My Hero Academia is one of the most popular new generation shonen series. However, it's also one of the genre's most polarizing titles. Though the series has an avid, loyal fanbase that's always excited to analyze it when new chapters get released each week, there are just as many critics waiting to tear My Hero Academia apart.

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My Hero Academia has had its fair share of controversies throughout the years. Certain aspects of the series rub fans the wrong way. It's hard to find someone with a neutral opinion on the series since it seems like everybody either loves or hates it.

Manga spoilers ahead!

10 Bakugo May Reign Supreme On The Popularity Charts, But Many Fans Dislike Him

Katsuki Bakugo riding a car in My Hero Academia.

Katsuki Bakugo is easily the most polarizing character in My Hero Academia. He's consistently topped the charts in every popularity poll, but many fans still dislike him. Some admire Bakugo's character development and appreciate the strength of his Quirk. Although he's rough around the edges, he's one of the most well-written characters in the series.

On the other hand, many viewers feel that Bakugo is just a hotheaded bully who's too big for his own britches. Many people can't get over the fact that he told Izuku to kill himself and constantly tormented him for being Quirkless.

9 Many Fans Feel Like Mt. Lady & Midnight Are Just Too Controversial

Midnight & Mt. Lady fighting in My Hero Academia.

My Hero Academia certainly has its fair share of fan service, which is either loved or hated across anime. However, two characters, in particular, have divided the fandom. Midnight and Mt. Lady are two pro-heroes that many fans feel are too controversial and inappropriate for the series.

Midnight is the "R-Rated Hero" whose entire design reflects a stereotypical dominatrix. On the other hand, Mt. Lady is a woman who can make herself grow very tall and often makes suggestive movements toward random onlookers. Mt. Lady isn't quite as controversial as Midnight, but they've sparked debate in the fandom. Since the main cast consists of teenagers, many feel like they set a bad example.

8 Many Fans Think That All For One Is An Underwhelming Villain

All For One looking menacing in the dark in My Hero Academia.

All For One is a mysterious figure, always lurking in the background. Not much is known about him other than the fact that his Quirk is immensely overpowered and that he fostered Tomura after his family died.

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He was imprisoned after the Hideout Raid arc. Fans believed this was the end of All For One's story, but his surprising reappearance during the Paranormal Liberation War divided the fandom. Many fans believe All For One should have been written out after getting incarcerated since he's an underwhelming villain who doesn't add much to the story.

7 Some Fans Feel Like The Gentle Criminal Arc Was Unnecessary

Gentle Criminal and La Brava in My Hero Academia

Gentle Criminal and La Brave were an unexpected villain duo who cropped up right before the U.A. School Festival. Many fans felt this arc was infuriating since it interrupted the flow of the story and got in the way of finally seeing Eri enjoy herself.

Instead, Izuku had to go out of his way to take down the flamboyant pair before they hijacked the festival. Some fans felt this arc was unnecessary and could have been scrapped. However, some argue it was worthwhile because it showcased how much Izuku improved his control over One For All.

6 Twice's Death Rocked The Fandom

Twice vs Hawks  in My Hero Academia.

During the Paranormal Liberation War, Hawks had no choice but to kill Twice because his Quirk went berserk. He was out of control and became a safety hazard. Some fans feel like Hawks' actions were unjustified. They argue that the Winged Hero manipulated a vulnerable man instead of getting him the help he needed.

After all, the No. 2 pro hero would undoubtedly have what it takes to get someone those kinds of resources. On the other hand, many agree that Hawks was justified in killing him since Twice could repeatedly copy fellow villains like Shigaraki or Dabi and cause more havoc for the heroes.

5 Endeavor's Redemption Is A Touchy Subject

Endeavor holds out his hand in My Hero Academia.

Endeavor certainly wasn't introduced as a likable hero. During the Sports Festival, Shoto explained that Endeavor was obsessed with the idea of him surpassing All Might. He forced Shoto through hellish training and abused his entire family in the pursuit of raising someone who could surpass All Might. His actions drove Rei to a breaking point, eventually making her spill boiling water on Shoto's face.

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Fans were divided when Endeavor's redemption arc rolled around. Some felt that he was genuinely trying to make amends with his family and atone for his actions, while others weren't so sure. Many feel that abusers should never be redeemed and that Endeavor should surrender his position as the No. 1 hero if he truly wants to make things right.

4 The Fandom Is Full Of Shipping Wars

Uraraka Teaming Up with Deku  in My Hero Academia.

The most off-putting aspect about My Hero Academia to potential viewers is that the fandom is notoriously toxic. It's home to many of the internet's most vicious shipping wars, so it's understandable why some people are apprehensive about even getting involved. The ships themselves are polarizing, as well.

For example, Bakugo/Deku is one of the most popular ships, and some argue that it would be an utterly unhealthy dynamic if it became canon. Some people will defend their favorite ships to the death, while others want nothing to do with these petty arguments. Some feel that shipping any My Hero Academia character is inappropriate since many of the main characters aren't adults.

3 Season 5's Arc Rearrangement Didn't Sit Right With Manga Readers

My Hero Academia Cast.

Season 5 came out right before the release of the series' third movie, World Heroes Mission. The studio rearranged two of the arcs to generate hype for the film. The My Villain Academia arc came right after the Joint Training arc in the manga. However, the anime adaptation swapped it out for the Endeavor Agency arc.

My Villain Academia is one of the most popular arcs in the entire series, and many fans were disappointed to see it rushed for the sake of promoting the movie. While some fans feel the story flowed more cohesively because of it, most felt upset that such a pivotal arc didn't get the adaptation it deserved.

2 My Hero Academia's Female Characters Are Often Underutilized & Under-Written

Yaoyorozu  in My Hero Academia.

My Hero Academia falls into one of shonen's most common pitfalls - having many of its female characters being underutilized and under-written. Though the series isn't quite on Naruto's level of poorly-handled female characters, it's still enough for the fandom to fall into a frenzy.

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Often sidelined and objectified by Mineta, My Hero Academia's female cast could have been so much more if Horikoshi wanted to expand upon them. Most of the girls in Class 1-A are only there as support during the most pivotal battles to rescue others and take out the small-time villains so that the main trio of Izuku, Bakugo, and Shoto can show off their skills.

1 Izuku Is One Of Shonen's Most Divisive Protagonists

Izuku in My Hero Academia.

The only character more polarizing than Bakugo is the series' protagonist, Izuku Midoriya. Some fans deeply admire his character development and resonate with his underdog story, while others feel like he's a bland shonen lead who doesn't offer anything new to the table.

Some feel the series is grasping at straws to maintain his power, such as giving him multiple Quirks from One For All's predecessors or going through a "Dark Deku" phase. Many viewers feel he's far too emotional to be a decent shonen lead and that being handed an overpowered Quirk from the start was a cop-out.

NEXT: The 10 Weirdest Episodes Of My Hero Academia, Ranked