Kaido is one of the Four Emperors of the Sea and one of the most important people in One Piece's Vs. Four Emperors Saga. Built-up to be the Wano Country arc's main antagonist, Kaido is an extremely powerful pirate, known to be equally as beastly.

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Late into the Wano Country arc, it was revealed that Kaido actually had a child named Yamato. As expected, the two didn't get along. Being the ruthless pirate that he is, Kaido has made Yamato's life quite difficult to live.

10 Kaido Made Him Face The Consequences Of Wanting To Become Oden

Yamato in the anime

Yamato witnessed Kozuki Oden's execution when he was 8 years old and was utterly mesmerized by him, wanting to be more like him from there onward. Although Kaido didn't tell him to not be Oden, he did tell him to bear the consequences of wanting to become him.

Kaido immediately made it known that Oden's standards were incredibly high and Yamato, despite being a child, would be treated accordingly if he wanted to become like him.

9 Yamato Was Trapped In The Sacred Cave With Samurai

Yamato as a kid One Piece

Immediately after being caught, Yamato was thrown into the Sacred Cave of Wano, where Kaido wanted him to either crumble and join him, or rise to become Oden. Kaido didn't even think twice before throwing his child in such a situation.

Given that Yamato was merely a child, this was even more traumatic for him. Kaido intended for Yamato to submit to his will and give up all that he held dear, but thankfully, Yamato endured.

8 Yamato Was Thrown In A Death Battle With Samurai

Ushimaru And the Samurai Wano

Yamato met three Samurai inside the Sacred Cave, all of which were extremely scary for him to look at. Being only 8, this was quite a traumatic experience for Yamato to endure, and being thrown in with people who could've killed him for food scared him even more.

To his surprise, the Samurai didn't even use the swords Kaido gave them to cut each other down. Instead, they turned out to be nice people and gave their food to him, refusing to eat it themselves.

7 Yamato was Not Allowed To Leave Onigashima For 20 Years

yamato one piece

Yamato was at Kozuki Oden's execution, as he confirmed himself on multiple occasions, however, shortly after that, Yamato lost his freedom. Using cuffs made partially with seastone, Kaido was able to trap Yamato on Onigashima.

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These cuffs were very similar to the ones that Sanji was forced to wear by his family. The cuffs would have exploded had Yamato stepped off of Onigashima. 20 years later, Luffy destroyed the cuffs and freed Yamato from this prison.

6 Yamato Was Constantly Beaten By His Own Father

yamato vs kaido

Since Yamato admired Oden so much that he wanted to become him, the fact that Kaido killed him never sat well with him. Knowing how loved he was, what adventures he'd embarked upon, and what ideals he held, Yamato fought for everything that Oden believed in constantly.

He challenged Kaido on several occasions and the two clashed with great ferocity, however, Kaido beat him down every single time.

5 Yamato Was Feared By People Because Of Kaido

Kaido in Dragon form

Yamato might always have been a good person, however, he is still Kaido's son at the end of the day. Kaido, being a Yonko and a ruthless pirate, has quite a bad reputation among people. As such, Yamato was always feared by some people around him, as seen when even Momonosuke and Shinobu were wary of him when he saved them.

Yamato did make a lot of friends, however, Kaido claimed that humans and Oni can't become friends and that they're supposed to despise each other.

4 Yamato Could Forcibly Be Made The Shogun Of Wano

yamato in front of makami from one piece

Yamato is a strong-willed individual and he strongly believes in the way of life that Oden set for himself. Kaido, not caring about any of that, decided to make Yamato the Shogun of Wano Country, or New Onigashima, to be more precise.

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Obviously, Yamato opposed this decision because he wouldn't let his father chain his heart anymore and had decided to fight back alongside the Straw Hat Pirates.

3 Yamato Is Often Chased Around By The Tobiroppo

One Piece Tobiroppo Sasaki X Drake Black Maria Who's Who Page One and Ulti

The Tobiroppo are the six strongest headliners of the Beasts Pirates, known to be users of the Ancient Zoan fruits. Kaido trusts the Tobiroppo quite a lot and often uses them to look for his son Yamato, as seen during the Wano Country arc.

Given that they knew when Kaido calls them it's always a "family problem," and that finding Yamato is a difficult task, Kaido has used them for the same task at least once before.

2 Yamato Is Made To Vanquish His Own Father

Kaido from One Piece Angry At Big Mom

Due to Kaido being a tyrant who has enslaved an entire country and hurt all those close to Yamato, it is no surprise that the two find each other at opposing ends.

Yamato has cut all ties with his father for good and has decided that he'll drive him out of Wano, no matter the cost. Even if Yamato is made to kill him, he will do it if that's what it takes to open Wano Country's borders.

1 Yamato's Own Father Attempted To Kill Him

Kaido Fish Fish fruit azure dragon

By putting explosive cuffs on his wrists, Kaido made sure that Yamato never left Onigashima. While Yamato never risked it and didn't step foot outside of the island, he was always very skeptical as to whether any parent would actually even attempt that.

When Luffy took the cuffs off and they exploded, Yamato realized that Kaido actually never hesitated to kill him; not when he put in the Sacred Cave to die and certainly not when he put the explosive cuffs on his wrists.

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