"Suspenseful" is not a word that gets thrown around often in regards to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That's not said as a knock to the MCU itself. After all, the MCU prides itself on being lighthearted laced with quick-paced comedy and heartwrenching drama. Tense moments with a sense of uncertainty don't really have a place in a franchise like this. However, the few suspenseful moments in this franchise are welcome additions to it.

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Because suspense comes so rarely in the MCU, it catches the audience off guard in a way that simultaneously makes it incredibly memorable whenever it happens. Some of the most suspenseful MCU moments still rank highly among the best overall moments of the franchise.

10 The Elevator Scene - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Captain America elevator scene

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is arguably one of the most ambitious entries into the MCU canon since it goes out of its way to feel more like a suspenseful political thriller rather than the usual superhero film. There are several instances of nail-biting moments in this movie, but it feels relevant to talk about its most memorable: the elevator scene.

Steve Rogers' trust in his allies is constantly tested, leading up to this point, where his paranoia reaches its zenith. He's slowly surrounded by teammates who may be out to attack him (which they do moments later) and as one of his supposed allies is nervous enough to drop some sweat, Rogers knows something's wrong.

9 Fury's Ambush - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

screenshot from captain america 2

Earlier in the same movie, Nick Fury is left in a similar situation, starting with him being at a red light next to a cop car. The audience's suspicions are confirmed when he's suddenly rammed into and surrounded by police officers and a SWAT team shooting at him, though he quickly learns that they're not even police.

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Nick Fury has no idea who these men are or what they want and neither does the audience. All anyone knows is that Fury is in a situation that looks impossible to get out of.

8 John Walker Kills Nico - Falcon & The Winter Soldier

John Walker About to Murder Nico in Falcon and the Winter Soldier

This is one of the more recent moments on this list and also one of the few that doesn't take place in a movie. Instead, it's from the penultimate episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, where the new Captain America, John Walker, chases after Nico for information, and when he doesn't get it, he pounds his head in with the iconic shield in front of the locals.

The moment that Walker raises his shield in slow motion, there's a feeling of shock and awe before the deed even commences. The deed itself is quick, but a sense of dread lingers several moments afterward thanks to close-up shots on horrified faces within a crowd, people holding their cell phones in disgust, and a disappointed Falcon and Winter Soldier.

7 The Avengers Argue - The Avengers

The Avengers argue

The culmination of Phase 1 in 2012 marked a pinnacle for the superhero movie genre and is filled with memorable moments. However, perhaps the tensest one comes in the scene where the would-be Avengers argue in front of the Tesseract.

Everyone has their own vendettas, agendas, and personal issues with each other that led to this verbal fight, but it was clear that the Mind Stone within The Tesseract was heightening emotions that were already high. Audiences stood high on the edge of their seats waiting for the verbal confrontation to turn into an inevitable physical one.

6 "Did You Know?" - Captain America: Civil War


The climax to Captain America: Civil War sees Iron Man squaring off against Captain America and The Winter Soldier, but the build to that scene is almost more memorable than the fight itself. The build itself in question reveals that Bucky Barnes, while he was still mind-controlled, had killed Tony Stark's parents.

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Audiences could guess that a fight was inevitable, with peacemaking Steve Rogers caught in the middle of it all, but the chills arrive when Tony looks Steve in his eyes and asks, "Did you know?" Those chills intensify when Steve begrudgingly answers yes. Suspense is then driven not from if Tony would strike, but when.

5 Ultron's Introduction - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

screenshot of avengers age of ultron

Avengers: Age of Ultron, for the most part, follows the same lighthearted tone as its predecessor and other MCU movies that came before. However, right after one of the more fun scenes in the franchise, that of the partying Avengers taking turns to lift Thor's hammer, a dark figure limps in their direction.

That figure is the newly introduced Ultron. This unknown, creepy-looking, broken robot limping and leaking down the hall, growling like Frankenstein's Monster, murmuring about worthiness and strings without yet being clear in what he wants, looks like something straight out of a horror movie.

4 The Dad Talk - Spider-Man: Homecoming

Vulture talks to Peter Parker

The moment that Peter Parker meets and discovers that his date's father is none other than The Vulture, it's a moment that's more awkward than it is suspenseful. However, the interaction takes a dark turn when Liz mentions that her date is always conveniently away when Spider-Man is around.

As the camera holds on Vulture's face as he's slowly putting the pieces together in his head, it becomes evident that he's put two and two together. Now, the fear comes in, with people wondering what he is going to say, or what he'll do to Peter next once Liz leaves the car.

3 The Snap - Avengers: Infinity War

Thanos Snaps in Infinity War

In the comics, The Snap was declared one of the most shocking moments in the Marvel canon, to the point that it was hard to hide that secret from fans when news broke that Marvel Studios was adapting the Infinity Gauntlet storyline. Comic fans and casuals alike went into Infinity War expecting Thanos to snap the world away, and when he acquired the Gauntlet and snapped his fingers, the moment was chill-inducing.

When The Snap occurred in a white flash, the suspense then came in, with audiences well-aware of what was happening suddenly biting their nails in anticipation, waiting to see which of their favorite characters was being snapped out of existence.

2 The Avengers Assemble - Avengers: Endgame

A-Force teased in Avengers: Endgame

In the climax of Avengers: Endgame, all hope seems lost. Steve Rogers is the one man standing tall —just barely, but still resilient— as Thanos leads an army of aliens in his direction. The suspense is already present in the form of anxiety as Rogers rests in an impossible situation. Defeat looks inevitable when suddenly, the audience hears a familiar voice on Rogers' intercom. It can barely be made out, clearly, but quickly, fans notice it's Sam Wilson: "On your left."

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Suddenly, chills flood the theater arena as all of the Snapped-away Avengers return among the living for one final battle.

1 The Snap Part Two - Avengers: Endgame

Tony Stark using the Nano-Gauntlet in Avengers: Endgame

During that same climax, against their best efforts, The Avengers allow the Infinity Gauntlet back in the hands of Thanos. Again, suspense is evident as audiences expect what's coming: another Snap, perhaps a bigger one.

Fans who predicted another Snap were right, but this time can breathe a sigh of relief and confusion as they notice the Stones aren't in his Gauntlet, but instead in Tony Stark's Iron Man suit. The anticipation as Stark preps a Snap of his own remains one of the most heart-pounding moments in MCU history, right before his actual sacrifice becomes one of the franchise's saddest.

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