The following contains significant spoilers for Moon Knight Episode 6 “Gods and Monsters” streaming now on Disney+.

After weeks of anticipation, when the Moon Knight finale aired, audiences were given the long-awaited appearance of Jake Lockley they had been clamoring for since his presence was originally teased. Many viewers thought he may have been glimpsed in the second installment of the season, but a recent disclosure from one of the show's executive producers indicated that Lockley appeared in the very first episode. The Moon Knight comics have been developed over the years by a variety of different writers and artists who have altered Marc Spector's origins, the nature of his alternate personalities, where they come from and the specifics of their behavioral characteristics. Lockley for instance has been depicted in the early years as a charismatic every man but in later portrayals took on the role of a dark protector who kept unbelievable secrets.

Though a second season does not seem to be in development currently, one of the show's directors has indicated that there is a vast amount of territory he would like to explore if a subsequent deep dive into Khonshu's Avatar becomes feasible. In addition to a variant costume unique to Lockley's connection with the moon god, there is also the exploration of Jake's invisibility within Marc and Steven's perception. As long as it took for Jake to be revealed to the audience it would seem that his occupancy within their shared mind is still a mystery to the other embedded minds, despite all the clues hinting at his existence. Steven had never been aware of Marc, but Marc had always known about Steven. Jake is not only a secret to them both, he is also a willing acolyte of Khonshu, which puts both of the other alters in serious jeopardy.

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An image of Arthur Harrow from Moon Knight.

During the show's only post credit scene, Arthur Harrow is in residence at a London facility ironically similar to the Duat's asylum manifestation from Marc's mind, spending idle time in a wheelchair as he imagines sand in cups of coffee. He is wheeled out of the ward by a man speaking Spanish, who convinces the attending nurse that him doing so is no big deal or a breach of protocol. As they make their way to the front of the building they pass a few other orderlies, including one who has been recently and conspicuously murdered. They arrived at a white limousine where Khonshu himself is waiting, dressed in his incorporeal best. Harrow is indifferent to Khonshu's prattling, secure in the fact that he cannot be harmed by the apparition without the physical aid of his Avatar.

At that moment, Khonshu reveals that Marc's concern about Layla becoming the target of the moon god's desire for an earthly vessel were entirely unfounded. It seems that he has always been able to depend upon Marc's third personality to do his bidding. Jake Lockley lowers the partition between the driver's cab and the back seat and Harrow realizes for the first time that he is in danger. With a smile on his face, Lockley pulls the trigger of his gun several times and drives away toward the city. Though he doesn't spend much time on screen, there is a lot to infer from the scene, including Jake's relationship with Khonshu, the other alters and aspects of his personality.

Khonshu intentionally led Marc to believe that he would seek out Layla as his next Avatar. The threat of that interest in his wife placed Marc in the position of a hostage. The terms of their original agreement initially seemed to indicate that Marc's servitude was temporary, revolving around finding the compass to Ammit's tomb. The scene depicting Marc's decision to allow Khonshu's power to abide in his body does not seem that specific, but it does imply that an agreement had to be forged. In episode 2 "Summon the Suit," Steven must call upon Khonshu's power in order to wield it, so it is therefore safe to assume that Jake must have experienced a similar moment with the intemperate god.

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Marc Spector Moon Knight

Jake also seemed familiar with Harrow and eager to put him down. Considering that it may have been Jake in the alpine town who evaded Ammit's disciples and slaughtered them, he may have been thoroughly aware of the entire conflict. Whether he had an ideological disposition toward the taking of lives or simply enjoyed wanton executions is still unclear, but Khonshu appeared to rely on Jake in a way that emphasized how cumbersome the ties of obligation are when worn by Marc and Steven. Khonshu never mentions Jake to either of the two alternate personas but may have been aware of his place within Marc's subconscious from the outset.

It is clear that Khonshu knows Marc suffers from DID (Dissociative identity disorder) upon their first meeting but whether that means he was able to divine the exact number of separate personalities is unclear. He did seem certain however that Marc's fragmented psyche would serve his purposes well, especially in light of the fact he referenced on more than one occasion that he had no interest in Steven whatsoever and considered him to be a moronic liability. Unlike Marc, Jake seems to be an eager killer, while Spector comes across as more of a resigned taker of lives and Steven is clearly the pacifist. This spectrum of violence would seem to suggest that not only was Khonshu aware of Jake's presence, but also his predilection toward bloodshed.

Keeping Jake a secret from the other two could always provide him leverage in dealing with the pair of reluctant Avatars since it is clear as the series ends that Spector is still unacquainted with this alien persona. Lockley can operate with autonomy and seems capable of shattering the conditions of cooperation that frame how Steve and Marc can switch out control of their body. Marc told Steven that complete focus can only yield an awareness of what is happening in the outside world and whoever possesses control must relinquish it to allow the other to occupy dominance. Jake seems beyond these restrictions and can assume authority when he wishes. This marks him as a rogue element who could have his own agenda with the power to demand primacy whenever he chooses, which poses the greatest threat thus far to Marc and Steven, despite their mutually assured entangled survival.

To see Jake Lockley, finally, every episode of Moon Knight is streaming now on Disney+.