There's little doubt that the heroes in training in My Hero Academia are eventually going to top the list of favorite heroes. But that doesn't change the fact that each and every one of them has different abilities. Some are smarter than others, while other heroes in training work better with others.

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Midoriya and Bakugo have a lot more in common than they're willing to acknowledge. But they also have a lot of differences as well. With that in mind, here are five things that Midoriya can do, that Bakugo can't. And vice versa. This list contains spoilers from the manga.

10 Something Midoriya Can Do: Access New Quirks (From One For All)

Let's start with the most obvious difference, shall we? Midoriya's quirk was one that was given to him from All Might; One For All. As such, Midoriya is still learning about his quirk. And he still has yet to see the true depth of what is available to him.

And that makes him different from Bakugo. Midoriya has access to more than just one quirk here, as it was more than One For All that was handed down to him. That's not something that Bakugo can brag about.

9 Something Bakugo Can Do: Fly

Bakugo in My Hero Academia in front of a sunset.

Midoriya has already proven his ability to mimic a lot of Bakugo's movements. But he'll never be able to mimic the source behind Bakugo's moves; his quirk. Bakugo knows his quirk inside and out. And thus, he's figured out how to do some pretty crazy things with it.

Such as being able to fly. Bakugo has figured out how to just his blasts in order to mimic flight. It's impressive and dramatic. And while it isn't exactly true flight, it's close enough that we're going to count it.

8 Something Midoriya Can Do: Speak At A Reasonable Volume

All jokes about Midoriya's muttering aside, he has the ability to speak at a normal human volume almost all of the time. That's not exactly a talent of Bakugo's. In fact, we're pretty sure that he would self destruct if he was forced to have an entire conversation at levels we consider to be normal.

RELATED: My Hero Academia: 5 Quirks Stronger Than Endeavor's Hellflame (& 5 That Are Weaker)

Okay, this is a slightly joking list item, and we know it. But seriously, think about it. How often do you actually see Bakugo speaking, instead of shouting or talking very loudly? It's a pretty rare thing, isn't it?

7 Something Bakugo Can Do: A Strong Sense of Self-Worth

Bakugo is one of those characters who knows who he is, and what he wants to become. While he has faced a moment of self-doubt or two (as seen when he realized that All Might chose Deku over himself), he has consistently gotten over all barriers and moved forward.

Even when captured by a group of villains, Bakugo wasn't afraid of them. Nor was he even the slightest bit tempted by what they had to offer (counter to what the professors at his school might have feared). You see, Bakugo knows how good his quirk is. And he knows what type of hero it will make him, in the long run.

6 Something Midoriya Can Do: Analyzing Quirks

Having grown up in a world full of quirks – but without one for himself – Midoriya became exceptionally talented at assessing and analyzing quirks. We've seen him do it time and again. And his journal is just further proof of it.

For Midoriya, analyzing quirks has almost become a hobby for him, a thing he does by second nature. And yet, it surely will help keep people safe during battles. And will give him the edge any time he's given a chance to pick apart how a quirk works.

5 Something Bakugo Can Do: Natural Fighting Instinct

Bakugo smiling in front of exploded debris in My Hero Academia.

Bakugo is one of those characters in which fighting comes naturally to him. He knows the best ways to move, dodge, and attack. He knows the best ways to apply the use of his quirk, and how much weight he can throw behind his punches.

For Bakugo, fighting is like breathing. He doesn't need to look to other heroes in order to figure out how he should be fighting. He knows how to fight, and he knows his style. There's no learning or mimicry needed.

4 Something Midoriya Can Do: An Innate Understanding of People

We can all agree that Midoriya is, on the whole, a better people person that Bakugo is. He has this innate ability to understand people (more than just their quirks). We've seen his collect allies as the series goes on, and that's because of the way he behaves around others, at least in part.

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Midoriya can see what drives a person, even when it isn't something they're willing to acknowledge to themselves. Look at the way he pushed Todoroki, back during the tournament. That was something that cost him the fight – and yet it ended up helping Todoroki in the long run.

3 Something Bakugo Can Do: Explosive Power Levels

Bakugo is a character who has an immensely strong quirk. And he knows it. His quirk is powerful and dangerous. And he's got an innate sense of control about it. Which is good, given how dangerous out of control explosions can be.

His quirk is wild and fierce, thanks to what it is and what elements it harnesses. And it seems to be getting more powerful with time and experience.

2 Something Midoriya Can Do: See the Best in People

Izuku Midoriya facing Katuski Bakugo in My Hero Academia.

Midoriya is a relentlessly cheerful and hopeful person. As such, he's always willing and capable to see the best in everybody. After all, look at the way Bakugo treats Midoriya. Most people would walk away from a person that treated them so, but Midoriya instead chooses to appreciate Bakugo for the hero he knows he'll become.

It's just the way Midoriya works. He wants to see the best in people, and therefore he does. This is one of those things that will make him a true hero, one worthy of becoming the symbol of peace.

1 Something Bakugo Can Do: A Need for Being the Center of Attention

katsuki bakugo in mha

Bakguo is one of those characters that craves being the center of attention, even if he isn't aware of that fact. It's one of the reasons he never got along with Midoriya. He's also a character that naturally draws attention to himself (partially thanks to his loud volume).

It's just the way his character functions. He's loud and explosive. And he thrives in the limelight, even if he isn't exactly making friends left and right while doing so.

NEXT: My Hero Academia: 5 Superheroes All Might Can Defeat (& 5 He Can't)