Although Regaliceratops peterhewski likely didn't possess a Right Hand of Doom or a fondness for pancakes and cigars, paleontologists had a devil of a time excavating the 600-pound fossil skull, earning it the nickname "Hellboy."

According to National Geographic, it was only afterward that researchers made the connection between the many-horned dinosaur -- it's a close relative of the Triceratops -- and Mike Mignola's famed demonic hero.

"There are these really stubby horns over the eyes that match up with the comic book character Hellboy," said study leader Caleb Brown, a paleontologist at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in Alberta, Canada, where the fossil now resides.

Regaliceratops has three horns in all, but also a frill of bone that extends beyond the back of its head to create a crown of sorts -- who else do we know with a crown? -- leading to its Latin name, which translates to "royal horned face."

Discovered in a steep cliff in Canada, and introduced Thursday in the journal Current Biology, the new dinosaur is only the latest addition to the chasmosaurine family of horned herbivores that lived some 68 million years ago, during the Cretaceous period. However, Hellboy's fancy frills are more closely associated with the centrosaurs, which died out millions of years earlier, making this dinosaur a bit of an evolutionary oddity.