Jujutsu Kaisen is one action-packed and spooky story (which Shonen Jump seems to have a lot of lately), with one of the main events of the series actually taking place on Halloween. And, while the scary season is over, Kaisen isn't, it's actually one of the most popular anime of the fall.

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There's a ton of powers and wacky characters in Jujutsu Kaisen that anime-only people haven't seen yet, and almost all of them have abilities that take a while to understand, it's a bit reminiscent of the more obtuse Stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The goal today is to look at some of the most confusing Curse Techniques these Jujutsu Sorcerers use.

10 Satoru Gojo: Limitless

Gojo unleashing his Domain Expansion called Infinite Void in Jujutsu Kaisen.

Gojo's power is called Limitless, and at a basic level, it's the power to manipulate space itself, but that's not entirely accurate. Gojo can slow down an object approaching him thanks to the "infinity" between them, so much so that it basically stops.

Then there's Blue, Red, and Purple, which all have their own complex explanations but essentially boil down to Gojo being able to pull, push, and destroy anything he wants. Pair this with the "Six-Eyes" he was given, the incomparable level of Cursed Energy, and his overpowered Innate Domain and it's clear as day why Gojo is known as the Ultimate Sorcerer.

9 Yuji Itadori & Others: Black Flash

Yuji Itadori _ Jujutsu Kaisen _ Black Flash

Black Flash is an odd one because it's technically one of the rare Cursed Techniques that anyone can use, like Innate Domains, Binding Vows, or Veil. It boils down to a Jujutsu Sorcerer releasing Cursed Energy within 0.00001 seconds of a physical hit, which apparently amplifies the power of it to about 2.5x the amount.

Black Flash is a power-amplification technique that sort of just works as a way for the author to give punches & kicks more "impact" without the character actually changing their approach. Still cool, but confusing because there's so much about this technique the story chooses not to elaborate on.

8 Naobito Zenin: Projection Sorcery

Jujutsu Kaisen: The Projection Sorcery Technique In Action

Naobito Zenin is the head of the Zenin House and a relative to Maki, a character that anime-only watchers just recently met. But, once people learn more about Maki's past, it becomes clear as day that Zenin is a pretty big scumbag. Still, for scum, his power is pretty insane, and he's crazy strong even without it. Fans are still having a bit of trouble wrapping their heads around his Projection Sorcery Technique, but essentially Zenin can freeze-frame objects and people, trapping them in a "frame of animation" which he can then control.

But, it seems like they aren't completely frozen in there and if captured during an action like a jump-kick, that kick will still have its momentum and power once they're released. It's a strong power for sure, but it's only so fearsome because the person behind it uses it so intelligently.

7 Shoko Ieiri & Others: Reverse Curse Technique

Jujutsu Kaisen: An In-Universe Explanation Of How Reverse Technique Works

The concept of "Reversing" a Cursed Technique is so convoluted that barely any Jujutsu Sorcerers can use it because they can't wrap their brains around it. Well, in simple terms, in mathematics, multiplying a negative by a negative gives a positive result, and that's exactly how Reversed Techniques work. Curses and Sorcerers multiply two different types of Cursed Energy (which is negative by default) together in order to create a positive reaction.

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So, a force that was once only used for destruction can now create, which is how Jujutsu High's Doctor, Shoko Ieiri, can heal people.

6 Aoi Todo: Boogie Woogie

Jujutsu Kaisen: Todo Explaining His Own Cursed Technique

This next one's a bit of an odd one because this ability isn't at all confusing on paper. Basically, whenever Aoi Todo claps his hands together, he can switch positions with him and anyone else in an instant. Pretty easy huh? Well, it's easy to comprehend but impossible to fight against, as it turns out. Plus, Aoi can switch with random objects, and, even further, Todo can clap his hands and not switch anything at all, throwing the possibility of feints into the mix.

Any monster that fights Todo (and they fight a lot of monsters in this series) finds themselves constantly disoriented as Todo switches himself with the enemy, random twigs, his fighting partner, or nothing at all. It's a rare example of an ability that's easy to understand but difficult to counter.

5 Panda: The Abrupt Mutated Cursed Corpse

Jujutsu Kaisen: Just Panda Being A Panda

Panda is an anomaly, though, his character and what he represents are part of why Jujutsu Kaisen is a manga worth reading. Technically, this should count as calling the Cursed Corpse Technique confusing, but Panda is such a unique case that he's sort of a new type of technique. Basically, Panda was "born" completely sentient yet still a Cursed Corpse.

He's not a doll that simply follows orders like the other ones Principal Yaga creates, he lives, grows, and matures. And, Panda also has three cores compared to the standard one of most Cursed Corpses, and this allows him to swap between different "forms" at will. Oh, and he's not actually a panda at all.

4 Kokichi Muta: Puppet Manipulation

Mechamaru _ manga

Now, the principal of Jujutsu High, Masamigi Yaga, creates cursed dolls that follow orders, serve a specific function, and have a "core" that acts as their brain and heart. Alternatively, Kokichi Muta is able to control dolls from insane distances with invisible threads, as he does with Mechimaru.

Technically both techniques are Cursed Corpse manipulation, but because Muta's Heavenly Bindings give so much more power to his technique, it has sort of become its own offshoot. Muta can control multiple dolls of any shape or size and lives his life through them, which he does as Mechimaru most of the time.

3 Haruta Shigemo: Miracles

Jujutsu Kaisen: Haruta's Technique Being Explained By The Narrator

Haruta Shigemo is a seriously deranged guy who loves picking on those weaker than him, and he always gets away with it somehow.

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Why? Well, because his Cursed Technique called "Miracles" lets him. This technique runs on auto-pilot, Haruta doesn't even know that he has it. And, it basically stores all the little miracles that happen during a person's life (seeing the clock right at 11:11, filling a gas tank up on a perfectly rounded number, etc) and stores them (as little marks under his eye) to be automatically used to help Haruta. Very obtuse, incredibly vague on when it activates or what counts as a miracle, and how does one even use a Curse Technique unconsciously?

2 Takuma Ino: Auspicious Beasts Summon

Jujutsu Kaisen: Ino Using The Auspicious Beast Summon

Technically this will be covering two different Cursed Techniques, but they work essentially the same. We could also mention Fushiguro's since it's a summoning ability as well, but his isn't all too confusing. One is used by Jujutsu High student Takuma Ino and is called Auspicious Beasts Summon. Basically, by dressing in all black and covering his face, Ino becomes a shadow or "medium" for these beasts and can summon them into himself to use their abilities.

Fans haven't seen all the beasts yet, but it's apparently a versatile and powerful technique regardless. Then there's the person Ino recently fought against, an old assassin woman by the name of Ogami. Ogami's technique has no name as of yet, but it allows her to summon souls into herself or a willing participant to turn them into the person that soul used to be, memories and body intact. Both have been barely explored so far, and until they are, fans have a lot of questions about how they work.

1 Special-Grade Curse, Mahito: Idle Transfiguration

Mahito _ Creepy Smile _ Manga

Mahito thinks nothing of human life, and constantly kills them, deforms them, or weaponizes them for his own benefit. Frankly, the staggering amount of death around Mahito is part of one of the more unique aspects of Kaisen. He may look human, but Mahito is actually a Special-Grade Cursed Spirit, likely the personification of human hate itself. Mahito's Cursed Technique, called Idle Transfiguration, allows him to warp and mess with his own soul and the soul of others.

This means he can turn humans into pseudo-curse monsters, tiny dolls, literal walls, swords, projectiles or any other variety of tool or object a human should never be labeled as. Mahito can shapeshift himself and others and all it takes is a single touch (for most people).

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