• Edge Of Spider-Verse #1
    Edge Of Spider-Verse #1
    Dan Slott, Alex Segura, Karla Pacheco, Dustin Weaver, D.J. Bryant
    Martin Coccolo, Caio Majado, Pere Pérez, Dustin Weaver, D.J. Bryant
    VC's Joe Caramagna
    Cover Artist:
    Josemaria Casanovas
    Release Date:
    Brian Reber

2014's Spider-Verse was the first Spider-Man-themed multiversal event from Marvel that boasted a sprawling number of Spider-powered individuals, introducing new characters such as Spider-Gwen alongside old fan favorites. The success of the crossover spawned a sequel series a few years later titled Spider-Geddon, with creator Dan Slott hinting at a final story arc to wrap up this web of high jinks. Making good on that promise, the final Spider-Verse saga begins this month with a spectacular new storyline and new adventures on the horizon. Written by Dan Slott, Alex Segura, Karla Pacheco, and D.J. Bryant with artwork from Martin Coccolo, Caio Majado, Pere Pérez, Dustin Weaver, and Brian Reber and lettering by VC's Joe Caramagna, Edge Of Spider-Verse #1 introduces a host of Spider-folks who are pivotal to the future of the Spider-Verse.

Edge Of Spider-Verse #1 is a four-story anthology from four different universes, each concentrating on a Spider-themed hero. Some of these characters have had swashbuckling adventures in the past, while others appear for the first time in Marvel history. The first story introduces Spider-Laird of Earth-1740, a colonial-era Scottish Spider-Man out looking for his stolen sheep. Next on the itinerary are two tales featuring Anya Corazon, a.k.a. Araña, and Spider-Man Noir, respectively. But the most outlandish of them all is the introduction of Spider-Rex and his archnemesis Norrannosaurman, who have a Freaky Friday situation on their hands after a meteor crashes into them.

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Anya Corazon in Edge Of Spider-Verse #1

Longtime Spider-Man writer Dan Slott returns to the Spider-Verse with a new tale that expands the multiverse to uncharted territory. "Something Wicked This Way Comes" introduces the world of Earth-1740, a clever way to denote the time period which serves as the story's backdrop. Spider-Laird and his web-shooting pistol meet two British soldiers and Madame Web on the same night, with the latter bearing ominous warnings. Martin Coccolo's illustrations are lively in contrast to Brian Reber's colors which drape the panels in the cover of night. Following the shortest tale in the book is the longest one. "The Hero Within", written by Alex Seguro, is a good introduction to the character of Araña for new readers as it showcases the wildlife and energetic personality of Anya Corazon. Something festers deep in the Spider-Verse, and her totemic powers pick up on it, creating a struggle that the hero needs to face head-on. Complementing Araña's spirit is artist Caio Majado whose crisp lines articulate her at her acrobatic best while giving her a cool new look.

The wackiest entry in the book is also the most adventurous undertaking as writer Karla Pacheco reimagines two classic enemies as prehistoric dinosaurs. The story proceeds to dial up the weirdness, swapping the characters' bodies and bestowing them with superpowers. Laced with dark humor, "Spider-Rex!!!" teaches a vital lesson to its eponymous character, a rite of passage that plays out ludicrously. While the artwork from Pere Pérez is fun to look at, the segment is disappointingly short. "My Dame... My Destiny" by Dustin Weaver and D.J. Bryant is the darkest of the lot, mixing the gritty, old-timey feel of noir with a creeping horror. Although much of it has to do with the drab colors and deep shadows, the story uses all tropes in the genre, from a morally questionable hero, Spider-Man Noir, to a striking femme fatale, for dramatic effect, until the ending that turns everything on its head.

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Spider-Rex in Edge Of Spider-Verse #1

Edge Of Spider-Verse #1 proudly presents the weird and bold corners of the Marvel multiverse with much fanfare. The issue introduces readers to new Spider-based superheroes and updates the status of the pre-existing ones. However, the storylines on the newly introduced Spider-Laird and Spider-Rex are not only too short, but the storytelling is also rough around the edges. They have the shortest page counts, resulting in a rushed narrative that concentrates on getting from one plot point to the next, making it difficult to emotionally invest in them. Nonetheless, the prospect of new Spider-folks is exciting on its own, and with more stories on the horizon, Edge Of Spider-Verse #1 is the beginning of a promising series.