When it comes to the origins of the Justice League, the names of Batman and Superman are an absolute must to be mentioned. DC’s greatest faction would never have been a success had these superheroes not been the founding members and brought their individual characterizations to the fold.

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And yet, there are definite arguments to be made over who the more important member is between these two. After all, their differences in personalities and style are such that they offer different advantages to the league. In other areas, their mere presence is enough to make an impact. To this end, it’s worth analyzing the reasons why either Batman or Superman can claim to be most vital to the Justice League.

10 BATMAN: He's The Brains Of The League

Batman Justice League

Not for nothing is Batman deemed as the greatest detective, as his investigation skills are unparalleled. This has been to the point where he’s found out the weaknesses of incredibly powerful beings like Darkseid and walked away with the psychological victory.

Batman’s uniqueness in this area comes from the fact that he’s not a next-level intellect, but an effective strategist who can combine his street smarts with deductive skills that even powered beings can’t. This is the kind of ability that the league can’t stay without.

9 SUPERMAN: He's A Friend To All Members

superman justice league

Superman is the kind of guy nobody can feel apprehensive approaching. He’s a friend to everyone, no matter if they’re in the league or not. For those who are part of the Justice League, Superman is the go-to guy since he never makes anyone feel small in stature.

In a team composed of exceptionally powerful beings, it’s easy for someone to feel left out. However, Superman is quick to be a helping hand and is more than happy to guide any member into feeling like part of the team. 

8 BATMAN: He's Not Predictable

Batman bat symbol Justice League

Due to Superman’s intensely benevolent personality, villains are quick to catch on to him since his moral of always helping people makes him predictable. Batman has no such problems, as he disguises his intentions so well that no-one can make out what his next move will be.

His tendency to anticipate the enemy’s moves is such that villains usually end up on the losing side because of a plan Batman already had in place. In general, as well, Batman can never give away his emotions -- be it anger, fear, or hesitation -- meaning others just don’t know what to make of him.

7 SUPERMAN: His Powers Reflect His Position

superman punch

Superman has so many powers that some aren’t even common knowledge. For a faction like the Justice League, the leader needs to be a character that can embody what such a super-powered team brings forward, and Superman is definitely the man for the job.

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Enemies of the Justice League consider Superman first and foremost as a threat, which he’s happy to be seen as Superman prefers to be the first target since it means protecting others. It also has the effect of making the Justice League itself an intimidating faction due to the sheer presence of Superman’s powers.

6 BATMAN: He Carries The Fear Factor

batman fighting

Batman can strike the worst kind of fear in the hearts of beings even more powerful than him simply through the use of his words. Simply being powerful hasn’t done the trick for Superman at times, as he lacks the cutting edge that Batman has in spades that just can’t be replicated.

His glare is enough to silence even his own teammates, as Batman shows no care for others’ position of power. To this end, Batman has been in charge of carrying out interrogations and moving in to intimidate potential threats to the league.

5 SUPERMAN: He Takes An Active Part In The League


A big flaw in having Batman in the Justice League is how he operates on his time. While he remains committed, he’s not in it full-time, as opposed to Superman who devotes all his efforts. This includes everything from protecting the Earth, to going into space.

Superman doesn’t limit himself to particular missions either, as he’s involved in the general running of the league as well. It’s hard to imagine Batman bothering with things like boosting the team’s morale, while Superman leaves time out to do just that and more.

4 BATMAN: He Remains Level Headed In Times Of Crisis

justice league fight

Many heavy-handed stories involve Superman being fooled and going absolutely savage due to manipulation. In lower-scale times as well, Superman has let his emotions get the best of him and lose focus, relying on Batman to carry the load.

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Batman doesn’t get phased by anything and thrives in times of crisis due to his ability to remain level headed. He’s not brought down by threats or mind games, instead coming up with strategies on the fly to turn the advantage back in the Justice League’s favor.

3 SUPERMAN: He's The Poster Boy Of The League

Superman holding the American flag

In contrast to Batman, Superman can win people over with his words. He’s the ultimate good guy who represents the Justice League as its figurehead. In the DC Universe, the face of the league is considered to be Superman, and he’s the one the faction is associated with.

Superman is not only considered the protector of America but the Earth itself. The Justice League operates under the goodwill provided by Superman’s persona, leaving no doubt that he’s the one to credit for the team’s success with the public.

2 BATMAN: He Can Cripple Any Foe With His Plans

Batman stands over a defeated Justice League in DC Comics

The argument of Batman needing prep time to beat any foe isn’t without precedent, as he’s been shown to have contingency plans against everyone, including members of the Justice League. Given enough time, perhaps nobody is safe from Batman.

Due to this, the Justice League can rely on him to bail them out when there seems like all hope is lost. He might not be able to challenge powerful beings in strength, but Batman can create plans that find the exact weakness in others to completely turn the tide in the league’s favor.

1 SUPERMAN: He's A Leader By Example

All the heroes from Justice League Unlimited

Batman might be fearless, but he doesn’t take the first charge into battle like Superman does due to his liking for extracting weaknesses out of enemies. However, Superman leads by example, meaning he’s right on the front lines and sets the basis for the Justice League’s battles.

It’s clear that Batman doesn’t have the best leadership quality, not when he wants to be independent all the time. Superman takes all the responsibility for the league, be it blunders from other members and not even by himself. He’s the perfect leader one needs to rally around such a powerful faction, which is possible due to Superman’s willingness to take the first step in each battle.

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