• Valkyrie: Jane Foster #1 ended with Bullseye stabbing Heimdall. 1 / 8

  • Although Heimdall survives that initial blow, Bullseye stabs him again in Valkyrie #2. 2 / 8

  • The villain then sends Heimdall off the side of a skyscraper. 3 / 8

    Jane Foster Valkyrie Bullseye
  • Foster uses her weapon to grab Heimdall's leg as he falls, though she thinks... 4 / 8

  • ...'Didn't Spider-Man kill someone doing this,' referencing the death of Gwen Stacy... 5 / 8

  • ... and the question of whether Spider-Man webbing her leg snapped her neck. 6 / 8

  • Valkyrie beats Bullseye, but Heimdall doesn't live long. However, Jane and his soul depart together... 7 / 8

  • ... on a 'journey into mystery' to show the all-seeing god something new. 8 / 8