A Millard, Nebraska, mother is seeking to remove a Spider-Man comic from her son's elementary school library for being "sexually explicit":

The comic is part of a popular new series about Spider-Man and the head librarian of the Millard School District said it's been in high demand.

"My son looked at this and goes, 'Ohhhh!'" said Physha Svendsen.She said the book that her 6-year-old son brought home is not age-appropriate for Norris Elementary School students and wants it removed from the library.

"It has a lot of sexual undertones in here, as far as sexuality goes," she said. "They can learn this through any other place, but it's not something I allow them to learn, in my house at least."

The story never names which Spider-Man comic is causing the kerfluffle, though it does note that library officials are evaluating the complaint and will determine whether or not to keep the comic on its shelves in 30 days. Still, it would be nice to know what exactly was the problem. Did she come across that issue where Norman Osborn gets it on with Gwen Stacy? (via Dirk)