This is the latest in a feature where I just share some bit of comic book history that interests me. Here is a collection of all of the installments in the feature so far.

The other day, I did a legend about whether there was a "nude" cheat code in the original Tomb Raider video game. It reminded me of the obsession people have with seeing famous characters in "sexy" situations, which in part drove the "Tijuana Bible" market of the 1920s to the early 1960s. Most of the characters featured were comic strip characters or celebrities, but a few of them were superheroes (famously, Watchmen shows Silk Spectre having Tijuana Bibles made about her - she was both a superhero AND a celebrity!). The website has a bunch of these X-rated parody strips. I'll show you the covers to three of them.

Plastic Man turns himself into a chair in this one when a woman sits down.

Here, Superboy saves a woman and she says she'll do anything for him and he says he wouldn't mind some oral sex, which she finds reasonable.

Pretty weird stuff. Not as weird as the Donald Duck one that's out there if you look for it, of course, but still weird!