All Might, also known as Toshinori Yagi, is granted One For All by his mentor, Nana Shimura, as she believes that he has the mentality required to defeat All For One once and for all. He quickly shows himself worthy of his newfound powers, and takes the battle to his nemesis following the untimely murder of Shimura by My Hero Academia's major antagonist.

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While All Might's outward appearance in hero form is clearly a reference to standard superhero tropes, his real form (a sickly, less enthusiastic, much shorter version) depicts his fears and vulnerabilities. He plays a supremely important role in the story, becoming the protagonist's mentor and guiding Deku through the various pitfalls that come with wielding One For All.

10 Does All Might Die In My Hero Academia? No, But He Retires From His Pro Hero Job

My Hero Academia All Might — warning Deku

All Might takes on All For One in their final battle, after having transferred the major part of his Quirk to Deku. He struggles against the villain, partly because he's forced to protect random people trapped by debris in the area.

However, Toshinori is able to marshal the remaining few drops of One For All, transferring all of its power into a single arm and attacking All For One with it. All Might wins in the end, but officially retires once his nemesis is safely locked up in Tartarus.

9 What Is His Original Quirk? All Might Is Born Quirkless, Just Like Deku

My Hero Academia All Might — With Nezu

Interestingly, Toshinori Yagi and Izuku Midoriya are the only two inheritors of the One For All who never had a Quirk to begin with.

Hikage Shinomori is born with a Quirk called Danger Sense, while his two non-consecutive successors, Daigoro Banjo and Nana Shimura possess Blackwhip and Float, respectively. However, it's curious that it's Deku, and not All Might, who can embody these three Quirks in addition to One For All.

8 How Many Techniques Does All Might Have? Around 10 Super Moves That Follow The Same Theme

My Hero Academia All Might — announcing battle

All Might's Super Moves are based on various U.S. states and cities, such as New Hampshire, California, Texas, Oklahoma, Carolina, Detroit, Nebraska, and Missouri. These techniques differ in terms of range, motion of attack, and general impact, but their results are almost always a victory for All Might.

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He also has a special move known as the Double Detroit Smash, which incorporates two Detroit smashes from both Toshinori and Deku at the same time (only in the movie: My Hero Academia: Two Heroes). And then there is the United States of Smash, a blast of force that is as immeasurable as it is terrifying.

7 What Are His Popularity Rankings? All Might Is Consistently In The Top 10

My Hero Academia All Might — with news reporters

All Might is a universally beloved character across most fandoms, routinely ranking in the top ten in the first few popularity polls. He has experienced a recent dip, but this is likely due to him becoming a tertiary character despite his overall importance to the story, and especially to Deku.

Coincidentally, All Might experiences a similar level of fan worship in the My Hero Academia universe, as evidenced by the vast collection of his memorabilia in Deku's possession.

My Hero Academia All Might — fighting Nomu

Tomura Shigaraki is shaping up to be one of the more complex villains in the story, and, arguably, shonen anime as a whole. His past, shrouded in darkness and death, torments him constantly, at least until he "inherits" All For One.

Tomura isn't technically related to All Might, but he is the grandson of Nana Shimura, Toshinori's mentor, idol, and predecessor. This fact makes judging Tomura for his actions (without considering his motivation) rather difficult.

5 Is He The Most Powerful One For All Wielder? Currently Yes, But It's Likely That Deku Will Surpass Him

My Hero Academia All Might — with One For All

The previous holders of One For All haven't been revealed in all their glory as yet, so All Might is currently assumed to be the most powerful of them all.

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There is no practical boundary to his physical power; he often ends a fight with nothing more than a single kick or a punch. All Might's strength is compounded greatly by his extreme stamina, endurance, and speed, making him more like an invincible machine than a human with a Quirk.

4 Does All Might Conceal His "Condition" From The Public? Only Until He Defeats & Captures All For One

My Hero Academia All Might — final attack

All For One intentionally attacks a harmless person so that All Might would intercept the blast, thereby forcing him to lose his majestic hero form. The villain takes the opportunity to "expose" the Symbol of Peace to the whole world, arrogantly mocking All Might for taking on such a feeble appearance.

It actually works, and many citizens panic as their once-indestructible hope begins to fade. However, when All Might manages to bring All For One down, public emotions explode in his favor, a cheer that rises and reverberates across the streets of Japan.

3 What Are His Physical Stats? All Might Is One Of The Tallest & Heaviest Characters In The Show

My Hero Academia All Might — debut

Toshinori's appearance during his teenage years is typical of his age, but the years spent mastering One For All have converted him into a gigantic version of himself. His angular face and stylized hairdo aside, All Might is around 7'2" in height and weighs a massive 560 lbs.

All For One is the only other character who can boast of such exaggerated dimensions. That being said, All Might's back and forth conversions between his two forms is a process that remains unexplained.

2 Why Does All Might Travel To America? To Train Far Away From All For One

My Hero Academia All Might — angry

When All For One brutally murders Nana Shimura, All Might desires nothing more than to enact his vengeance on the villain. Luckily, Gran Torino manages to calm him down, instead suggesting that he travel to America where he can train his Quirk away from the menacing threat posed by All For One.

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Toshinori lives in L.A. for a while, making friends with a scientist named David Shield (who ends up designing his iconic red-white-blue-yellow outfit.) After moving back to Japan, All Might begins his career in earnest.

1 Can He Access One For All? No, But All Might Is Able To Return To His Former Appearance (Temporarily)

Anime My Hero Academia All Might Peace Sign UA High

Even since his first battle with All For One, six years before the present, Toshinori is unable to retain his image as the Symbol of Peace for long periods of time.

After his second attempt, the flickering flame left behind by One For All flares brightly before dissipating into the dark. Interestingly, while All Might spends most of his time in his weaker form, he can revert to his previous presentation but without any actual powers to speak of.

NEXT: My Hero Academia: Suneater & 9 Other Students With Weird Quirks