Star Wars has always created a satisfying blend of sci-fi and fantasy, and kyber crystals are a perfect example. This naturally-formed crystal has a deep connection to the Force, often calling out to Force-sensitive beings with a chant. But it's mostly known for its destructive properties, as kyber crystals power lightsabers and the superlaser on the Death Star. However, despite those being the two most common examples, there were far more weapons made with kyber.

Kyber crystals only form in a few places throughout the galaxy. When the Jedi were at the height of their power, younglings would travel to these areas and have to sense the perfect crystal for their saber. Placing the crystal into a lightsaber was a delicate and dangerous procedure, but the Jedi were always taught to treat the crystals with respect. That was unlike the Sith, who would force the crystals into devastating war machines to do their bidding.

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Kyber Was the Key to Star Wars' Superweapons

The Death Star Fires the Superlaser

The Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated show expanded upon kyber crystals more than any media before. It showed off the planet Ilum, which held a huge supply of crystals and was the source for the Jedi. And kyber was explained further in "The Big Bang," an episode that never made it to television before the show got canceled. But from the snippets of it that have come out, Yoda speaks about kyber, saying, "Long ago in forgotten times, when the Sith and Jedi fought for control of the galaxy, weapons there were, of unimaginable power. Always at their heart, a kyber crystal was."

Not only does the Death Star prove this point, but Starkiller Base does as well. This First Order superweapon from Star Wars: The Force Awakens used kyber for power. However, this time, it used the entire crystal core of the planet Ilum to harness suns, sending a beam across the galaxy to wipe out entire planets.

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The Jedi Created Smaller Kyber-Based Weapons

Star Wars Lightsaber — Jocasta Nu

Jedi understood the properties of kyber better than anyone, so they were open to its potential beyond lightsabers. The Star Wars 25 comic, titled "The Lesson," provided a look into the Jedi archives and their data on kyber crystals. It mentions that people had tried to make kyber bombs and kyber blasters in the past and that the Jedi even had some in their armory.

In the Darth Vader comics, the Jedi Jocasta Nu wielded a Lightsaber rifle, a weapon designed to use a lightsaber as a power source. Her saber was slotted into the side, and it harnessed the kyber crystal to unleash a powerful bolt of energy that could melt armor. While powerful, the rifle was also incredibly expensive and could only fire five shots before overheating. But still, it shows the devastating potential of kyber-fueled blasters. Luckily, kyber is too rare and unstable to get thrown into the average blaster, and most Jedi weapons were lost or destroyed in the great purge. But if someone found a way to place the power of kyber into common weapons, it would be a complete game-changer for Star Wars battles.