There are a lot of animated series that are singled out as cultural touchstones, but there’s an intense legacy that’s followed King of the Hill. King of the Hill isn’t as broad or absurd as the other animated series of its time, but this authentic and character-driven approach to storytelling helped the adult animated series accumulate over 250 episodes over 13 seasons.

RELATED: 10 King Of the Hill Characters Who Changed By The End Of The Series

What’s perhaps most impressive about King of the Hill’s lengthy run is that it’s largely consistent in quality and the later seasons don’t exhibit any decline. That being said, it’s difficult to stay on top of so many events and what every character has said or done for over a decade of television and it’s inevitable that some occasional inconsistencies and unexplained continuity issues arise.

10 Bobby’s Excellent Marksmanship Never Returns

Animation King Of The Hill Bobby Hank Shooting

One of the major tenets of Hank and Bobby’s relationship in King of the Hill is that their talents and interests largely don’t align in a way that inspires Hank to lament that his “boy ain’t right.” King of the Hill finds endless ways to explore this dynamic, but it also subverts it on a few occasions. Early on in the series' run it’s revealed that Bobby is a natural shot. Bobby’s proficiency in this area never returns and on a few occasions where he’s out hunting, he seems to have poor aim with his targets and in general.

9 Peggy's Pivot To Real Estate

Animation King Of The Hill Peggy Real Estate

Part of what makes King of the Hill such a satisfying animated series is that it allows its characters to change and grow in ways that last. Peggy is largely defined as a substitute teacher for King of the Hill’s run, but she eventually makes a few career pivots, including a run in real estate. Peggy repeatedly preaches how she’s a natural teacher and it’s dictated in everything that she does. Her stint at a newspaper makes a little more sense since she has a history with her musings column, but real estate is random.

8 The Geography Of Rainey Street Changes

Animation King Of The Hill Rainey Street Geography

King of the Hill is full of some truly wonderful characters that paint Arlen, Texas as a very real place and it’s Rainey Street that acts as the major hub for the Hills and many of the show’s characters. Rainey Street’s geography becomes a plot point on more than one occasion and sometimes actually bears significance, like with how Kahn is Hank’s neighbor.

RELATED: King Of The Hill: 10 Ways The Series Changed Since Season One

The locations of Dale and Kahn’s houses are inconsistent on a few occasions, with the biggest example being when Kahn’s bathroom window is adjacent to Hank’s kitchen and the stress that it causes him.

7 The Representation Of Peggy's Mom And Her Family

Animation King Of The Hill Peggy With Mom Rancher Montana

King of the Hill typically does a good job when it comes to the continuity surrounding their main characters’ extended family, but one of the more unfortunate and inconsistent plot holes involves Peggy’s family. Peggy’s mother is first shown to be a very passionate homemaker, who doesn’t look unlike Peggy, and helps her learn some of her signature recipes. Later on, the Hills visit Peggy’s mother, but she’s now a rancher-type individual in Montana with a completely different style. There are similar problems around Peggy’s brothers, who are painted one way, but then Hoyt turns out to be in jail.

6 Bill’s Relationship With Laoma Souphanousinphone

Animation King Of The Hill Bill Laoma Relationship

There’s certainly a level of dark comedy that can be found in a character’s perpetual sadness and Bill Dauterive absolutely fulfills this role in King of the Hill. Bill’s depressing nature often fuels his storylines. Much to Kahn’s chagrin, Bill finds a steady and sweet relationship with Laoma Souphanousinphone. A really endearing bond forms between them and she’s suddenly just completely absent. This has more to do with FOX’s desire to move King of the Hill away from more serialized storylines, but it’s a relationship that could at least be addressed and deserves to get closure.

5 Inconsistencies Over Boomhauer’s Job

Boomhauer's Texas Ranger badge in King of the Hill.

Boomhauer is King of the Hill’s enigmatic heartthrob and part of the joke behind his mystique is that so little about him is known beyond some very broad strokes that he’s painted for himself. It’s a very funny gag in the series’ final moments when it’s revealed that Boomhauer is in fact a Texas Ranger member of law enforcement.

RELATED: King Of The Hill: 10 Storylines The Series Completely Forgot About

However, much earlier in the series, he claims that he was an electrician until he received worker’s compensation and left under undisclosed reasons. These don’t align and even paint Boomhauer as very different characters.

4 Heck Dorland’s Character Completely Changes In His Two Appearances

Animation King Of The Hill Heck Dorland Cautious

King of the Hill has a solid core cast, but there’s also a robust number of supporting players that make their mark. Heck Dorland is a firefighter who only shows up in two episodes, but they’re both in the context of his firefighter duties. These two episodes are over ten years apart, but they still have totally different depictions of Heck, right down to a new voice actor with a unique take on the role. The consistency provided with Heck as one of Arlen’s resident firefighters is appreciated, but this attention to detail makes these other major omissions stand out.

3 Peggy Doesn't Know How To Ride A Bike

Animation King Of The Hill Peggy Hank Ride Motorcycle

Peggy Hill is one of the more controversial characters in King of the Hill just because of how stubborn and full of herself she can be, but it’s this consistent character work that makes her such an enjoyable frustration. Peggy has a lot of pride, but she learns to swallow it when she allows Bobby to try to teach her how to ride a bike. It’s a sweet moment, but there are countless moments before where Peggy rides a bicycle or makes reference to doing so. She even goes on an extensive motorcycle road trip.

2 Hank’s Inconsistent Negotiating Tactics

Animation King Of The Hill Hank Car Dealership Sticker Price

Hank is stuck in his ways and an incredibly trusting individual. A prime example of this is when Hank gives a glimpse into his tactics behind making major purchases, like a new vehicle. The concept of haggling and asking for below the sticker price isn’t just foreign to Hank but even seems borderline dishonest to the nature of salesmanship in some ways. This fits with Hank, but there are also occasions where he shows cunning and restraint when it comes to truck purposes. Hank’s savvy here raises plot holes with how he’s later still so trusting in the department.

1 Cotton Gets Cremated When He’s Supposed To Be Buried In A Veteran Cemetery

Animation King Of The Hill Cotton's Ashes Toilet

Cotton is certainly one of King of the Hill’s more abrasive individuals, but there’s a sweet and loving individual that’s hidden underneath all of that unsavory aggression. Cotton repeatedly brings up his contributions during the war and how he’s a war hero that’s promised a grave in a veteran cemetery due to his sacrifices. Cotton sadly passes away towards the end of the series and a storyline revolves around Hank’s disposal of Cotton’s ashes. Cremation and this new agenda is a major plot hole with what previously gets established.

NEXT: King Of The Hill: 5 Possible Spin-Offs That Fans Would Love (& 5 That Just Ain't Right)