mannered Like A Libra

Gentle Criminal in My Hero Academia.

Like many Libras, Gentle is pretty polite and well-mannered. He doesn’t mean to be a villain in the same way that a lot of others do. He’s not interested in stealing or gaining material wealth; he mostly just wants to be famous.

Libras also are interested in leading by example, and though the example Gentle is setting isn’t a good one, he is undoubtedly trying to inspire others. Gentle has a keen eye for aesthetics and fashion- both of which are things Libras enjoy. His style is synonymous with his identity as a villain.

5 Twice Is Dualistic & Distrustful, Like A Scorpio

Because of his Quirk, Twice has a dualistic personality and often makes back-to-back contradictory statements. While this is commonly associated with the Twins of Gemini, Twice is much more like a Scorpio. Since his Quirk wreaked havoc on his life, he became distrustful of himself and others.

He doesn't trust himself because he's not even sure if he's the real Twice. He doesn't trust others because society never gave him the help he needed to deal with such a chaotic Quirk. Like Scorpios, Twice is rather paranoid and questions everything around him.

4 Himiko Toga Is Enthusiastic & Cheerful Like A Sagittarius

10 Harsh Realities Of Being Himiko Toga In My Hero Academia

Like a Sagittarius, Himiko Toga is always cheerful and enthusiastic. This vampire-like teenage girl joined the League of Villains and immediately stood out from some of its more rugged members thanks to her friendly, affectionate personality.

However, these traits are rather creepy in context with the rest of her attitude. She often combines her affections with cruelty and takes a happy-go-lucky approach to killing people and sucking their blood dry. Regardless, she's one of the most popular League members because everybody loves a classic yandere.

3 Shigaraki Is Cynical & Detached Like A Capricorn

My Hero Academia Tomura Shigaraki

Capricorns are generally the most cynical zodiac sign. Shigaraki's entire perspective on being a villain is rooted in cynicism because he feels that hero society failed and abandoned him when he needed the most help. Therefore, he blames heroes for all of society's shortcomings and thinks that destroying everything will bring reform.

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Though Shigaraki has a warped perspective of justice and the world as a whole, it's not like he never started out with heroic dreams. However, like a Capricorn, Shigaraki grew detached and jaded towards the world, resulting in his current mindset that society can never be saved.

2 Geten Balks At The Idea Of Formal Institutions Like An Aquarius

Geten My Hero Academia

Like many Aquarians, Geten balks at the idea of formal institutions. He never attended school or underwent any training to control his Quirk. Instead, he trained on his own and become the most powerful villain he could possibly be. During his fight with Dabi, his defiant personality was on full display.

Geten is part of a Liberation Army and strongly believes that is what will save the world. People of this sign tend to have a progressive worldview and totally resent any authority figures.

1 Daruma Ujiko Always Stays True To What He Believes In Like A Pisces

My Hero Academia's Daruma Ujiko

Daruma Ujiko is one of the smartest villains in MHA. He helped created the Nomu since the League didn't have enough soldiers at the time. He seems to have a creative solution for any of the League's problems and dutifully follows All For One's command.

Pisces have a tendency to strictly follow whatever ideology that they believe in; religion or otherwise. In Daruma's case, he avidly believes in All For One's vision of his ideal world and would do anything to help him achieve it.

NEXT: Which Shonen Mom Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?