JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is filled with countless unique and bizarre characters in its generations spanning story, each just as off the wall as the next. JoJo's tells the story of the Joestar family and their continued fight against the forces of evil. It should come as no surprise that there are a lot of strong personalities throughout the series that clash against each other.

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With so many colorful characters to choose from, we can't think of a better cast of characters to put through the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®). So, what are the MBTI® of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure characters? Let's take a look.

10 Dio Brando - ENTJ

First up is none other than Dio Brando, the most recognizable villain in the entire series. Looking at the MBTI® chart, it's plain to see that Dio is a classic ENTJ. People who are ENTJs are logical, long-range planners, and are great at organizing people.

That's Dio to a T, what with him sending henchmen after the Joestars while he plots from the shadows. There's also the fact ENTJs are ambitious, which can be seen in Dio's desire to take over the world, and world domination being the main reason for Dio's entire existence.

9 Jonathan Joestar - ESFJ

Jonathan Joestar was the first Joestar to kick off the series. He was the first protagonist and the true embodiment of a gentleman. He had a strong sense of justice and while he had a gentle nature, he also had a fierce strength and determination in the face of adversity.

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We have Jonathan pegged as an ESFJ, who are friendly, reliable, and conscientious. But most of all, ESFJs are always seeking to be helpful and please others. That describes Jonathan perfectly, as he was always fighting evil to protect the innocent.

8 Yoshikage Kira - ISTJ

Yoshikage Kira, the main villain of Diamond is Unbreakable, is an ISTJ. Like others of this type, Kira was very reserved, always careful not to draw attention to himself, as well as being analytical and systematic, as he was very methodical in his day-to-day schedule.

It was his ISTJ personality type that allowed Kira to go unnoticed for years as a serial killer haunting the town of Morioh. Kira was always careful not to leave any traces of a crime having taken place. Also, he was very diligent in keeping records of the growth of his fingernails.

7 Jolyne Cujoh - ESTP

Next up is Stone Ocean's Jolyne Cujoh, who we feel perfectly encapsulates the ESTP personality type. Jolyne is one of the more outgoing of the Joestars, and she's never one to keep her emotions to herself. Like other ESTPs, Jolyne doesn't hesitate to take action when the need arises.

ESTPs are also versatile individuals and pragmatic problem solvers, and Jolyne has both of those qualities in spades, especially thanks to her Stand, Stone Free. With her Stand's ability over string, Jolyne is able to turn her own body into string and come up with unique solutions to problems and adapt to just about any situation.

6 Blackmore - INTP

Blackmore is a minor antagonist in Steel Ball Run. He's an efficient assassin working for Funny Valentine, the main antagonist of the part. Blackmore is extremely loyal to Valentine, believing in his cause and fully trusting his authority.

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Blackmore has an INTP personality type, with the most notable traits being logical and precise. Blackmore also has a great analytical mind, which was showcased when he effortlessly tracked an intruder and unmasked said intruder as Lucy Steel just from a short investigation in which he found only indirect clues.

5 Koichi Hirose - ISFP

Koichi in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

Koichi is quite sensitive by nature. He's polite and friendly to strangers and acquaintances, and he has a gentle heart and usually doesn't seek to harm his opponents. In fact, Koichi has ended up befriending most of his opponents and even started dating one.

Koichi is an obvious ISFP. He's a good-natured guy who's always wants to help others. And though he becomes more assertive and confident throughout Diamond is Unbreakable, Koichi never loses his gentle nature. Even in his appearance in Golden Wind, Koichi doesn't use his full strength against Giorno, even after Giorno stole his passport and belongings.

4 Gyro Zeppeli - ENTP

This flamboyant Italian executioner is one of the highlights of the already amazing Steel Ball Run. Gyro outwardly appears cocky and rude (and he is), but he's also someone that values inspiration and new ideas. For example, Gyro refused to teach Johnny the Spin, but Johnny's persistent stubbornness left a lasting impression on Gyro, who then agreed to teach him.

We have Gyro down as an ENTP because people of this personality type greatly value justice and fairness, and that's the whole reason Gyro is in Steel Ball Run in the first place. He entered the Steel Ball Run race so he could win amnesty for a child wrongly sentenced to be executed.

3 Jobin Higashikata - INTJ

Jobin is the eldest son of the Higashikata family, one of the antagonists in JoJo's current run, Jojolion, and a perfect match for the reserved INTJ personality type. Jobin is by no means a good person. He's a cold-hearted murderer with little regard to innocent life, but he's very logical and strategic about it, like when he spared Yasuho Hirose's life because it would raise his family's suspicion.

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The most striking of Jobin's characteristics, which he shares with other INTJs, is that he is driven by his own original ideas to achieve his goals. Above all else, Jobin wants to use the Rokakaka plant to rid his family of the Higashikata curse. He sided with the rock humans just to bring himself closer to attaining the Rokakaka, and betrayed them as soon as they were a danger to his son.

2 Ringo Roadagain - INFP

Fan favorite Ringo Roadagain is a minor but influential antagonist featured in Steel Ball Run. When Johnny and Gyro first meet Ringo, he is obsessed with bettering himself and reaching new spiritual heights through gun duels, reflecting INFPs' tendency to value inner harmony and personal growth.

Ringo is also very idealistic, believing that one finds his true strength in discovering their own values and that he will walk the "path of light" and live in the "True Man's World" once he does. Because of his ideals, Ringo looks down on Gyro for conforming to his father's religious dogma, and even helps Gyro find his own "path of light" to live in the "True Man's World".

1 Jotaro Kujo - ISTP

Rounding out this list is Stardust Crusaders' JoJo, Jotaro Kujo. Though he acts like a rough delinquent, he has a gentle heart, is loyal to those he likes, and is actually quite reserved. Jotaro is clearly an ISTP. Like others of the same personality type, Jotaro is logical and analytical, always quick to think of a plan to defeat an enemy or escape danger.

Jotaro is very action-oriented, and usually solves all his problems with his fists—or his Stand's fists. ISTPs also enjoy going on adventure, something Jotaro became very familiar with on his 50 day adventure from Japan to Egypt to defeat DIO and save his mother.

NEXT: MBTI Of One Piece Characters