In the Mass Effect games, many of Shepard's crewmates long to prove themselves and become heroes. The pilot Jeff "Joker" Moreau is eager to test both Normandys to see what they are truly capable of. Liara T'Soni is determined to prove her theory on the Protheans correct and be the best Shadow Broker she can be. But what about the Krogan?

Shepard had Urdnot Wrex on board in 2183, and in 2185, Shepard found and recruited the tank-born Krogan known as Grunt. Although Grunt was engineered to be perfect, he had never visited the Krogan homeworld and had zero recognition from his peers. It was time to change that.

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The Calling of the Blood

grunt mass effect

Grunt didn't just want to prove himself to his race -- his very body was screaming for it. Partway through the mission to take down the insidious Collectors, Grunt felt his blood boiling, and his mind was blanketed with the cry for destruction. It felt like a sickness, but in reality, Grunt was undergoing Krogan adolescence. There was only one way to fix this: visit Tuchanka and consult the Krogan living there. Commander Shepard took the time to set a course for Tuchanka, the hot and hostile Krogan homeworld, and touched down in clan Urdnot's territory.

The clan's leader Urdnot Wrex warmly welcomed Commander Shepard, though the other Krogan had their reservations. What's more, a representative from another clan, Gatatog Uvenk, had a poor impression of Grunt. To him, Grunt was a tank-born mutant, a twisted science experiment with no claim to any Krogan heritage. He was a firm traditionalist who had his doubts about Wrex's plans to unify the feuding Krogan clans, and this tank-born "abomnation" was yet another offense to Krogan tradition.

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Wrex, however, was the most open-minded Krogan on the planet, and he supported Grunt and his quest. Wrex explained that undergoing the combat-oriented rite of passage could fix Grunt's problem and give him a place in Krogan society and clan Urdnot in general. Uvenk again he voiced his objections, but the local Urdnot shaman agreed with Wrex that Grunt deserved a chance. Once again, Uvenk could only grumble as he stormed off.

Fighting for the Future

grunt looking up

The combat trial was a fairly straightforward affair: Grunt and his two teammates (the members of his krantt) had to fight off waves of enemies by any means necessary, using guns, biotics, knives or even bare fists. Grunt was more than up to the challenge, and he delighted in the chaos of bloodletting around him. Fortunately, he was fighting as an enthusiastic soldier, not a mindless animal. Once or twice, Grunt reminded Shepard that he intended to be a proper soldier, not just a crazed savage. The combat trial was proceeding smoothly. Then the final challenge came: a thresher maw, a gigantic scaled worm of the earth. Grunt and his krantt dispatched it.

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Once the trial ended, a shuttle arrived from clan Gatatog. Gatatog Uvenk and his men stepped off the shuttle, and Uvenk back-handedly rescinded his earlier criticism of Grunt. He was impressed and wanted Grunt's battle-proven prowess for himself. Uvenk told Grunt that his talents and strength could be put to good use with clan Gatatog, but there would be some conditions, such as never serving aboard a non-Krogan ship.

Grunt was furious. Uvenk was clearly just after Grunt's power and didn't respect Grunt as a person at all. In fact, Uvenk had smeared both Grunt's and Shepard's names already and was now acting like nothing had happened. Fed up with Uvenk's snide remarks and obvious ploys, Grunt opened fire, and his krantt wiped out Uvenk's entire squad. Upon returning to Wrex's throne room, Grunt was formally accepted into clan Urdnot as Urdnot Grunt. Although he was now allowed to fight under a Krogan battlemaster, Grunt saw Shepard as the only battlemaster worth serving under.

Wrex and the shaman were understanding, and Grunt departed the world as a reborn soldier and a proud member of something much larger than himself. This was just the first step toward future glory for the young Krogan, and he was looking forward to conquering all challenges the future held. Just in time, too, since the Reaper invasion was right around the corner.

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