The cultural relevance of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is without compare, quickly becoming one of the most popular and influential manga of all time. While the West took some time to understand what this cultural impact was all about, the release of JoJo's anime — something that was long overdue — accelerated the spread of JoJo fever all over the world.

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A vast majority of anime fans were finally exposed to the sheer insanity of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, a title that truly manages to encapsulate the weirdness of the series. Along with this, fans also realized just how creative Araki is... and how forgetful he can be at times. There are several times throughout the entire series when Araki has simply forgotten crucial aspects that he himself introduced in the series. Here are 1o of the most egregious offenders in this regard.

10 Giorno's Ability To "Give Too Much Life" Is Forgotten After One Battle

Gold Experience is one of the most intriguing Stands in JoJo, allowing Giorno to give life to anything around him. This ability branches out into numerous avenues, with a large proportion of these seemingly forgotten in the latter stages of Golden Wind.

One such ability is Gold Experience's punch imbuing a person with too much life, causing their conscience to go haywire as a result. This can be seen when Giorno fights against Bruno, with one punch causing the latter's senses to go haywire and lose control of their body.

9 What Happened To The Damage Reflection Ability Of Gold Experience?

The idea of giving too much life isn't the only ability of Gold Experience that is completely thrown out of the window. There's also another ability of Gold Experience that Araki simply forgot — namely, the ability to reflect any damage that his creations were dealt with.

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With the sheer number of times that Giorno has healed his teammates, it should've been the norm for anyone attacking these remade organs to receive damage. However, this doesn't happen even once throughout the entirety of Golden Wind.

8 Giorno Was Pierced By The Requiem Arrow Before But Nothing Happened

This is the last time we're going to mention Golden Wind, but this is perhaps the most mind-boggling moments of the lot. During the fight against Black Sabbath, Giorno decides to protect Koichi from an attack. However, in the process, he gets stabbed by Black Sabbath's arrow.

By all accounts, this should've awakened Gold Experience Requiem and turned Giorno's stand into something to be feared. Instead, what happens... is nothing. Giorno just gets wounded, and nothing else.

7 Can All Stands Phase Through People Or Not?

Diver Down from Stone Ocean is one of the most unique Stands around, with one of its major powers being the ability to phase through objects, people, and the like — something that no Stand was able to do before... but is that the complete truth?

We say this because there's a moment in Stardust Crusaders when Star Platinum phases through Joseph's chest to kickstart, something that should've not been possible at all. Seems Araki forgot yet again.

6 Jotaro Stashing Tons Of Things In His Cell Even Though Star Platinum Is A Close-Range Stand

Jotaro posing with Star Platinum

Speaking of Star Platinum, it must be said that Jotaro's stand — and Stardust Crusaders in general — is the subject of several narrative fallacies that Araki has never explained in detail.

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One of the more irritating narrative oversights occurs when Abdul and Joseph go to visit Jotaro in his cell, whose stand has managed to accrue several things to entertain the youth while he's stuck in a dingy prison cell. However, we find out later that Star Platinum is a close-range stand, making it impossible for Jotaro to obtain so many items from such a massive distance.

5 Apparently, Stands Don't Weaken If A User Has Trouble Breathing After All

Jotaro's Star Platinum Stand Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

During the prison scene when we witness the concept of Stands for the first time, we see Jotaro engage in a short battle against Abdul and his Magician's Red. During this sequence, we figure out how Stands and the Ripple are related — breathing.

Apparently, if a user has trouble breathing, then a Stand's power also weakens as a result. However, aside from this solitary instance, we never really see the application of this concept anywhere throughout the series.

4 Kakyoin Never Used Hierophant Green's Ability To Mind Control People After Using It Once

jojo's bizarre adventure hierophant green

Kakyoin is one of the more interesting characters in Stardust Crusaders, with Hierophant Green serving as an excellent stand to showcase the power of Star Platinum during the first-ever serious Stand battle in the series.

However, there are certain powers of Kakyoin that are simply forgotten later on. The first one is perhaps the most useful one of the lot — namely, Hierophant Green's mind control powers. This ability would've gone a long way in helping the gang during their trek to Egypt, but it's simply forgotten after being used just once.

3 What Happened To The Painting Power Of Hierophant Green?

Speaking of things that have only been used once, we have to talk about the weird painting power that Kakyoin displayed at the starting of Stardust Crusaders, which was simply forgotten later on. Upon drawing a portrait of his adversary, Kakyoin could use his brush to slice parts of the person, causing them to be wounded as a result.

One explanation for this omission is that Kakyoin was simply being extra, and Hierophant Green was just using a long-range attack the moment the brush cut through one of Jotaro's body parts.

2 Straizo's Heel Turn Is Somewhat Weird

Straizo as a vampire

A narrative inconsistency in every sense of the term, Straizo's motives to become a vampire in Battle Tendency is rife with a ton of problems. Straizo's bid to gain eternal youth compels him to become a vampire and get rid of anyone who knows about Hamon and the Mask — namely, Joseph and Erina.

However, what this part fails to address is that Straizo actually raised a person by the name of Lisa Lisa, whom he teaches the Hamon and gives the Red Stone of Aja to as well!

1 Finding Kira Should Not Have Been Hard At All

For the most part, Diamond Is Unbreakable is cohesive with a strong narrative. Most people consider it to be the best part of JoJo by a country mile... but even this part does have its fair share of problems. The main problem of this arc comes from the fact that finding Kira should've not been all that hard. For starters, the introduction of Joseph brought the powers of Purple Hermit as well.

However, given the fact that Joseph was an ailing elder at this point, it's understandable as to why no one relied on his powers to find the serial killer. But there's another person who's abilities could've been used to track Kira. We're talking about Yuya and his keen sense of smell. After all, this character did help Jotaro at one point, so there's no reason as to why he couldn't have helped him find Kira as well.

NEXT: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: The 10 Strongest Stands, Ranked