According to The Associated Press, flames and smoke began erupting from a manhole on West 51st Street in midtown Manhattan, leading to the evacuation of a nearby building on West 50th Street, which houses the editorial offices of Marvel Comics. The evacuation of the Marvel offices was confirmed by Marvel Digital Media Group director Ron Perazza via Twitter, where he stated, "Looks like the fire is sending all of Marvel home for the day. Sorry, comics!" Perazza further confirmed that all Marvel staff were safe and that both the NYPD and FDNY were on the scene. The report was further corroborated by Marvel editor Tom Brennan, who joked via Twitter, "Anxieties will be solved if we find finished work in our mailboxes."

Attn freelancers: Marvel offices are closed due to a fire on our block. Anxieties will be solved if we find finished work in our mailboxes- Tom Brennan (@Brennanator) January 6, 2014

Reportedly, the entirety of West 51st Street between Sixth and Seventh Avenues are closed off as the FDNY combats the fire outside the Time-Life building. Onlookers have posted videos and photos to social media that help illustrate the size and scope of the the smoke and fire.

No details have been released as to when the Marvel offices will re-open, though Marvel Digital Media Executive Editorial Director Ryan Penagos reported via Twitter that the fire was "all but out" by the time Marvel staffers left the scene.

Home. Roomba is puttering about. Pretty sure everyone got out okay and the fire was all but out when we left.- Ryan Penagos (@AgentM) January 6, 2014