BioWare's sci-fi game series Mass Effect thrusts the player into the 22nd century, where spaceships and alien contact are commonplace. But the galaxy is not at peace; Commander Shepard must recruit a team of soldiers and experts to take on villains like Sovereign, the Shadow Broker, Saren, and more. Among those crewmates, Kaidan Alenko and Urdnot Grunt are among the best.

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In some ways, Grunt is Commander Shepard's coolest friend, but in other ways, it's Kaidan who's the most vital member of the Normandy. Both of them have proven themselves in battle, but which one is the best companion Commander Shepard could ask for, and why? Let's make a case for each of them.

10 Grunt: Made His Own Destiny

One of the major themes of Mass Effect is "create your own destiny," and this largely plays out for the geth and Quarians. But Grunt also embodies this theme on a personal level. He was born without a clan or even a family, starting from zero.

He needed a place to belong, though, and accepted a role aboard the Normandy. Later, he passed the rite of passage to join Clan Urdnot on Tuchanka, and he did everything he could to learn the ways of the Krogan and become a vital part of his new family. That's a big step, and no one even told him to do it.

9 Kaidan: Stood Up To Bullies

This is something that happened in Kaidan Alenko's younger days. In the first game, he opens up pretty easily about his personal history, and that includes his experience in a prototype biotic training camp. It was not a fun summer camp at all.

Turian mercenaries were hired to teach biotics to human children, and one thuggish Turian started beating Kaidan's friend, Rana. Kaidan lashed out right away, and when the Turian threatened his life, he delivered a powerful biotic kick. Kaidan doesn't hate aliens, but he does oppose bullies.

8 Grunt: Cool Lines

The Mass Effect universe has a variety of zingers and one-liners, just like the MCU's characters, and Grunt gets some of the best dialogue of any Krogan or soldiers. He's young and untried, but he's got the attitude of a hardened soldier and predator.

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Right away, Grunt can use colorful terms to describe ways to assassinate members of other species, and he likes to talk about past battles that are imprinted in his mind (very vivid descriptions). Best of all was when Commander Shepard told him "good luck" before starting a mission. Grunt responded with the best line possible: "I don't need luck. I have ammo."

7 Kadan: Sharp Eyes

Kaidan is not only a skilled biotic and a loyal friend, but he's also a worldly man who doesn't always take things at face value. During the first Mass Effect, Shepard's mission is going smoothly, but Kaidan is still unsettled by everything that's going on.

During a chat, he admits that there's "writing on the wall" that no one is reading, and he finds it very strange that an ancient and important group like the Council isn't taking the Reaper threat more seriously. Kaidan can sense something off about this mission, while Tali, Ashley, and Wrex either can't tell or don't care.

6 Grunt: No Apologies

Grunt makes no apologies or excuses for who he is or what he is. He's not vain or thuggish about it; he just has total self-confidence as the ultimate Krogan. This leads to some impressive dialogue and scenes, sometimes to comic effect.

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At some point in Mass Effect 3, Grunt is being questioned by C-Sec on the Citadel, and he casually tells Shepard about his antics after he broke out of the hospital. His account is hysterical, especially how he explains it all in a deadpan manner. He doesn't see what's so funny or outrageous about any of it.

5 Kaidan: Down To Earth

With all the exotic and cool aliens, frontier planets, spaceships, and biotic powers, it's easy for Commander Shepard to forget that it's the small things that make the universe run. A real home is a quiet and comfortable place, and Kaidan can help make a home like that.

Kaidan is Shepard's best friend or FemShep's lover, and he keeps things in perspective with steaks and beer, daydreaming about sitting on a balcony and watching the landscape, and much more. That kind of grounding can help Shepard stay focused and remember why they're fighting so hard.

4 Grunt: Squad Command

In Mass Effect 2, Grunt is a part of Shepard's squad, but in the third game, Grunt has moved and now commands a squad of his 0wn: Aralakh Company. Wrex formed this combat unit to represent Krogan diversity and unity, a symbol of a new age.

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It wasn't a battle-scarred Krogan elder who took command, but the youthful Grunt. He cares nothing for the old feuds or grudges; Grunt just wants glory in battle, and he keeps a tight rein on the rowdy Aralakh Company despite his youth. The other soldiers have since learned to respect his command.

3 Kaidan: Balanced View On Aliens

kaidan on shuttle

Kaidan and Ashley have limited experience working with aliens, and they meet Wrex, Liara, Tali, and Garrus as squadmates aboard the SR-1 Normany. Ashely is a little distrustful of them, but Kaidan has a different opinion.

Overall, Kaidan judges people on their individual merits, rather than stereotypes or prejudices. The way he puts it, aliens are "saints and jerks, just like us." He also says that if one bad apple really did spoil the bunch, then he'd hate humanity too. Everyone should get a chance to prove themselves.

2 Grunt: Smart Design

Grunt is a Krogan, but he doesn't look or act quite like the others, such as Wrex and Wreav. He is a tank-born mega-Krogan, untried and untested. The creators made sure that his design reflected that in many ways.

He has a forehead plate, like all Krogan, but it's broken up into pieces that will someday come together, just the way a newborn baby's skeleton fuses a few bones together as the baby grows up. Also, Grunt's skin is unusually smooth, free of scars or wrinkles (a sharp contrast with Wrex). His eyes are also bright and vivid blue, as opposed to Wrex's rusty red ones. Finally, Grunt is a bit ignorant or naive at times, such as when he had to ask what a loophole is.

1 Kaidan: Total Loyalty

Kaidan is a proper soldier, like Ashley, and they both serve the Alliance with total dedication. Admiral Hackett certainly needs soldiers like them, and they refuse to aid the shady Cerberus even when human colonies are being abducted.

Kaidan was right to distrust Cerberus, since the Illusive Man was just using Shepard and wanted to claim the Collector base as his own. Kaidan is personally loyal to Shepard, but not blindly so; he waits until Shepard is unambiguously free of Cerberus before totally taking Shepard's side again. He has his reasons.

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