• Tartarus held the most vile criminals under strict conditions, including being restrained and monitored 24/7. 1 / 9

  • It is separated from the rest of society and deemed the most secure place on Earth. 2 / 9

  • Inmates had every vital function monitored with machine guns ready to fire without warning. 3 / 9

  • All for One occupied the most secure cell block of the prison. 4 / 9

  • Obsessed with human flesh, Moonfish is awaiting execution. 5 / 9

  • Kurogiri is a nomu interrogated for information on the League. 6 / 9

    Kurogiri My Hero Academia 1093
  • Leader of the Shie Hassaikai, Overhaul lost both arms and is unable to use his Quirk. 7 / 9

  • Muscular and Hero Killer Stain were also detained in Tartarus. 8 / 9

  • Now, however, the inmates have broken free from Tartarus. 9 / 9