Petersen returns to his creation after an absence that lies best uncounted. The story jumps right back, grabbing the reader by the mouse ears and encouraging a quick flick of pages turning in spite of the fact that every single panel sings out to be further investigated.

Celanawe and Lieam match wits and engage in battle with the owl that has tracked the from the first issue of this story. Their battle is beautifully rendered by Petersen, as he finds a way to add hope to the struggle of two mice against a far superior foe.

Lieam and Celanawe's compatriots, Kenzie and Sadie, have encountered bats taking roost where once there were weasels. Saxon, in his impetuous ways, has found a way to make enemies of the bats and his traveling companions are searching for him throughout some amazingly and painstakingly rendered architecture. The adventure segues into Saxon's journey through the underworld of the former weasel's lair through the use of "The Ballad of the Ivory Lass" -- a tune penned by Petersen. The ballad has been recorded and Petersen intends to have it available on his site soon.

The legend of "Mouse Guard" continues to grow with this issue as Petersen manages to overstuff his story - placing far more story into this book than twenty-four pages should logically contain. That is not to say that there is too much going on, simply that there is an amazing amount of story contained in the two dozen pages of this book. As always, "Mouse Guard" hits high recommendation status, but less versed readers might do well to nab this issues with its preceding issues in order to grasp the full gravitas of the story.