The Justice League is easily one of the most powerful forces in the DC Universe and the frontline defense against all Earth-threatening, multiverse-bending bad guys who rear their ugly heads to enact their evil plans.

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What makes the League so great is the varied personalities and approaches to crime-fighting of its members, which meld together to make an effective fighting force. One way to explain their personalities may be to look to the stars, to see what traits may be gleaned by their horoscopes.

From their personality traits, you'll be able to tell exactly which Justice League member you're most like...

10 Aquaman: Pisces

Putting the obvious aside, Aquaman is clearly a Pisces. Although one of Earth’s greatest heroes, he often has difficulty expressing his emotions, which is decidedly a Pisces trait. Keeping his innermost thoughts and feelings buried under great depths often causes friction between him and his family, but that is not to say he is emotionless.

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Like most Pisces, Aquaman is more susceptible to the tides of changing emotions and often lashes out before reason can take hold. That’s not to say there aren’t any positive Pisces traits he embodies, as he’s extremely generous with his Atlantean subjects and creative in the use of his powers and abilities.

9 Batman: Aries

It’s clear that Batman possesses the traits of an Aries. Passionate and driven to the point of obsession, Batman will pursue his quest to rid Gotham of crime to the exclusion of all else, as most Aries do when they give themselves a task or goal.

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Moreover, Aries are known to be stubborn and somewhat obstinate when confronting opposing viewpoints, as Batman is well known for. Instances of this Bat-trait abound but perhaps one of the most marked was his steadfast refusal to trust meta-humans following the events of Identity Crisis and his creation of Brother Eye.

8 Wonder Woman: Leo

For a Leo, being passionate, energetic, and determined is par for the course. Quite evidently, these characteristics also describe DC’s Themysciran Princess, Wonder Woman. Diana is unbelievably passionate about her mission in life, which is to spread the Amazonian ideals of peace and love throughout “man’s world.”

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She’s also extremely determined in everything she does, especially battle, as literally the only thing that can stop her is her own fatigue. Fortunately, she also carries the Leonine trait of generosity and compassion, which she extends to all whom she encounters, including a defeated foe.

7 The Flash: Cancer

The Flash Evan Doc Shaner feature

Barry Allen is the League’s resident speedster, and also a textbook Cancer in his loyalty, consciousness, and sympathetic spirit. The Flash is doggedly unrelenting in his pursuit of justice, both as a costumed superhero and as a forensics officer for the CCPD. He will simply not give up a case until a resolution is achieved, as he did with the murder of his mother.

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Moreover, his love and commitment to Iris West are legendary and indicative of his loyalty. Unfortunately, he can sometimes be prone to bouts of sullenness and moodiness, as all Cancers are, but a quick call to arms usually clears that up for the interim.

6 Cyborg: Virgo

Cyborg is such a perfect Virgo, they should change the symbol from the Maiden to his picture. Virgos are known to be analytical and practical, and as the Justice League’s “man in the chair,” Cyborg is just that. Tactical and technological plans are usually formulated or routed through him, and he remains the League’s go-to guy for boots-on-the-ground information.

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Unfortunately, he also embodies the negative traits of a Virgo. He feels overly sensitive and worries about his appearance due to his half-organic and half-mechanical nature. Moreover, he’s too hard on himself, constantly doubting his abilities in relation to the other Leaguers.

5 Martian Manhunter: Capricorn

Martian Manhunter

Capricorns have a well-earned reputation for being responsible, self-disciplined individuals. That particular combination of traits leads Capricorns to be further characterized as serious and sometimes dour, which fits the personality of the Martian Manhunter well.

Through a majority of his appearances, J’onn J’onzz has been presented as a serious individual, perhaps due to the trauma of losing his family and his people. However, he is utterly reliable and steadfast, as multiple iterations of the League can attest to. Moreover, he is extremely self-disciplined, using his meditative techniques to calm his feelings of grief and anger at his loss.

4 Green Lantern: Scorpio

Having a Green Lantern on the League’s roster is commonplace, but if that Lantern is Hal Jordan, you’ve got a tried, tested, and true Scorpio on your hands. Brash, brave, resourceful, and passionate, Scorpios are dynamic individuals who stand apart from the crowd, much the same way Hal stands apart from the rest of the Corps. There’s no denying Hal’s passion for keeping law and order is absolute, as is his resourcefulness in using a Lantern ring. Moreover, anyone willing to take a swing at Batman and knock him on his butt has got to be brave, as his life in the Corps can also attest to.

3 Green Arrow: Sagittarius

Oliver Queen is both a pragmatist and an idealist, able to dream of a just and equitable society but realizing that despite his best efforts, he probably won’t see it in his lifetime. However, that doesn’t stop him from continuing his efforts as a costumed crime-fighter and advocate for social justice.

In this way, Green Arrow resembles a Sagittarius, as they are idealists who have no problem turning their dreams into concrete reality. Also, they’re known to have a sense of humor, and Ollie’s been know to let a quip or two fly in his day...

2 Hawkgirl: Taurus

Hawkgirl is both a battle-hardened warrior and a sensitive lover of all living things. In her stubborn steadfastness to guard all innocents through battle if necessary, Hawkgirl exemplifies the traits of a Taurus, who generally have no qualms about going on the attack when something or someone they love is threatened.

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The rage of the bull is not all that makes up those who fall under the Taurus sign. Taureans are also sensualists who enjoy the finer things in life. Through her immortal relationship with Hawkman, Hawkgirl relives her love for centuries.

1 Superman: Libra

Librans have reputations as being diplomatic and fair-minded, as they are constantly seeking to find the balance between the conflicting forces in their lives. Superman can do just that, as he strikes a perfect balance between his life as a civilian and that of a superhero, as well as between his alien and Earth-bound heritages. He’s the most trusted diplomat for the superhero community and is well known for seeking fairness, truth, and justice. However, he can sometimes be indecisive, painstakingly mulling over a decision when action is necessary- another Libran trait.

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