There’s always that one character that fans like to joke about even if they might be part of a powerful group. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this role is filled by Hawkeye, who is usually the butt of memes surrounding the logic of an archer being in a team filled with gods and incredibly powerful beings.

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Of course, this is all in good fun since quite a lot of these funny pictures actually turn out to be accurate, meaning even diehard Hawkeye fans have to concede that there’s some truth to these memes. Before indulging in the Hawkeye TV series, it’s worth checking these pictures out.

10 Isn't That Enough?

Although the Chitauri weren’t exactly the strongest alien race, they were still the first invasion of Earth. One would assume that Hawkeye would know of this threat and prepare better, but he turned out to have such limited arrows that he ran out pretty quickly.

He didn’t get any better in later times either, only bringing about twenty or so arrows at a time. The funniest thing is how he acted as if this count was more than enough, never grasping the fact that he was severely underprepared.

9 That's A Low Blow

Hawkeye wasn’t really thinking straight when he suggested to Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver to risk their lives during the Battle of Sokovia, which ended in the latter’s death. The MCU Quicksilver is nowhere near the fastest speedsters in Marvel and was killed when protecting Hawkeye.

Some fans have the idea that Hawkeye might have planned this out the whole time, figuring he had a shield similar to the ones Captain America and Wonder Woman. You can’t really argue with him either, though, seeing as he did get shielded from certain death.

8 Hawkeye Gets No Love

Hawkeye meme

The way the MCU Hawkeye carries himself, it would appear as if he thinks he’s faced more than most others. However, he’s actually pretty low down the order seeing as he doesn’t even have a movie to his name. On the other hand, a bunch of characters already have multiple releases.

If there were ever to be an argument between the heroes, it’s likely this is the scenario that would take place. After all, Hawkeye was so clueless about the Avengers being in the movies that he didn’t even show up for Infinity War.

7 Hawkeye Makes Thanos Looks Like An Amateur

A majority of fans think Hawkeye made the worst decision by not meeting up with the Avengers after Thanos completed the Snap, as he became something of a madman who killed criminals with extreme violence. The way he went about it, one would think even Thanos would ask Hawkeye to take a second to breathe.

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The logic of Hawkeye going after criminals has been questioned since he had so many chances to simply return to his friends and figure something out instead of becoming so wild that Thanos’ act of snapping half the universe away seemed more merciful.

6 Never Underestimate An Archer

Those who underestimate Hawkeye clearly are unaware of the accuracy he possesses. And yet, very rarely is Hawkeye shown to shoot in vital areas, instead taking out enemies by means of distraction by shooting arrows with the intention of incapacitating them.

This is probably the reason why he hasn’t fared too well against beings of vast strength, as Hawkeye’s arrows have been intercepted, such as when Loki caught the arrow in midair during the Battle of New York. Characters without powers better watch out, though, unless they want an arrow in the knee.

5 The Real Secret

Many have wondered just how Hawkeye managed to survive all of The Avengers movies when he’s a guy with a bow and arrow while characters much more powerful than him have perished. This meme should be a pretty adequate explanation as to why.

It turns out Hawkeye is quite the sly devil, as he’s taken to protecting himself not just through Quicksilver, but pretty much anyone who’s willing to help him out. This should also be a pretty good indicator of who’s supposed to die the next time someone tries to protect Hawkeye.

4 Let's Not Discuss It Or Anything

While the scene of Black Widow’s sacrifice was certainly an emotional one, there are definite flaws in their logic over it. For one, they didn’t really consider the fact that they were in an alternate universe by that point and normal logic didn’t make much difference.

Regardless, the two could have at least talked it out over what their move was supposed to be before starting a fight to determine their own deaths. As seen in this meme, summing up that scene seems rather bland when it’s put in a different context.

3 Oh, Snap!

Grieving one’s family is understandable, but getting a haircut that makes it appear as if one is having a midlife crisis is hard to explain. Hawkeye felt the need to get a new hairdo during a time where he was grieving his loved ones, which makes the actual haircutting moment difficult to imagine.

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According to the creator of this meme, Hawkeye might have been getting a full buzz cut before his hairstylist was snapped away. How else can one explain this hairdo and why Hawkeye kept it?

2 A Little Too Late To The Party

Avengers: Endgame never elaborated over how Hawkeye came to know about the effects of the Snap since he was far away in his homestead when the event took place. To this end, it’s pretty funny to imagine him walking around the abandoned city wondering what happened.

It’s probably for the best that the directors decided to limit his realization of the Snap to just the one scene, as this picture makes what should be a tragedy come across as unintentional comedy, especially since Hawkeye’s bow is absolutely useless at such a time.

1 Eat Your Heart Out, Thor

There’s a very good argument that Thor might be the strongest Avenger, but even he doesn’t match up to Hawkeye in the win department. After all, Hawkeye is the only character with a clean win-loss record, having tasted victory in every appearance.

Even Thor lost to Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, making him second to Hawkeye who’s the easy winner in this regard. To this end, maybe he should be the ruler of the realms rather than Thor since people can feel safer around Hawkeye.

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