In One Piece, marines are treated with the utmost respect. Pirates tend to give them a wide berth, and civilians celebrate them as the only heroes capable of stemming a rising tide of crime and invasions from beyond the coast. Carefully curated propaganda helps to further the marines' public image.

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The most venerated servants of the World Government receive special recognition from people all around the world. Through identifying the land's most decorated and committed soldiers, it becomes easier to glean their contributions against pirates and the many factors that help them stand out as truly exceptional.

This article contains spoilers from the One Piece manga.

10 Smoker's Dogged Perseverance Has Been Acknowledged

Smoker smoking a cigar in One Piece.

Smoker was a marine that harried Luffy's earliest advantages on the East Blue. His seething hatred of pirates helped fuel his mission, leading to his clash with pirates like Crocodile and Doflamingo. For his efforts, Smoker has been given the G-5 task force.

It consists of deadly ruffians that hope to reintegrate themselves in society for their service. Despite having little to work with, Smoker has made the most of his forces and won their unwavering loyalty in return.

9 Momonga Was A Reputable Vice Admiral Entrusted With Sensitive Tasks

Vice-Admiral Momonga looking serious

An upstanding and principled man, Vice Admiral Momonga was entrusted with the World Government's most sensitive missions. For example, he personally collected Boa Hancock from Amazon Lily to be present at the Marineford execution.

Momonga is also exceptionally brave and persevering.

He posed a significant threat against Whitebeard's pirates during the battle for the coast and followed orders as necessary. Diligent and trustworthy, Momonga's ability to do his job has made him a credit to the World Government even if he is not powerful enough to become an admiral.

8 Aokiji Does What He Feels Is Best For The World

Admiral Aokiji from One Piece

Admiral Aokiji's career has been mixed. Although he has sometimes betrayed the World Government (such as when assisting Nico Robin's escape and letting Luffy go during their first encounter), his pitfalls remain relatively unknown.

Like Akainu and Kizaru, Aokiji was a massive credit in Marineford. Moreover, his position as admiral entails a tremendous amount of respect from the highest echelons of the World Government. However, Aokiji lost credibility after being defeated by Akainu, missing the chance to become a fleet admiral, and resigning from the marines.

7 Green Bull Is The Marines' Latest Admiral

Green bull talks into communicator

Green Bull is the latest admiral to serve under the World Government. His Devil Fruit allows him to produce copious amounts of wood and to manipulate nature in unforeseeable ways. Shortly after debuting, Green Bull has made his way to Wano in order to promote his master's interests there.

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As an admiral, he had a reasonable chance of fulfilling their objectives and capitalizing on the country's instability. However, since little is known about Green Bull and because he did not participate in the Marineford conflict, he cannot be ranked any higher.

6 Kong Is The World Government's Commander-In-Chief

Marine Fleet Admiral Kong contemplating Sengoku's resignation in One Piece

As powerful as he is imposing, Kong serves an essential role to the World Government. Having devoted his service for over three decades, he was a former fleet admiral and current commander in chief.

Highly respected among his colleagues, Kong is one of the marines' last lines of defense. He is so essential to the World Government's mission that he did not participate in the battle for Marineford since he is a valuable trump card. Predictably, the respect Kong receives from marines and civilians alike is profound.

5 Kizaru Is The Celestial Dragons' First Choice For Defense

Kizaru One Piece

Kizaru is the only member of the original three admirals to keep his position, which indicates how invaluable he is to the marines. Despite his languid and casual mannerisms, he is so valued by the World Government that he is a top choice for the Celestial Dragons themselves.

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This was seen during the battle for Sabaody, where he was deployed to detain Luffy after Charloss got attacked. Kizaru has yet to break his undefeated record, surviving clashes with powerhouses like Ben Beckman and even Dark King Rayleigh. If there is a limit to the admiral's power, it has yet to be discovered.

4 Fujitora's Dedication To Truth Wins Him Renown

Fujitora using a transponder snail during the Dressrosa arc in One Piece

Fujitora may not have fought in the battle for Marineford, but he made a name for himself immediately after debuting. When Doflamingo's bird cage threatened to massacre the citizens of Dressrosa, he helped pirates stave off the apocalyptic tide.

More remarkably yet, he exposed the World Government's role in the atrocity by broadcasting Doflamingo's defeat and emphasizing his warlord status. Fujitora may not be liked by his superiors, though both marines and civilians across the world respect his commitment to truth.

3 Sengoku Was A Champion Of His Own Era

Sengoku from one piece

There are many reasons to respect Sengoku. In addition to being a fleet admiral, he was directly responsible for stopping Blackbeard from massacring everyone at Marineford. Additionally, he was an opponent of Rocks D. Xebec, one of history's most evil pirates.

However, Sengoku has since retired from the line of duty and only hangs out at naval bases to advise them. As a result, his popularity has declined in favor of more relevant marines that are actively furthering the World Government's aims.

2 Akainu Is The Absolute Justice Of The High Seas

Marine Admiral Akainu using the Magma-Magma Fruit in One Piece's Marineford Arc

Akainu is a well regarded war veteran and champion of the marines. In addition to facing off against Whitebeard in single combat, he managed to prevent Ace's escape and divided the enemy forces with a single rumor. For his actions, Akainu received a promotion to the rank of fleet admiral.

Ever since, he has resided over the world's most active conflicts, carefully monitoring how Luffy and the emperors interact with one another. Religiously devoted to the concept of absolute justice, Akainu's vigilance is respected and feared by his colleagues and people across the world.

1 Garp Is An Adored War Hero

A young Monkey D. Garp grinning during a One Piece flashback

Having served the World Government for nearly his entire life, Garp is a beloved credit to the marines. Fair, lively, and powerful, he often takes the forefront of the marines' most hotly contested conflicts. Garp is so well respected that he is able to get away with things that other vice admirals would not.

For example, he openly badmouths the Celestial Dragons and almost attacked Akainu at Marineford. The higher echelons of the World Government put up with Garp's rambunctiousness since they know they can't afford to lose him.

NEXT: One Piece: 10 Ways Gecko Moria Could Have Won In Thriller Bark