In My Hero Academia, the majority of humans possess some type of power known as a Quirk, and for the most part, each person has a power which is unique to them, but other Quirks can be passed down or inherited. Each Quirk has its utility, but some are far more useful than others, and there are a few that are far too powerful and dangerous.

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Goku has been the main character of the Dragon Ball franchise for decades, and many consider him to be one of the strongest fictional characters of all time. Goku is a Saiyan, and after decades of training, he has gained power similar to that of gods. If he wanted to, he could easily destroy Earth with a single attack. He would be vastly overpowered in MHA, but there are a few Quirks that can possibly stop him.

9 Decay Can Disintegrate Anything

Tomura Shigaraki decays rubble in My Hero Academia.

Tomura Shigaraki is the main antagonist of MHA, and now that his Quirk has awakened, he is arguably the deadliest character in the series. With Decay, Tomura is able to disintegrate any inorganic or biological object that he touches with his fingers.

Thanks to his awakening, Decay can now wipe out anything that it comes in contact with, which can lead to the near-complete destruction of cities. Goku's body is incredibly durable, but if he were to come in contact with Decay, even his body would be in danger.

8 Rewind Can Erase Goku From Existence

Eri from My Hero Academia using her quirk, Rewind.

Eri is an adorable little girl with a traumatic backstory, but MHA uses her more like a plot device than a character. This is because she possesses a very useful Quirk called Rewind, which reverts people back to a previous state. This means that she could turn Goku back into a defenseless newborn.

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Under normal circumstances, this Quirk would be used for healing or de-aging, but it can be deadly as well. Rewind can revert someone like Goku back to a time when he was not even born, effectively wiping him from existence.

7 Compress Could Trap Goku In A Marble

Mr. Compress shows off his restraint balls in My Hero Academia.

Mr. Compress is a master thief who is wanted throughout Japan. He is not much of a fighter, but his Quirk made him a very useful member of the League of Villains. With the Compress Quirk, he can compress anything into a small marble-like object by touching it.

If this power is used on a person, they are trapped in this state until Mr. Compress releases them. Even Goku would get turned into a marble, and he would not be able to fight back. This Quirk can also be used on individual body parts, Which means that Goku could lose the use of his limbs.

6 Somnambulist Should Put Goku To Sleep

Midnight using Somnambulist during the Sports Festival in MHA.

Despite her seductive appearance and flirtatious personality, Midnight was a talented Pro Hero and a competent leader. She could use Somnambulist, an Emitter Quirk which allowed her body to produce a sleep-inducing smell.

The one downside is that this power does not work well when it is used on women. Luckily, Goku is a man, which means that he is highly susceptible to Somnambulist's effects, and he does not even need to find Midnight attractive in order for the Quirk to work on him. There's no need to fight Goku, if he can simply be put to sleep.

5 Warp Gate Can Create Potentially Lethal Portals

Kurogiri Transporting Tomura With Warp Gate

Kurogiri is by no means a fighter, but his Quirk is incredibly useful, and it can be deadly if used correctly. Warp Gate allows him to produce dark fog from his hands and head, and it can be used as a portal. This gives him the ability to transport anyone or anything anywhere.

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This ability is coordinate-based, which means that Kurogiri needs to know the location of his exit portals. Against Goku, this Quirk could potentially be used to redirect a fatal Kamehameha back at Goku, or it could send the Saiyan into the middle of space, where he would not be able to breathe.

4 New Order Could Significantly Alter Goku's Body

Star and Stripe in MHA/My Hero Academia.

Star and Stripe was the No.1 Pro Hero in the United States, and she possessed a Quirk that could be seen as broken. It is called New Order, and it allowed her to place new rules on her surroundings. By doing so, she could manipulate the world around her and bestow new properties onto things and individuals

Theoretically, this Quirk can be used to transform Goku's Ki blasts into something physical that she can break. It might also be able to alter Goku's body to the point that it cannot withstand his own power level. For this Quirk to activate, the user must touch the object and say its name.

3 Brainwashing Can Stop Goku In His Tracks

Hitoshi Shinso adjusts his brainwashing gear in My Hero Academia

It is true that Hitoshi Shinso is weak, but his Quirk is incredibly useful. He has the Brainwashing Quirk, and like its name suggests, it forces others to obey his commands. This ability only activates if someone verbally responds to him, and Hitoshi must want the Quirk to take effect.

The user cannot force their target to do something that requires complex brain activity, which means that Goku cannot be turned into an unwilling mercenary. However, the Quirk can force him to stop moving, thus ending the fight instantly.

2 Even Goku Cannot Withstand The Destructive Power Of Black Hole

Thirteen using her Black Hole Quirk in My Hero Academia.

Thirteen is a Hero who specializes in search and rescue operations, but she can fight if she needs to because of her Quirk. It is called Black Hole, and it allows her hands to replicate the suction effect of a black hole. Not even light can escape this effect, which means that Ki blasts should be absorbed without issue.

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Physical objects and individuals who get sucked into this black hole get disintegrated. Goku may be durable, but even his body cannot survive disintegration. He was able to overcome the weight of a black hole during the Tournament of Power, but suction is an entirely different issue.

1 Overhaul Should Be Able To Blow Goku's Body Apart

Chikase activating his Overhaul Quirk in MHA.

Kai Chisaki was a Yakuza leader, and like many characters, his Quirk requires physical contact in order to activate. It is called Overhaul, and it allows him to disassemble whatever he touches, but he can also reassemble things however he wants.

This Quirk essentially gives him control over matter, which is seriously overpowered, especially when used on other living beings. With a single touch, Kai can destroy one of Goku's limbs, or he could simply blow Goku's entire body apart. He could even merge their bodies together and use Goku's powers.

NEXT: 10 Times Goku Was Too Dumb To Quit