While Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings was an action-filled martial arts adventure, the film provided viewers with plenty of laughs along the way. Because of the seamless blend of action sequences and punchlines, Shang-Chi fits quite nicely into the action-comedy genre, like many MCU films.

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The comedy aspect of Shang-Chi never felt forced and some of the jokes provided fans with some serious belly laughs. It's difficult to narrow down the movie's funniest moments, though there are certainly several moments that are more memorable than others. With the success of the first Shang-Chi film, fans expect dozens more exceptional jokes in the sequels.

10 A Couple Of Good Jokes During The Bus Fight

Shang-Chi punching a Ten Rings member on the bus while Katy watches

While the bus fight was the first real indication that Shang-Chi may be more than just a bay area valet, it included a few jokes worth mentioning as they made fans laugh despite the intensity of the situation. Before the fight kicks off, Katy reflects on her mother's disdain for the life Katy has chosen for herself.

She looks at a young Asian woman, typing away on her laptop on the city bus and Katy notes, "That is exactly the daughter my mother wishes came out of her vagina," which catches fans off guard for an apparently Disney-friendly laugh. During the fight, Shang-Chi ends up on the outside of the bus as Katy is attempting to drive them to safety. As he hangs from the side mirror of the bus, he asks Katy to open the door, providing fans with more unexpected yet appreciated comic relief.

9 Flight Attendant Interruption

Shang-Chi and Katy on the plane to Macau

When Shang-Chi is regaling Katy with the story of his youth, he is briefly interrupted by a less than helpful flight attendant during the flight from San Francisco to Macau. She interjects to ask them both which option they would prefer for the in-flight meal.

She mentions that one of the three options is out but slowly comes to realize that there are actually two options out. Despite this knowledge, she continues to interrupt Shang-Chi to confirm their meal orders leaving them completely confused and giving fans a good laugh in the process.

8 Your Name Is Shang-Chi & You Changed It To Shaun?

Katy and Shang-Chi on bus

Another hilarious moment on the place comes after Shang-Chi reveals his real name to Katy, causing her to relentlessly chastise him for such an obvious change. She tells him it's no wonder his father found him so easily. He tries to defend himself by saying he was fifteen at the time, but that doesn't stop Katy.

She proceeds to make fun of his name change logic, suggesting if his name was Michael that he probably would have changed it to Mishael. Shang-Chi tries to interject, but she continues by saying, "Hi, my name's Gina. I'm going into hiding. My new name is Jy-na," which leaves fans in tears.

7 The Introduction Of Jon Jon

Jon Jon ushering Katy and Shang-Chi through the underground fight club

Jon Jon only has a minimal amount of screen time, but fans immediately enjoyed the antics of the character and are certainly hoping to see more of him in future films. He starts out in Chinese, but when Katy tells him hers isn't so good, he responds in English saying "I speak ABC!" before showing them around the club.

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He is later seen playfully flipping them off as he escapes with Xialing as Wenwu's men arrive. With such a fun and goofy character still alive and seemingly heavily involved in the Ten Rings organization, fans are hoping for more Jon Jon in the next film.

6 America Was Afraid Of An Orange

Wenwu confides in Shang-Chi

Despite being set up as the main villain, Wenwu is a fairly likable guy with a long history. He tells his children of the threat of the Mandarin, not only separating himself from Killian's diabolical scheme but also poking fun at the name of the Mandarin.

At the conclusion of his serious story, Wenwu tells them that the phony Mandarin worked and that the American people were afraid of an orange. This may not be as funny as other moments due to the setting, but it's a funny pivot in the story and teases Wenwu's lighter side.

5 Trevor Slattery Is A Hilarious Character

Morris being held by Trevor Slattery in Shang-Chi

When Katy and Shang-Chi first notice Morris they freak out and ask Slattery what that thing is, but Slattery is simply elated that they can see him. Trevor had thought Morris was imaginary his entire time in prison but after confirming that he was actually real, Trevor is incredibly relieved and hugs his furry friend.

Slattery continues to provide great moments of comic relief throughout the film in a variety of ways. His misunderstanding about the actors in Planet of the Apes is outright hysterical, as he believes them to be real apes. Kingsley's portrayal of the character is nothing short of spectacular and it left fans in stitches.

4 A Few Funny Moments During The Battle In Ta Lo

Xialing, Shang-Chi, and Katy Awaiting Ten Rings in Ta Lo

The final battle in Ta Lo is a very serious situation, but that doesn't stop the writers from fitting some well-timed jokes into the middle of the fighting. When the Soul Eaters first start to leak out of their prison, the people of Ta Lo suggest they and the Ten Rings organization work together to defeat a common foe. Razor Fist scoffs at the idea. However, after watching a Soul Eater eat someone's soul, he quickly changes his tune, prompting a quick laugh.

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After Katy finishes her training with Guang Bo she is prevented from initially joining in the fight. However, as things start to get worse, she grabs her bow and enters the fray. Guang Bo sees her and everyone is expecting him to tell her to stay behind, but he just says, "Don't die," before continuing on his way.

3 Wong Taking Attendance

Wong in the Sanctum Sanctorum from Shang-Chi

At the end of the film, Shang-Chi and Katy are telling the story of their victory in Ta Lo to their skeptical friends Soo and John. Soo suggests that they are simply mocking her after she previously expressed that Shang-Chi and Katy needed to get their lives together. As if to prove their story right, Wong opens a sling ring portal from the Sanctum Sanctorum right behind Soo.

Wong simply calls out to Shang-Chi among the patrons and Shang-Chi, in utter shock, hilariously responds as if Wong called his name for attendance in grade school. After quickly composing himself, he and Katy leave the restaurant through the portal leaving their friends and the other diners in absolute amazement.

2 She Does This All The Time

Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel in the mid credits scene of Shang Chi

After leaving dinner and entering the Sanctum Sanctorum, Shang-Chi and Katy engage in a meeting with Wong, Captain Marvel, and Bruce Banner in which they discuss the origins and powers of the Ten Rings. No one seems to know where the Rings came from, but before they get much further, Carol is called away by an emergency. Before hanging up she tells Shang-Chi that he can get her number from Bruce.

Bruce looks over and simply tells Shang-Chi that he actually doesn't have her number and that she does this sort of thing all the time. Bruce's demeanor and delivery help make the moment so funny. He then welcomes them to the circus, i.e. the Avengers, before ending his call as well.

1 Karaoke (& Then Karaoke With Wong)

Shang-Chi and Katy singing karaoke together

One of the first hilarious moments in the film is when Shang-Chi and Katy know they have to prepare for a big day, but instead decide to go out drinking and sing karaoke until early in the morning. The montage sequence shows them throwing back shots as they belt Disney classics at the top of their lungs.

Before the end-credits scene, Shang-Chi and Katy are given the advice to get some rest and prepare for whatever the Ten Rings were signaling. However, in typical Shang-Chi and Katy fashion, they go out for a drunken night of karaoke, this time bringing along Wong. Fans are treated to another karaoke montage, this time including Wong in full wizard regalia.

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