The underlying message embedded in The Legend of Korra and its predecessor is simple - people struggle and fail, but they get back up on their feet and try again. However, this cycle of self-reliance is incredibly difficult to maintain, as shown when Korra herself is unable to fulfill her Avatar responsibilities between Books 3 and 4.

RELATED: Legend Of Korra: 10 Times The Main Characters Could've Died

Many characters in the series are cut from the same cloth. Unfortunately, some turn bitter after repeated failures, while others simply refuse to better themselves for unfathomable reasons. Although the majority of disliked characters in Korra are villains, there are a few neutral individuals fans disapprove of just as much.

10 Wu Remains A Spoilt Brat Until The Very End Of Book 4

prince wu looking upset

Mako correctly observes that Prince Wu's catchphrase, "Wu down!," is not something that will inspire confidence in Earth Kingdom citizens. However, Wu's erratic behavior and childish impudence make him an exceptionally grating character for most of his arc.

He finds empathy impossible to comprehend, let alone demonstrate it to others. That said, Wu gradually learns how to become self-reliant, thanks to Mako and Team Avatar.

9 Guan Brainwashes His Opponents And Rigs The First Democratic Election Ever Held

legend of korra Kuvira tries to make Guan Surrender

Guan is a product of Kuvira's radicalism, standing his ground against the Avatar despite his ex-leader's defeat and imprisonment. He is more than comfortable with the idea of "re-educating" his opponents, using patented brainwashing tech to force Asami, Mako, and Bolin under his control.

Guan also rigs the first democratic election to be held in the history of the world, but his victory is short-lived. Korra and Kuvira make short work of Guan and his minions, ending the Earth Empire for good.

8 Raiko Is Not Above Lying And Cheating To Maintain His Power

korra and president raiko

Raiko's political ambition is understandable, but he regularly tries to shirk his duties and pawn the blame for his errors onto other people.

RELATED: Korra: 10 Things You Need To Know About Raava, The Spirit Of Light

The Avatar and the President don't like each other very much, especially after he starts overly criticizing Korra's actions (whether or not the situation is his fault). Raiko, like most politicians, is especially interested in maintaining the status quo, even if it means lying and cheating his way into a second Presidency term.

7 Tahno's Arrogance And Disagreeable Personality Borders On The Offensive

Tahno The Smug Waterbender In The Legend Of Korra

The Fire Ferrets' hopes for a fair match in the Pro-Bending finals are dashed when the White Falls Wolfbats begin accruing points even though they commit various in-game infractions.

Their leader, Tahno, is obnoxious beyond imagination. He continuously mocks Mako, Bolin, and Korra in order to goad them into an actual fight. Regardless of his disagreeable personality, the fact that Tahno's bending is stripped by Amon is a matter of sadness, not jubilation.

6 Hou-Ting Treats The Earth Kingdom Like Her Personal Playground

Korra Hou Ting

Hou-Ting is born into great wealth and prestige, explaining why the Earth Queen of Ba Sing Se is excessively unpleasant. She treats everything within the Earth Kingdom (money, land, people) as her personal property, displaying neither compunction nor compassion during her reign.

If that's not enough, Hou-Ting's capricious mood is impossible to predict, making any interaction with her an extremely dangerous endeavor. That being said, she still doesn't deserve the overly violent death sentence that Zaheer imposes on her.

5 Kuvira's Political Vision Is Nothing More Than Thinly Veiled Fascism

Kuvira rejoicing at her victory in the battle of Zaofu

Kuvira's logic, or what's left of it, is so deeply woven into the fabric of fascism that she refers to herself "The Great Uniter" without a shred of irony.

RELATED: Legend Of Korra: 10 Times Bolin Saved The Day

She casts her family and friends out of her life and embarks on a journey that destroys countless other lives. From innocent villagers to wealthy landlords, nobody is spared her judgment. Kuvira's politics are painfully reminiscent of the Nazi Reich, so it's fortunate that Team Avatar prevents the Earth Empire from taking over the world.

4 Vaatu Wants To Cover The World In Darkness And Chaos

legend of korra vaatu in spirit world

As the physical embodiment of chaos, Vaatu is interested in only one thing: to "cover the Earth [with darkness] for ten thousand years." He displays infinite levels of patience while trapped in the Tree of Time because he realizes that his time will come with the next Harmonic Convergence.

Vaatu tricks Avatar Wan into freeing him from Raava's grasp and later manipulates Unalaq into doing something similar. He wants nothing more than to obliterate the spirit of light, but he fails to realize that Raava will always be with him, no matter what.

3 The Red Lotus Nearly Manages To End The Avatar Cycle Forever

legend of korra Avatar Red Lotus

The United Republic of Nations officially categorizes the Red Lotus to be a terrorist organization. Its four most prominent members are defeated and placed in solitary confinement when they attempt to abduct baby Korra.

Unfortunately, the side-effects of Harmonic Convergence result in Zaheer obtaining Airbending powers, with which he is able to reconstitute the Red Lotus once again. The group then proceeds to unleash anarchy on Ba Sing Se, annihilate the Northern Air Temple, and nearly take Korra's life and end the Avatar Cycle.

2 Unalaq Discards His Own Children In His Quest For Power

legend of korra unalaq of water tribe

Unalaq is disliked because he portrays himself as the exact opposite of his true nature - a kindly man with a philanthropic urge to restore both the Spirit World and the Southern Water Tribe.

RELATED: Legend Of Korra: 10 Times Mako Saved The Day

His conniving personality is uncovered when Korra begins to suspect his intentions, but it is too late to stop the endgame from taking place at this point. Unalaq shatters any hope for redemption after he becomes UnaVaatu, but fans despise him more for treating his own children as disposable pawns.

1 Noatak's Fraudulent Disguise Lets Him Manipulate The Same People He Swears To Protect

Amon holds airbending family captive

Noatak takes on the fraudulent disguise of Amon, an Equalist leader with Guy Fawkes vibes, only to be unmasked by Avatar Korra. Although he loses his followers' support and is killed soon after, Amon's actions inadvertently change the very fabric of Republic City.

For the first time in history, the nonbenders living in the United Republic of Nations are given a voice. However, the political transformation of an entire country still doesn't absolve Amon of his cruelty, corruption, and tyranny.

NEXT: The Legend Of Korra: 5 Ways Amon Was Right (& 5 Ways He Got What He Deserved)