The shonen anime genre has taken a dark twist in the last half-decade. With the success of recent series like Attack on Titan and classics like Death Note and Hunter X Hunter still being replayed in the modern era of Shonen, it should come as no surprise that Shonen Jump is adopting a new mystery thriller standard.

RELATED: Jujutsu Kaisen: 10 Most Shocking Things About Season 1

Jujutsu Kaisen is written and penned by Gege Akutami, and each new chapter proves just how adept he is at combining the mystery-thriller genre with classic Shonen anime tropes. Within every character, setting, and arc, Akutami hides another layer of mystery in a series that has already captivated fans with its dark themes. At the current point in the series, many characters are still quite mysterious.

10 It's Impossible To Pin Down The Current Antagonist With The Muddled Story Behind The Names Suguru Geto, Psuedo-Geto, & Kenjaku

Geto/Kenjaku with hood on during sunset

Behind Jogo, Hanami, and Mahito is a man who wears the face of Suguru Geto. Manga readers know that this man has carried many names, but the ancient sorcerer's true designation is Kenjaku.

Very little is known about Kenjaku other than the fact that his cursed technique allows him to transfer bodies and therefore obtain a simple form of immortality. With this immortality, Kenjaku has amassed an incredible database of jujutsu knowledge that few others can match. Not even dedicated manga readers have been known Psuedo-Geto long enough to make sense of his evil plot.

9 Satoru Gojo's Past Will Be Expanded On Soon, But His Cursed Techniques Are Still A Mystery To Most JJK Fans

Gojo with his eyes covered, grinning

Gege Akutami has tried to explain the Limitless Cursed technique in the past, but few fans have the background in physics and Japanese that it would take to decipher his notes. On top of this, The Six Eyes Technique seems to be something only Satoru could explain.

Everyone's favorite sensei's intentions are simple. He hopes to use his powers to protect those who are threatened by cursed energy. Unfortunately, the Limitless and Six Eyes cursed techniques will continue to keep fans guessing regardless of the number of flashbacks fans get to see of Gojo's past.

8 Yuta Okkotsu Will Surely Make A Splash With The Upcoming JJK Film, But He Remains A Mystery For Now

Okkatsu _ Anime OP

The protagonist of the upcoming Jujutsu Kaisen film Volume 0 has only made it into the anime by word of mouth and as a part of the OST. As a second-year student at Tokyo Jujutsu High with the status of special grade sorcerer, fans are grasping at the chance to learn more about Okkotsu.

RELATED: Jujutsu Kaisen: 10 Things To Know About Yuta Okkotsu Before The Volume 0 Movie Premiere

The manga series has given fans a better look at Yuta, but even there, Akutami makes it a mission to keep the young sorcerer a mysterious force of nature for now.

7 Despite Being The Antagonist, Sukuna Still Remains A Mystery To JJK Fans

Sukuna sits in domain looking down

Due to the mysterious nature of Yuji Itadori's bodySukuna has yet to take his place as the show's primary antagonist. In his stead, a handful of special grade cursed spirits have been moved around like chess pieces by a sorcerer wearing Suguru Geto's face.

Despite being introduced in the very first episode of the series, fans still know very little about Ryomen Sukuna. To make his character even more mysterious, Gege Akutami uses what little screen time Sukuna does have to break the established jujutsu standards and prove just how overpowered and unpredictable this character is.

6 Principal Gakuganji Hides His True Intentions Behind A Scowl That Only Gojo Would Risk Testing

Gakuganji and Gojo arguing

Principal Gakuganji serves as the face of the higher-ups whom Satoru Gojo so often talks down to. The aged sorcerer keeps his intentions to himself but makes his allegiances clear when he sees Yuji Itadori return from the grave prior to the Kyoto Goodwill Exchange Event.

Fans hoping to get a peek into Gakuganji's cursed technique will be left wanting even more after reading the JJK manga. Perhaps the upcoming Culling Games will give fans the chance to see the old man's guitar in action.

5 Yuji's Ability To Serve As Sukuna's Vessel Is Still One Of Jujutsu Kaisen's Biggest Mysteries

Yuji Itadori smiling from Jujutsu Kaisen

Yuji is a simple young man. His heart is pure, and his intentions do not extend past helping his allies earn the right to a good death. Even in his current manga iteration, Yuji admits to simply being a cog in the cursed spirit killing machine created by those who've come before him.

The thing that makes Yuji so mysterious is his strange body. Not only is he able to fight the power of Ryomen Sukuna, but Itadori also regularly survives physical attacks that would cripple a normal human despite the fact that he is a novice when it comes to protecting his body with cursed energy.

4 Toge Inumaki's Cursed Technique Prevents Him From Teaching Fans About His Family History

Toge Inumaki from Jujutsu Kaisen.

Fan-favorite cursed speech user and rice ball fanatic Toge Inumaki comes from a powerful family of sorcerers. This family falls outside of the big three jujutsu families despite passing down one of the most powerful cursed techniques in the world of jujutsu.

Though his cursed technique is impressive, Toge will remain a mystery to anyone who isn't willing to learn how to understand his limited vocabulary. Megumi seems to be putting in the work to understand Toge, but few others have or ever will.

3 The Abrupt Mutated Cursed Corpse Known As Panda Is Still Holding On To A Third Form That Even Manga Readers Haven't Seen Yet

Panda from Jujutsu Kaisen.

One of the most incredible parts of Jujutsu Kaisen is the fact that it is penned by a mangaka with the ability to canonically introduce a panda without breaking viewers' suspension of disbelief. Gege Akutami should be applauded for the way he cleverly introduces Panda as a member of Masamichi Yaga's army of cursed puppets.

RELATED: Jujutsu Kaisen: 9 Things You Didn't Know About Panda

This background makes Panda easy to accept, but the mysterious nature of cursed techniques and Masamichi Yaga himself allows Panda to hold onto a degree of mystery to this day. The fact is, fans don't need to know everything about Panda to accept him as a character, and that alone is a good enough reason to love Jujutsu Kaisen.

2 Megumi's Stoic Personality Makes Him A Difficult Character To Read

Megumi Grin Cursed Energy JJK

Alongside Satoru Gojo, Megumi's intentions are simple to read. The mystery of everyone's favorite stoic sorcerer lies not in his intention to help others, but rather in his cursed technique.

The Ten Shadows Cursed Technique is without question one of the most powerful cursed techniques in the JJK mythos, and fans haven't even seen its full potential yet. A handful of the shikigami hiding in Megumi's shadow are still a mystery. Furthermore, this technique offers up other abilities that only manga readers have seen Megumi put on display. Even Satoru believes this technique could rival his own.

1 Despite Earning The Title Of Special Grade Sorcerer, Fans Still Know Almost Nothing About Yuki Tsukomo

Yuki Meets Todo JJK Anime

As of the most current Jujutsu Kaisen manga arc, only 5 characters have managed to earn the title of special grade jujutsu sorcerer. The most mysterious of these characters is Yuki Tsukomo.

Anime fans met Tsukomo during Aoi Todo's introduction but were given very little information about the special grade sorcerer. Not even manga readers can explain why Tsukomo keeps a flying cursed spirit around her at all times, let alone what makes her a special grade sorcerer. The future of Jujutsu Kaisen will surely explain a bit more about Tsukomo, but not before drawing out the mysterious nature of her character for a few more seasons.

NEXT: Bleach & 9 Other Spiritual Anime To Watch If You Like Jujutsu Kaisen