"Mission Report, December 16, 1991" is a phrase known all too well for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Meant to signify the date of the death of Tony Stark's parents, it's uttered by Baron Zemo, who wants to do nothing more than destroy the Avengers from the inside. However, what is such a chilling phrase in the MCU has become something entirely different in the real world. Now an iconic meme, the only question that remains is what chain of events took place to make Zemo's one goal in life such a hilarious joke?

Both Zemo and the date in question were introduced in Captain America: Civil War. The date was one of the most important missions for the Winter Soldier, as he was the one to kill Howard and Maria Stark. The film continuously shows Zemo asking high-ranking Hydra soldiers the date to find the book used to activate Barnes' mental programming. Once he unleashed the Winter Soldier on the Avengers, Zemo waited with the video proof of the Starks' murder. In the end, this leads to the destruction of the trust between Cap and Stark, as well as a fractured Avengers.

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What Is The Mission Report Meme and Where Did It Come From?

The origins of the meme likely ignited due to the repetition of the date. With it being repeated, it's hard not to remember the exact date and year of the Starks' death. However, since this information holds no value in society, the best thing to do is acknowledge the length Zemo went for his revenge. As a result, the famous meme began to take shape.

Not long after the film's release, a Facebook page titled "Mission Report, December 16, 1991," was launched that compiled various photos and webcomics centered around the phrase. The structure of the joke often begins with an everyday occurrence that quickly devolves to the famous line.

The meme took off when a Twitter post melding the Ant-Man character Luis depicts Zemo asking him for the mission report and him starting one of his incredibly long stories. The post got thousands of likes and retweets, solidifying Zemo's line as a classic in internet humor. The meme has even found itself in other Marvel films and continues to entertain fans by taking current pop culture moments and adding Zemo's line.

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What Makes the Mission Report Meme So Significant?

Aside from the simplicity of the meme, the humor behind it ties nicely into Zemo's personal goals. As a character, Zemo's depiction in Civil War is of a man driven by nothing but his mission. With his family lost forever, the only thing he can think to do is justify their sacrifice and make sure those responsible for it pay the price. As a result, he's relentless in his quest for answers.

The meme takes his focus and places it in situations that don't fit his energy. He always seems obsessive over finding Mission Report, December 16, 1991. Whether at a child's birthday party or talking to a potential romantic partner, he only ever wants the mission report. Because of his attitude, the joke never goes out of style because of the unexpected nature and structure of the meme.

When he reappears in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Zemo embraces his more humorous side by showing a driven character who isn't afraid to kick back and relax. Because of this, he has even spawned the dancing Zemo video. However, even as his demeanor evolves, the original version that inspired the meme still lives on and is only made more funny as it represents a different side of the character. Now, fans see him and know that if he were ever to see the meme of himself, he would likely agree and laugh, symbolizing the timeless nature of the joke.

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