The Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator can tell you a lot about a person. By separating traits into different categories, we can learn the mindset of people. Now with the deep character development that is shown in My Hero Academia, we can really get into the heads of how these characters see and view their world. Take the villains for example, when they made their first appearance they were pretty one dimensional and had very unorganized goals.

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Now, 200 plus issues later, this is no longer the case. Almost each villain character has been pushed to their limits and now we know more about them. Since all these recent developments we can now put their personalities into the Myers Briggs® Personality traits. So here are the villains of My Hero Academia, broken down into MBTI® personalities.

10 Sludge Monster- ISTP

sludge villain

If any remembers the Sludge Monster, he was the villain who kidnapped Bakugo's body. With the very few scenes he was in, ISTP is the best personality type for this character. They are usually loners, like the Sludge Monster was and they are thinkers. Sludge Monster's first thought was how to get out of the city. The Sludge Monster's first and only thoughts were of self-preservation, again showing similarities of others with this trait. Also, people in the category are spontaneous like the Sludge Monster, just going from victim to victim.

9 Kurogiri- ISFJ

Kurogiri warp gate villain

In the anime, we only know Kurogiri as a type of caretaker for Tomura. Because of this, working out his traits was a little bit harder. But overall, and most importantly, he is there to care for Tomura. Whatever Kurogiri wants usually takes a back seat. Therefore Kurogiri's personality type is ISFJ. This breaks down to being introverted and picking up and sensing other's needs and emotions. While trying to expand Tomura's  League of Villains, Kurogiri attempts to bring in the Hero-Killer Stain. Kurogiri knew about Stain's own beliefs and tried to have them work together. Additionally in the manga, after Kurogiri was captured he immediately asked how Tomura was doing, not caring about his own predicament.

8 Hero Killer Stain- INFP

My Hero Academia Stain

Similar to Chisaki in some aspects, Hero-Killer Stain hated how people romanticized and idolized heroes. His only difference is he thinks all heroes (excluding All Might) are false heroes. INFP fits his personality as it is based on personal ideology.

Related: My Hero Academia: 5 Pro Heroes Stain Can Defeat (& 5 Who Would Demolish Him)

This personality type has their feelings drive them, and once they have an idea of something they can't be convinced otherwise. This is proven when the Stain saves Deku. He only does this because he notices Deku as a selfless hero, something that Stain is trying to find more of.

7 Tomura- INTP

Tomura never stops questioning things. He continues to think and think. People with INTP as a personality trait only socialize with a small group of people. The League of Villains has only about six members, proving this trait in Tomura. Also proving why he couldn't win at the USJ. When Tomura allowed Twice and Himiko to join with the Yakuza, he did this from a strategic standpoint. This decision further showed his thinking and ideas. These people are often analytical, thinking about how they can get ahead.

6 Twice- ESTP

Let's be honest here. Twice is Deadpool. With Twice's personality, he always tries to be the center of the conversation. When going into battle, Twice likes to be loud and noisy. After killing Kenji, all Twice could think about is making things right. He wanted to charge right in and attack Chaiski without a second thought. That is actually one of the downsides of this trait. That is why Tomura waited and explained their long game plan that Twice was eager to take part in.

5 Dabi-ISTP

Not much is known about this character. His cremation quirk can speak for itself in its destructive nature.  He is often seen insulting allies and foes alike - just like an ISTP. Since the abduction of Bakugo, Dabi is seen trying to find new recruits alone.

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His thoughts are often based on logic. It is the whole reason he joined the League. He thought Stain's attack was in conjunction with The League and with that likeliness he joined up.

4 Mr. Compress- ENFP

A showman for sure (like others with this trait), but also very cautious, Mr. Compress' personality relates more to ENFP. This is because he is calm and cool under pressure. Also, people in this category can switch from that cool to a determination drive. This is proven when the League kidnaps Bakugo. Mr. Compress was always one step ahead of everyone and when the fight required him to get serious and think outside the box, which he did.

3 Himiko- ESFP

She is definitely a wild card. Both Himikio and other people of this trait get high off of life. For Himiko, her high is in the form of loving those she admires. They also love being around people and having fun with them. Himiko proves this when she took over Camie's identity during the Hero Provisional Licensing. With her quirk, she needs to be in tune with the energy that surrounds her. People with this identity are in tune with their world as well.

2 Kai Chisaki-ENTJ

People with this personality are commonly referred to as commanders. Not only is Chisaki the head of the Yakuza, so he is a leader, but this category also refers to those who make plans. We can see that Chiaski is a big thinker as he planned out what to do with Eri's quirk. He even thought long term, all to put the Yakuza back on top.

Related: My Hero Academia: 5 Reasons Why Tomura Is the Best Villain (& 5 Reasons Why It’s Overhaul)

People in this category believe they can do anything when given the proper resources. Chisaki and others with this trait keep focus no matter what as well. This is shown when he basically threw away his troops to the officers and pros in attempt to get out undetected.

1 All For One

all for one fighting another character my hero academia

It is known that before Tomura, All For One lived for chaos and disorder. Unfortunately, we never saw this version of the character. The only All For One we recognize is the one who sets up all the pieces for Tomura. This personality trait is ENFJ. All For One has his own visions of society and he has done his best to make them a reality. People with his trait care more for helping people and being in tune with these people. Ever since taking Tomura in, All For One gave him a caretaker, Nomus, and funding for his villainous misdeeds.

Next: The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types Of Fairy Tail Characters