Zack Snyder's Justice League not only introduced the DC Extended Universe's version of Darkseid, but it also planned on further introducing the cinematic universe's take on the Green Lantern Corps. This involved a flashback where an ancient Green Lantern tried and failed to take on the lord of Apokolips himself.

Afterward, the wayward Green Lantern ring flew off, with Darkseid both intrigued and possibly afraid of it. The willpower required to use a Green Lantern's ring likely rivals Darkseid's own, making it either completely useless or incredibly effective against him. Here's a look at the two concepts' history with each other and why the DCEU Darkseid reacted to the Green Lantern's ring the way he did.

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The Power of Green Lantern's Light - and Its Weaknesses


The Green Lantern Power Rings are powered by pure willpower, being able to bring to life constructs based off of whatever the wearer thinks of. Thus, aside from running out of energy in between charges, the main weakness of the rings is the limits of user's imagination. For many years in the comics, the rings could also not effect anything that had yellow coloration due to an impurity in the Central Power Battery on Oa. This has since been done away with, however, and this arguably hokey limitation may not even be used in the DCEU.

Fear can also be another weakness, as it's an emotion embodied by the monstrous enemy of the Green Lantern Corps, Parallax. This fear will make a Lantern doubt themself, overriding their willpower and rendering their attacks inert. This also puts them in direct opposition to Darkseid, the dictatorial ruler of Apokolips.

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Darkseid: The Power of Apokolips - and Its Weaknesses

Darkseid as he appears in the Snyder Cut, in the ancient past and present time.

Darkseid is one of the most supremely powerful beings in the DC Universe, and he seems to have that same power level in the DCEU, as well. Not only does he boast incredible physical strength and resilience, but even his mere presence is almost divinely imposing. It's this fear which Darkseid uses to impose his will on Apokolips, and inevitably throughout the cosmos if he has his way. This is because Darkseid and his quest for the Anti-Life Equation are meant to represent fascism and a malevolent level of conformity.

Thus, it makes sense that the one thing truly opposing Darkseid more than anything else is freedom, free will and the willpower associated with it. His own strength can oftentimes require a huge deal of willpower on his own part, so something directly opposing his will, namely the constructs of a Green Lantern, could certainly be a problem to him. On the other hand, his own strong will could also put up a good defense against whatever a Green Lantern could dish out.

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The Story of Darkseid Vs. The Green Lantern Corps

In the comics, the Green Lantern Corps does have a history with Darkseid and the denizens of Apokolips. The alien Raker Qarrigat was selected to be the Green Lantern that guarded Apokolips, putting him in direct conflict with Darkseid himself. When he tried to take him on directly, Darkseid broke his fingers, removed his ring and sent him scurrying back to the Guardians of the Universe.

Qarrigat came back with other Green Lanterns, but Darkseid had DeSaad reverse engineer the Green Lantern ring technology. Discovering the yellow impurity, he cloaked himself and his hordes of Parademons in the gold armor. Severely beating the Emerald Warriors, Darkseid then made a deal with the Guardians where they agreed to not attempt to police Apokolips again.

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It's possible that when a young Uxas killed Yalan Gur in Zack Snyder's Justice League, this was the first time that he had encountered a Green Lantern. Thus, he may have been intrigued enough to want DeSaad to reverse engineer it like in the comics. This might explain the look of apprehension on his face, as he was perhaps afraid of an instrument that weaponized willpower not his own. This planted seed of enmity between the Green Lantern Corps and the evil New Gods makes sense, given that a Green Lantern's presence could have prepared Earth's heroes to face Darkseid directly in Snyder's planned sequel. Further backing up this idea is Steppenwolf stating how Earth's lack of Green Lanterns should make it easy to conquer.

In the past, Yalan Gur's assault on Darkseid didn't do much good, only really pushing him back a little bit. Again, this speaks to how strong Darkseid's own willpower is and how determined he was to conquer Earth as he had so many other planets. This is backed up by the ring seemingly almost choosing him as a bearer. After all, it's powered by extreme willpower, which Darkseid himself had just shown in his resiliency against it. Fortunately, a conglomeration of not quite new gods were able to beat back the invader, but the Green Lantern who tried taking him down was still defeated.

Zack Snyder's Justice League stars Ben Affleck as Batman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Ezra Miller as The Flash, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Ray Porter as Darkseid, Ciarán Hinds as Steppenwolf, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor and J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordon. The film is currently available on HBO Max.

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