Elden Ring's enticing open world includes many hidden gems that reward adventurous players who take the time to search for them. It contains over 100 bosses, several large side quests and entirely new secret areas, all of which are completely optional. Miquella’s Haligtree is one of these secret areas, and it's one that’s very much worth discovering.

To get there, players must first gain access to the Consecrated Snowfield -- another secret area on the lower west side of the Mountaintops of the Giants. Progressing through here and solving the puzzle at Ordina, Liturgical Town will finally lead players to the stunningly designed Miquella’s Haligtree, which is home to arguably the toughest boss battle in the game. For those who want to experience the best of what Elden Ring has to offer, this area is certainly not to be missed.

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How To Access The Consecrated Snowfield

Elden Ring Haligtree medallion halves location

As noted, the entrance to Miquella's Haligtree is hidden in a separate secret area, the Consecrated Snowfield. To get here, players must find both halves of the Haligtree Medallion. The right half can be found in the Village of the Albinaurics, in southwestern Liurnia of the Lakes. Up the hill from the site of grace is a perfumer guarding an oddly placed pot near a cliff face. Players should hit the pot to reveal Albus, who had disguised himself to hide from the evil forces that had taken over the village. He will give the Tarnished the right half of the medallion and ask them to pass it to a woman named Latenna. Sir Gideon at the Roundtable Hold knows her location for those wishing to continue this side quest.

The left half of the medallion can't be found until later in the game when players have access to the Mountaintops of the Giants. To the north of this area lies Castle Sol, a tough dungeon that culminates in a difficult encounter with Commander Niall. Taking out the two knights that this boss summons should be the Tarnished's first priority. Guard counters are especially effective in this fight. Once they've emerged victoriously, players should exit out the back of the arena and climb to the top of the battlement to find the left half of the Haligtree Medallion.

With both medallion halves in their possession, players should return to the Grand Lift of Rold (which was previously used to reach the Mountaintops of the Giants). They will now have the option to "Hoist Secret Medallion," which will transport them to the short Hidden Path to the Haligtree dungeon. Once through here, the Tarnished will emerge into a snowstorm that severely limits visibility. Players should follow the glowing lights north until they're in the clear. Their next destination will be Ordina, Liturgical Town, located to the very north of the Consecrated Snowfield.

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How To Access Miquella's Haligtree

Elden Ring Miquellas haligtree seal

Full of prowling spirits, Ordina, Liturgical Town is an eerie place that seems to be hiding something. To unlock its secrets, players must first enter the evergaol located at the foot of the grand stairs at the back of the town. This will transport players into a parallel world, in which players must light four fires in the same way they did in Sellia. This version of Ordina, however, is far more dangerous and contains one of the game's most infuriating enemies: the invisible assassins. The Tarnished can either choose to fight these foes or simply run straight past them.

Once in the evergaol version of the town, players should immediately turn around, jump over the town wall and follow the buildings around to the left until they find one with a ladder. At the top of this tower is the first fire. Light it and then return to the center of the town to find the next fire just down the stairs from the evergaol.

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From here, players should turn back and go right, under the archway. Instead of going down the stairs, however, players should jump onto the ledge on the left and follow it until they can drop down next to the building there. Immediately left of the un-interactional door is a ladder that leads to the third flame.

From here, the traversal gets a little harder. Once players have dropped down from this tower onto the next rooftop, magic archers will appear on the opposite building. Players should equip a shield to deflect these attacks and make their way across the rooftops to reach them. The final fire is at the top of the tower that these archers are guarding and is accessible using a ladder. Once all four flames have been lit, the seal blocking the stairs by the evergaol entrance will be removed to reveal a teleporter. This portal takes the Tarnished directly to Miquella's Haligtree.

What Will Players Find In Miquella's Haligtree?

Elden Ring Malenia Winged Form

Miquella's Haligtree is a beautifully designed legacy dungeon and is a spectacle that's not to be missed. It boasts an impressive combination of tough platforming, large groups of strong enemies and several useful items, such as the Pearldrake Talisman +2 and an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone. However, the main attraction, considered by many to be the hardest boss in the game, is Malenia, Blade of Miquella, who awaits players at the end of the dungeon. Players who emerge victoriously from her epic battle will truly feel that they've earned the right to go on and become Elden Lord.