The Mortal Kombat franchise helped to revolutionize gaming in the '90s and hasn't stopped since. Ever since its first arcade cabinet, the franchise has released 11 mainline titles and branched out onto mobile platforms. There are no signs of this fighting juggernaut stopping. In fact, it's defining the future of the genre.

Mortal Kombat 11's success was years in the making and began with its predecessor, Mortal Kombat X. In that title, the idea of fighting variations was introduced. This gave players three options of fighting styles for each character, to inject some variety into the genre. This feature later evolved into character customization found in Injustice 2. In that game, players can make their characters however they want, based on stats and aesthetics.

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In MK11, customization is taken one step further, with fighters having the option to customize their entire moveset. The game also includes aesthetic customizers so players can0 make their perfect fighter from scratch. This has helped to show how fighting games are becoming more than just endless matches without any growth.

Player preferences have undoubtedly helped to sculpt the future of fighting games. Simultaneously, NetherRealm Studios has made leaps and bounds in sound design, controls and graphics to bring a fighting experience that uses most of the five senses. Every texture and bone crunch seen and heard can be felt through the controller and make players feel like true combat masters. Mortal Kombat has come a long way since its first game, and its movie-style story mode ensures players are getting a top-notch experience.

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The team at NetherRealm Studios has made it a habit of having close relationships with various properties. Mortal Kombat 11 may be the biggest example of that, with RamboSpawn and many more showing up in the game. On the flipside, other major titles have paid homage to Mortal Kombat. The latest installment features one of the biggest rosters in the franchise, and these fun side characters are just another fun way to keep the series alive and show the fun potential of the future.

Fighting games are often dismissed as mundane or repetitive by those who don't play them a lot. Titles like Tekken 7 have done well at mixing it up with mini-games like Tekken Bowling, but Mortal Kombat has simply expanded options for players to grow the genre and its mechanics. There is always a Test Your Might feature, but the challenge towers are where the real action is. With various modifiers and a revolving door of game modes, the towers offer a unique online challenge that helps players grow in skill.

The future of fighting games is Mortal Kombat 11. The ability to customize and continuously be challenged is just the tip of the iceberg. Beautifully crafted stories and graphics are all implemented to show players that fighting games are much more than mindless violence. With a new movie on the way, the franchise is reaching a high not seen in years. Mortal Kombat's future is looking bright, and so is the future of fighting games.

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